What Happened?

Childhood Friend

Characters:6795 Words:1435

After Jihoon finally finish packing his stuff, they walked to Science lesson together; the others are probably already there so they didn't go to the lockers. When they reached the classroom, they saw a different professor standing inside. The professor signalled them to go to their seats.

"Okay guys, I'm your new professor for Science. You guys can call me Professor Hoshi," he said with a grin on his face.

"So, before I start the lessons you guys have to do a group project that is due next week." Everyone started to groan as they heard that. "So, your partner is the one beside you, the project will be about neurology."

"What the hell, does this professor think that we are doctors?" Jihoon said to Seungcheol while mentally face palming himself.

"Well, you did choose this subject yourself." Seungcheol answered while laughing.

"We were both forced by our moms." Seungkwan who was sitting in front of them turned around and said, Jihoon nodded at him.

Soon, the class was over, almost everyone was staying in the classroom to discuss about the project.

"So, when and where are we going to do this?" Jihoon asked.

"Uhmmm, your place, Saturday?" Seungcheol answered while looking at his notes.


"Well, guess we have a double date then." Hansol turned around and said, shocking the both of them.

"W...what? We are not dating." Jihoon stuttered.

"Whatever you think," Hansol said with a smirk and stood up, "cafeteria?"

"Sure," both Jihoon and Seungcheol said in unison. While they were walking to the cafeteria, Seungkwan walked up to Jihoon to ask him something.

"Do you like Seungcheol?" He asked, Jihoon shook his head while answering.

"Nope, just best friends"

"Sure..." Seungkwan answered, what will I do with him, he thought.

When they reached the cafeteria, the others were already sitting there, chatting and eating their meals. They walked to the table and sat down with them.

"Professor Hoshi resembles Soonyoung don't you guys think?" Seokmin suddenly said with his mouth full of bread. Everyone except Soon young agreed with him.

"But I look better." Jun said and flipped his imaginary long hair.

Soonyoung rolled his eyes at the statement and said, "Whatever, just to let you guys know, there is dance practice today, so don't be late." Everybody nodded continued eating.

Soon, lesson time was over, everyone went back to the dorms or their homes except for students who have activities, like the dance club. The dance competition was getting closer and closer, in order to win, the members have to practice harder, but it wasn't a problem for the boys.

"Ughh, it’s so tiring." Seungkwan said and plopped down on the floor, next to Hansol.

"The competition is just a few days away, you can't give up now." Minghao said and threw a bottle of water to Seungkwan, who grabbed it gracefully.

"Let's take a break for an hour." Soonyoung said, everyone cheered after that.

"A break, finally." Seungcheol said and sat down next to Jihoon, his shirt was wet, sweat dripping on his fringe. He looks so attractive like this, Jihoon thought.

"Didn't know you can get tired like that." Jihoon stated and chuckled at him.

"Says the one who can't do 100 push ups." Seungcheol said, making Jihoon roll his eyes at him.

All of the sudden, Seungcheol pulled Jihoon closer to him, a hand around his waist, making Jihoon rest his head on his sweaty shoulders. Jihoon suddenly felt really tired, his cheeks were burning but he had an excuse of sweating too much. After staying in that position for a while, Jihoon snuggled closer to Seungcheol, drifting off into dreamland.

Cute, Seungcheol thought. He planted a kiss onto his forehead when no one was looking and let him rest.

"Awhhh, he looks so cute when he's sleeping," Seokmin said as he squats down in front of Jihoon. The others standing a little further away to look at him.

"Shush, don't be too loud." Seungcheol whispered shouted, Seokmin nodded at him and stood up, walking back to Soonyoung.

After resting for a while, Soonyoung glanced at his watch and shouted, "One hour is over." Jihoon flinched at the voice and woke up, eyes widening as he saw the position he is in with Seungcheol. His head was on his shoulders, while both of his hands around his waist.

"I...I'm sorry," he blurted out as he stood up.

"What for?" Seungcheol asked.

"For sleeping like that." He answers as his cheeks were flushing red.

"Nah, its okay, whatever makes you comfortable," Seungcheol said and stood up, pulling Jihoon to the practice area. During the practice, Jihoon was still thinking about what happened just now, even though he didn't make any mistakes to his surprise. 

After practice was over, Seungcheol offered to walk with Jihoon back home, Seungkwan decided to go walk with Hansol since he didn't want to be a third wheeler. While they were walking, Seungcheol reached out his hand and intertwined his fingers with Jihoon's like it was something normal to do. Jihoon can't help but feel a little flustered but he tried his best to not blush.

"Today was fun," Seungcheol said as they were walking, hands swinging back and forth. 

"Yea," Jihoon answered. 

"Let's go to the park for a while." Seungcheol suggested as he saw a park nearby, Jihoon didn't protest even though he wanted to study at home. They walked to a bench and Seungcheol told Jihoon to sit down. 

"Wait here, I'll go get something." Jihoon nodded at him and sat there waiting. Soon, he came back with two cones of ice cream on his hands. He gave one to Jihoon and he sat down. 

"Remember this flavour?" Seungcheol asked. 

"Of course, it's was when we met for the first time, I was lost and you gave me this." Jihoon answered with a little smile on his face. 

"After ten years you still remember?"

"Of course, it actually meant a lot to me..." Seungcheol beamed at Jihoon as he ate his ice cream after hearing that.

After finishing their ice cream, they sat there and chatted for a while before continuing their way back to their home. 

When they were at Jihoon's home, Seungcheol suddenly pulled Jihoon a little closer and kissed him. The kiss was soft and gentle, but it only lasted for a while.

Seungcheol then pulled away and ran back to his home, leaving Jihoon there standing in front of the door, looking dazed, slightly touching his lips. 

"H... He kissed me." Jihoon stuttered, his first kiss was taken by his best friend, no, childhood friend

He snapped out of his thoughts and quickly went inside the house.

"Hey, you're back J..." He stopped when he saw Jihoon running upstairs.

"Jihoon?" He half shouted as he went upstairs. He went to the bedroom and opened the door, he saw Jihoon on the bed, covering his face with his pillow. 

"What happened?" Seungkwan asked as he jumps onto his bed, successfully pulling the pillow off of Jihoon's face. 

"Whoa...why are you so red?" He asked, looking shocked, it was the first time he saw Jihoon blushing so hard.

"S...Seungcheol k... kissed me." He answered, still dazed. 

"WHAT?  HOLY S..." He gets cut off when a pillow hits his face. 

"No swearing."

"I was going to say snitzels." Seungkwan said and put both of his hands on his waist. "Argh, never mind that but how? When? Why?"

"I don't know anything... Now can you leave me alone and let me think?"Jihoon said, making Seungkwan laughed. 

"Yea, whatever. Just remember to shower and come down to eat." He says as he jumps off the bed, leaving the room. 

What was that kiss for?  Did he really mean it? Jihoon thought as he went into the bathroom to shower. 

When he came out, he decided to text Jisoo and ask him about it.


Hey Jisoo.

Hey, what's up? 

I want to ask you something. 

Sure. Wait let me guess did Seungcheol kiss you? 

What...?  How did you know? 

He asked Jeonghan for advice about what should he do just now,  and Jeonghan told me. 


Well, go figure it out yourself. Bye. 


[Jisoo went offline]

Well, bye then. 


Well I have to figure it out myself; he thought as he threw his phone onto his bed and went downstairs. Stop playing with my feelings... Please, he thought as he went into the dining room. 

A/N : Hey guys :) Sorry if the chapters are getting boring, school work is just.... so yeah, hope you guys will enjoy this chapter. 

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_usernamenotfound #1
Chapter 16: Waaahh you did great job! I love your story! I want JiCheol more!!!!
SeventeenCarat_ #2
Chapter 16: Ahhh I love this story so much I can't believe it's already ending T-T
LemonCandy1093 #3
Chapter 15: Welp cliffhangers... Rip readers... XD ahhh so is the guy that approached Jihoon Doyoon? Hmm... And lol seungcheol running from dogs straight to his jihoonie bear XD thank you for the update author-nim!
cutehansol #4
Chapter 15: i love jicheol omg !!!! keep up the good work~
Chapter 15: omg whoooo
Chapter 15: so this guy ..this mysterious guy is doyoon???ok ok ok ok i can..ok ok ok XD
Chapter 14: I really like this story so I upvoted it. You deserve it. :) please update when you can.
LemonCandy1093 #8
Chapter 14: Ahhh yay yay fluffy fluffy jicheol!!! Jicheol is finally canon! <3 thank for this story so far author-nim its really cute(when you want it to be) XD
Chapter 14: Me : *call ambulance using my toes *
999: hello what is your emergency?
Me:help me ...I broke my arm ...
999: can you explain what happened ?
Me:I waved my hand too much since I was fan girling and it just happened ...
999:wait ...is that you Mrs. Yua?......
Me:yeah ...
999:OK then ...*screaming behind * hey Yuan broke her arm again !!!!
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #10