Let's Have A Date

Childhood Friend

 Characters:8993 Words:1944

Just telling you that the story wont be over that quick. XD

"AAAISHHHHH I'M GOING TO BE SO LATE." Jihoon screams and jumped out of bed. He throws his phone on the bed and runs into the bathroom. Just as Seungkwan woke up because of Jihoon screaming, he heard the door of the bathroom slam shut.

"What the hell Jihoon... its 8:30 in the morning, what exactly are you going to be late for?" Seungkwan said to himself and plopped back onto his bed. You just ruined my 8 hours of beauty sleep thank you very much, Seungkwan thought to himself.

When Jihoon got out of the shower it was already 8:45, he puts on a pair of ripped jeans and a black shirt with a white snapback. After that, he runs out of the house to campus.

Seungkwan was in his bed the whole time, looking at him, eyes wide open. "I never saw Jihoon like that before." He said to himself and went back to sleep.

Jihoon ran to the campus as fast as his legs could bring him, being a runner since primary had actually paid off this time. When he reached the campus, it was 9a.m.

"He's probably already here." Jihoon says as he walks to the garden, he forgot how big this school is, when he reached the garden, he was already breathing heavily. 

"I thought you weren't coming." Jihoon who was now squatting down looked up, seeing Seungcheol's face.

"What kind of person do you think I am?" Jihoon asked, sounding offended. 

"Let's not talk about that." Seungcheol said and helped Jihoon up, pulling him to a bench to sit down.

"Why did you tell me to come here?" Jihoon asked.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry..." Seungcheol said, almost sounding like a whisper.


"I'm sorry for not letting you explain what happened, sorry for exploding at you, sorry for kicking you out of my house and... I'm sorry for making you cry..." Seungcheol said. Jihoon just looked at him with wide eyes, not knowing how to respond to him.

After a moment of silence, Jihoon finally spoke. 

"Why didn't you let me explain in the first place? I'm curious." Jihoon asked with a serious tone. He looks so cute when he is serious, Seungcheol thought but he controlled himself, trying not to touch Jihoon.

"I was just very mad at you, for not telling me you're leaving, for not contacting me after that." Seungcheol said, sounding frustrated. "It doesn't feel good losing a best friend, I felt like I lost everything, it took me so many years to get back on my feet again. But knowing you are the Jihoon I knew back then, it just hit me, I don't know what to feel anymore."

"Do you want me to explain what really happened now?" Jihoon asked, he held Seungcheol's hand and looked at him. Seungcheol just nodded his head as an answer.

"So do you remember the day my mom came to your house earlier than the said time and told me to leave?" Seungcheol nodded. "Remember when I was packing and you sort of kissed my cheeks?" Jihoon said, sounding a little shy. Seungcheol nodded again, he remembered it clearly, like it just happened yesterday. "Your dad actually saw you did that to me. While my mom was driving me to the airport, he called my mom and told her what happened and they didn't want us to contact anymore..." Jihoon said and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"But why did you listen? You were in America, your mom can't do anything to you because you were there." Seungcheol said, wiping off Jihoon's tear.

"I was too afraid to contact you, my mom is quite scary you know..." Jihoon was sad but managed to chuckle. "And when I turned a little older I did wanted to try, but some bully broke my phone and I lost all my contacts and I didn't remember yours." 

"I'm so sorry... If I haven't kissed you on the cheeks this won't be happening..." 

"It’s okay...you don't need to be sorry." 

After that being said Seungcheol pulled Jihoon into a hug, it's been so long since they did that. Jihoon missed the warmth of Seungcheol hug, and so did Seungcheol. 

"I missed you." Seungcheol said.

"I missed you too."

"I have to go to my activity first. So see you at Professor Dino's class later." Seungcheol said with a smile as he stood up. Jihoon nodded as he sees Seungcheol run away. He checked his phone and it was only 10 in the morning, he decided to walk back home and rest until the first lesson starts. When he got back home, Seungkwan was already cooking breakfast.

"I'm back"

"I knew you would come back so I made a plate for you too." Seungkwan said, carrying out two plates of pancake. The timing was perfect, Jihoon thought.

"What happened today by the way?" Seungkwan said with a mouth full of pancake.

After some explanation, "I knew it, he's isn't really the tough type." Seungkwan said while laughing, almost choking on the pancakes. Jihoon just nodded and laughed lightly.

After breakfast, Jihoon decided to shower again, he was sweating because of the running and then, he and Seungkwan walked to campus together.

"Is Professor Dino strict?" Seungkwan asked, since today is the start of the new timetable. 

"Only if you're late to class, he actually doesn't care about anything else." Jihoon answered, shaking his head and laughing. 

When they reached campus, they decided to go to the cafeteria first. Their group is always at the cafeteria or the library if they have free time together, and since the library is closed, they were sure they would be there.

They were right, when Jihoon and Seungkwan walked in to the cafeteria Seokmin and Mingyu shouted to greet both of them.

"HI JIHOON, HI SEUNGKWAN." The others were waving. Jihoon wasn't actually paying attention to that, all he saw was Seungcheol was sitting there with them also waving at Jihoon. He smiled and pulled Seungkwan to the table.

"Hey guys." Jihoon and Seungkwan said with a smile.

"Come and sit down, we're all going to the same class later on anyways." Jisoo said with one hand around Jeonghan's neck. All of them nodded so they both sat down, Seungkwan sat beside Hansol, while Jihoon sat beside Seungcheol.

"You two already made up eh?" Mingyu said with a smirk. Seungcheol nodded and glared at him.

"The dirty way or the nice way?" Minghao asked, everyone turned their attention to Minghao, it wasn't quite him to be asking these types of questions. "Jun wanted me to ask." They all nodded and turned their attentions back to Jihoon and Seungcheol.

"Uhh... It's a secret." Jihoon said, Seungcheol by his side, nodding with an innocent face.

"Awhh come one, you can tell us." Jeonghan said.

"Nope, we're not telling. Well look at the time, me and Jihoon will be heading to class first." Seungcheol said with smile and stood up, pulling Jihoon to Professor Dino's class. Everyone rolled their eyes and stood up, following both of them. 

Seungcheol and Jihoon reached the class first, when they stepped in they already saw Professor Dino sitting down, scrolling through his phone.

"Why hello you two, why are you both so early?" Professor Dino asked.

"Uhmm... We had nothing to do so yeah..." Seungcheol answered while rubbing his neck, smiling awkwardly.

"Uh.. Professor, why are you so early too?" Jihoon asked, Professor Dino was never this early. Never.

"I don't want to stay in the staff room to hear arguments about their students for the whole hour. Now go to your places and sit." Professor Dino said and started to do whatever work he has.

When the other members of the group came in, they all greeted Prof. Dino. When he heard the unfamiliar voices his head shot up.

"I don't remember hearing anyone of your voices except for Seokmin and Soonyoung." He said and scratched his head.

"Uh, Professor, the new timetable arrangement starts today." Being the head of the students, Jisoo reminded Professor Dino.

"Ohhhh, sorry about that. You guys can just sit wherever you like and also, don't ever be late for any of my classes." He said while pointing at them with a pen, and then continued with his work. They all walked to the back and took their seats, everyone sitting together in a big group. (Such useful information eh XD)

After everyone else came, the lesson finally started. 30 minutes late because Prof. Dino wasn't done with his work, Jihoon thought. 

The class passes by in a blur, no one was paying attention really.  Soon, everyone is packing their stuffs and ready to go to the next class. The group was walking together to Science, the were talking and laughing in the hallways, since they were quite popular, even Jihoon and Seungkwan because they are in the group now, so everyone acted like it was something that happens every day. They have quite an amount of fangirls, too bad, they're not straight...


~skipping to Physical education period~

"I hate exercising the most." Seungkwan complained while everyone was changing to their p.e shirts. 

"If you want to look good for Hansol then exercise more. That's what I do for Wonwoo hyung." Mingyu said and hugged Wonwoo.

"Who says you look good huh?" Wonwoo said, making Mingyu pout once again.

"Excuse me," Hansol interrupted Mingyu and Wonwoo’s moment. "Seungkwan looks mighty fine now if you ask me." Everyone laughed at that statement and Seungkwan became bright red.

After they all changed, they head to the gym. They were surprisingly early, only the coach and the group was inside the gym.

"I see you guys came a little earlier,  now drop and give me a hundred." Everyone looked at the coach with wide eyes, jaws dropped.

"You guys heard me, now quick." This time, sounding louder. Everyone groaned and started doing the push-ups. When the other students came in they had to join them as well. After a hundred push-ups, they were all half dead except for Seungcheol. 

"Come on, you guys are so weak. I thought you were a runner Jihoon?" He said, making everyone glare at him.

"In primary Seungcheol. Primary. I can still run fast but I sure can't do a hundred push-ups without almost dying." 

After the school ended, they all went back to their homes, except for Hansol. Tomorrow is a holiday so he was coming over to have a sleepover at Jihoon and Seungkwan's home.

"Why did you come, cooking for two was already hard, now I have to cook for three." Seungkwan said in the kitchen. Hansol (and Jihoon) who was sitting in the dining room could hear him very clearly. 

"I could leave if you want babe." Hansol said, Jihoon almost gagging at the pet name.

"No, stay." Seungkwan said with an aegyo-ish voice, making Hansol laugh.

Jihoon was very close to puking but then his phone vibrated. It was a message from Seungcheol. 


You busy tomorrow? 


Then let's go on a date

What do you mean by date?

A best friend date at the mall.

I would like to call this hanging out.

Whatever. I'll pick you up at 3pm tomorrow. 

Okay, bye.



After replying to that message, Jihoon put down his phone and started to eat the plate of food that Seungkwan had place in front of him. He decided to just cook for Jihoon and went out to eat with Hansol.

He wasn't really showing his feelings outside but he was screaming inside of him, happy that he is able to hang out with his best friend again.

A/N: Heloo, i finally finished this chapter, i had so much to do since exam is getting nearer. Sorry if the chapters are getting weirder each time.

QOTD: You're favourite performance of Seventeen?

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_usernamenotfound #1
Chapter 16: Waaahh you did great job! I love your story! I want JiCheol more!!!!
SeventeenCarat_ #2
Chapter 16: Ahhh I love this story so much I can't believe it's already ending T-T
LemonCandy1093 #3
Chapter 15: Welp cliffhangers... Rip readers... XD ahhh so is the guy that approached Jihoon Doyoon? Hmm... And lol seungcheol running from dogs straight to his jihoonie bear XD thank you for the update author-nim!
cutehansol #4
Chapter 15: i love jicheol omg !!!! keep up the good work~
Chapter 15: omg whoooo
Chapter 15: so this guy ..this mysterious guy is doyoon???ok ok ok ok i can..ok ok ok XD
Chapter 14: I really like this story so I upvoted it. You deserve it. :) please update when you can.
LemonCandy1093 #8
Chapter 14: Ahhh yay yay fluffy fluffy jicheol!!! Jicheol is finally canon! <3 thank for this story so far author-nim its really cute(when you want it to be) XD
Chapter 14: Me : *call ambulance using my toes *
999: hello what is your emergency?
Me:help me ...I broke my arm ...
999: can you explain what happened ?
Me:I waved my hand too much since I was fan girling and it just happened ...
999:wait ...is that you Mrs. Yua?......
Me:yeah ...
999:OK then ...*screaming behind * hey Yuan broke her arm again !!!!
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #10