Why Are You Like This?

Childhood Friend

Characters:5782 Words:1268

Okay, so I made almost all the courses up so bare with me please. XD (Dis no ordinary college hun)

Also, be aware of Seuncgcheol's PMS.

After eating, they all went to the hall to get their new timetables. They saw Seungcheol standing there but they decided to not talk to him yet. Not until he decides to apologise to Jihoon. 

After sometime, they all manage to get their timetable. They were all as lucky as they were almost every class, (List showed at end of the chapter) the timetable starts tomorrow so they're still going to their original classes today. Jeonghan went to Seungcheol who was standing alone to see his timetable. Then he came back to look at Jihoon's.

"Jihoon, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. You're sharing every class you have with Seungcheol." Jeonghan said, surprising everyone. Jihoon just shrugged and acted like he didn't care. Ohmygawd, stop trying to kill me god, please, Jihoon thought to himself.

After that, he walked to Professor Dino's class. When he reached there, Seungcheol was already there, doing his work. Jihoon went and sat down beside him without saying a word. He glanced at Seungcheol who was staring at him and just continued his work. Deep inside he wanted to talk to him, but his mind was telling him not to.

[Seungcheol's POV] 

"Why are Jihoon and Seungkwan with my group of friends?" I whispered to myself as I saw them walked in the hall. They all saw me standing there but they didn't care about my presence. Oh, so Jihoon deceived them into thinking I'm the bad one.

After a while, I finally got the timetable. Then I saw Jeonghan coming up to me. Maybe he was the only one who didn't fall for the innocent acting Jihoon

Little did I know he only came here to see my timetable, not even a hello? 

"Why are you guys ignoring me?" I asked him with a kind of angry tone.

"Figure it out yourself. It has something to do with Jihoon." Jeonghan said and walked back to the group. What the hell Jeonghan, you didn't even know what he did

I scratch my head in frustration and walked out of the hall, heading my way to Professor Dino's class. When I reached the class, no one was there, so I sat down at my table and just did my work. After sitting there for a while, Jihoon sat down by my side, not even a greeting or whatsoever. I unconsciously looked at him. What is wrong with me today?  

“So, are you having fun stealing my friends?” Seungcheol asked. Jihoon got surprised and looked at Seungcheol with wide eyes.

“What are y...?” But Jihoon got cut off.

“You took away my group. They aren’t talking to me anymore. You happy now?”  He was getting angrier by the moment. Just when Jihoon wanted to speak, Seokmin and Soonyoung walked in. They were outside eavesdropping the whole time; they were worried about Jihoon so they walked into the classroom.

“Hey Jihoon,” Soonyoung said, him and Seokmin both smiling at Jihoon. He waved and smiled back at them. Seungcheol was mad, because Soonyoung and Seokmin are ignoring him too.

“Why are you guys ignoring me?” Seungcheol slammed the table and stood up. He scared the sh*t out of everyone but they acted as if nothing happened.

“MAYBE, if you didn’t make someone cry, we won’t be ignoring you.” Soonyoung said, this time sounding more cold and serious. The scene was scary alright.

 Seungcheol slammed the table again, grab his stuff and stormed out of the classroom, just as Professor Dino walked in. He bumped into Professor Dino’s shoulder and stormed off.

“What a drama queen.” Prof. Dino said calmly as if it happens every day and sat at his table, waiting for the other students to come to start his lesson, or to let them sleep. Seungcheol went to the dance room to calm himself down, he always go there when he is not feeling the best. Jihoon was shocked by what happened, he looked at Seokmin and Soonyoung who were snickering, he was confused by them.

“Why are you guys laughing?” Jihoon asked looking confused.

“It was part of our plan,” Soonyoung said in between laughs. When they finally stopped, Seokmin continued, “We all know how bad tempered he is. So, we decided to make him know what he did wrong.”

“He’s in the practice room if you want to know where he is. The dance practice room is opposite the composing room.” Soonyoung said and sat down at his table, which is in front of Jihoon.

“Why is he there though?” Jihoon asked looking curious. Soonyoung turned around from his seat and smiled at him.

“Everyone has a specific room that calms them down, or let them think about things there. So it’s no surprise if you find him there when he is mad or whatever.” Jihoon nodded and continued his work, mixed feelings inside of him. He didn’t know what to do or what to say. He could not focus in class because he was worried about him. .Seungcheollie... why are you like this, Jihoon thought to himself.

Seungcheol was still sitting in the room, he was thinking about when he made Jihoon cry.

“Why are they blaming me, Jihoon was the one who left me to go to America, he didn’t even contact me when I was there. LIFE’S NOT FAIR.” He screamed and suddenly bursting into tears.

“Why is it not fair, will you care to explain?” Seungcheol heard a voice coming in the room, the lights were open. Seungcheol recognized that voice, it was Wonwoo’s. He walked in and sat next to him, patting his back.

“E...Everyone is ignoring and b...blaming me because of Jihoon...” Seungcheol said in between sobs.

“Why do you think that?” Wonwoo asked.

After waiting for Seungcheol to calm down, he finally answered. “I saw Jihoon with you guys today, and when I went to the hall, you guys ignored me, Jeonghan, Seokmin and Soonyoung all told me it was because of Jihoon.”

“Did you know the real reason why we were ignoring you?” Seungcheol just shook his head.

“What happened between you and him?” Wonwoo asked, waiting for Seungcheol to say everything out again. After he did, Wonwoo asked again, “Do you know what you did wrong now?” Seungcheol still shook his head.

Wonwoo was controlling himself to not burst at him. “You didn’t listen to what Jihoon had to say, maybe he has reasons that you didn’t know. If he did it on purpose, he won’t be crying.” He said with a calming tone.

Seungcheol was just sitting there, not giving a response to Wonwoo. Wonwoo got up, turned off the lights at walked out of the room, leaving Seungcheol to think alone.

“Maybe Wonwoo was right... I got to talk to him, but not now.” Seungcheol stayed in the room for the rest of the day, and then he decided to go back home before dance practice started.


Professor Dino's class / all of them

Physical Education / All of them

Dance Practice / All of them

Music / Jeonghan, Jisoo, Jihoon, Seokmin, Seungkwan

Math / Jeonghan, Wonwoo 

Science / All of them

Language / Jisoo, Hansol, Minghao, Jun

A/N: Yep I’m done with this chapter, if you guys have any ideas for future chapters don’t be afraid to comment it down or message me. Also, if you guys want update about the story you guys can follow me at @jenice_carat on twitter. (Shamelessly promoting my account XD)

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_usernamenotfound #1
Chapter 16: Waaahh you did great job! I love your story! I want JiCheol more!!!!
SeventeenCarat_ #2
Chapter 16: Ahhh I love this story so much I can't believe it's already ending T-T
LemonCandy1093 #3
Chapter 15: Welp cliffhangers... Rip readers... XD ahhh so is the guy that approached Jihoon Doyoon? Hmm... And lol seungcheol running from dogs straight to his jihoonie bear XD thank you for the update author-nim!
cutehansol #4
Chapter 15: i love jicheol omg !!!! keep up the good work~
Chapter 15: omg whoooo
Chapter 15: so this guy ..this mysterious guy is doyoon???ok ok ok ok i can..ok ok ok XD
Chapter 14: I really like this story so I upvoted it. You deserve it. :) please update when you can.
LemonCandy1093 #8
Chapter 14: Ahhh yay yay fluffy fluffy jicheol!!! Jicheol is finally canon! <3 thank for this story so far author-nim its really cute(when you want it to be) XD
Chapter 14: Me : *call ambulance using my toes *
999: hello what is your emergency?
Me:help me ...I broke my arm ...
999: can you explain what happened ?
Me:I waved my hand too much since I was fan girling and it just happened ...
999:wait ...is that you Mrs. Yua?......
Me:yeah ...
999:OK then ...*screaming behind * hey Yuan broke her arm again !!!!
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #10