In Bad Terms

Childhood Friend

Characters:4846 Words:1017

This chapter is kind of short but i promise that tomorrows one will be longer and out as soon as possible :) 

Also,if you guys have any ideas for the future chapters feel free to comment it down or message me.

"Mondays...I seriously hate them." Jihoon said as he woke up. It was two days after the incident that happened between Jihoon and Seungcheol but he is still not over it yet. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. When he was done and went downstairs, he saw Seungkwan preparing breakfast.

"Ah, you're awake. Why are you up so early though?" Seungkwan asked. Jihoon is not the type to wake up early when there is nothing important to do.

"I have to head to the library to polish up the assignment that is due today." Jihoon said while grabbing a glass of warm water.

“Can I join?” Seungkwan asked while making a puppy face. Jihoon just shrugged and drank his water. (Drink Water. If you know what I meant XD)

After eating breakfast, Seungkwan can really cook, Jihoon thought, they walked to campus together. To their luck, as they were on their way, they bumped into Mingyu, Wonwoo, Seokmin, Soonyoung and Hansol.

“Hey,” They all said in unison, and then they all started laughing. Mingyu and Wonwoo fist pumped each other while Seokmin and Soonyoung were... on the floor. To put it short, it was a very hectic moment.

“Hello,” Jihoon and Seungkwan said together, but Jihoon’s tone was shyer while Seungkwan sounded more loudly, which covered Jihoon’s voice. Jihoon looked at Seungkwan who was already talking to Hansol.

“Why are you both up so early?” Soonyoung asked, still sitting on the floor.

“Oh, we were just heading to the library to do some things.” Jihoon answered.

“Mingyu and I were going to go there too, but we bumped into these hooligans and they wanted to join.” Wonwoo said and rolled his eyes and glared at the others.

“Hey, me and Soonyoung wants to do our work too” Seokmin said, Soonyoung nodding his head again and again.

“What about you Hansol?” Mingyu asked. Hansol just shrugged and continued talking to Seungkwan.

“Wonwoo-ah, me and the others can just sit at another table if you like.” Soonyoung said with a smirk, making Wonwoo blush.

“Uh... no, no we can just sit together.” With that, Wonwoo started walking to campus. “Hyung...WAIT!!” Mingyu said and started catching up with Wonwoo, everyone stood there and laughed at their cuteness.

When they reached the library, they saw Jisoo and Jeonghan standing at the counter, waving at them. They waved back and walked to the seating area. Then, they saw Minghao and Jun at a table chitchatting.

“Yo. Junhao.” Mingyu said and walked towards them, giving Jun a hug, which totally did not make Wonwoo jealous.

“Whaaaa?” Minghao asked, looking confused, “is there anyone named Junhao here?” Mingyu and Jun started laughing then stopped when they heard a “Shhhh,” coming from Joshua at the counter.

“Its just Jun and your name mixed together. MingHui sounded weird so we picked JunHao.” Mingyu said while exchanging eye contact with Jun.

“Is it nice?” Jun asked. Everyone just shrugged and took a seat, making Jun pout and sit back down.

“Library is closing at 10a.m. today yeah? The teachers will be giving some of you new timetables so go to the hall at 10:30 a.m.” Jeonghan said as he pass by, carrying some large books.

They all nodded and carrying on with their work, seldom talking to each other, or asking about something. Jihoon kept quiet the whole time, not making eye contact with anyone.

After finishing their work at 9, they head to the cafeteria to grab some snacks before going to the hall, Jisoo and Jeonghan’s shift was over so they can join them too.

“Are you guys always together? Like a group or something?” Jihoon asked, sounding curious.

“Yea, we are. We were all in the same high school. Mansae High.” Minghao said.

“We never let anyone else in this group, but since Seungkwan is with Hansol and you are with Seungcheol, you both are welcomed in this group.” Wonwoo who heard the news from Seungcheol tried to stop Jeonghan from saying his name, but he was too late, Jihoon chocked on his sandwich. Making everyone looked shocked. Seungkwan started patting Jihoon at the back.

“You okay?” Jun asked, Jihoon nodded, still coughing.

“Y...” Seungkwan said but was soon cut off by Wonwoo

“You see guys, Seungcheol and Jihoon are kind of in bad terms now.” Wonwoo said. Everyone looked at Wonwoo and Jihoon back and forth.

“Why are we hearing this from you and not Seungkwan?” Seokmin asked looking kind of confused. Soonyoung used his hands to cover Seokmin mouths, “Lets not talk about this” Soonyoung mouthed to Seokmin. Seokmin nodded and pulled Soonyoung’s hand away. Hansol signalled Seungkwan to bring Jihoon to the restroom.

After Jihoon and Seungkwan were gone, they all turned their attention to Wonwoo with curious faces.

“So, to put things short, Seungcheol found out Jihoon was his childhood friend at his home, lost his temper, didn’t let Jihoon explain and kicked him out of the house. He regrets it when he saw Jihoon crying outside his house but he still acts like he’s mad about something and doesn’t want to forgive him. They need help ASAP.”

Everyone nodded, some face palmed themselves.

“I know how bad tempered Seungcheol is but he was wrong to hurt Jihoon.” Hansol added.

When Jihoon and Seungkwan came, they acted like nothing happened.

“Sorry for making you guys worry, I’m just not feeling so great now...” Jihoon said, sounding kind of weak.

“Its okay, it’s not your fault anyway.” Jisoo said with a smile and everyone nodded. Jeonghan mouthed a sorry to Jihoon and Jihoon just smiled at him mouthing back a don’t worry.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter is mostly conversations and a little boring. The next chapter will be out tomorrow.

QOTD: Who is your bias in Seventeen? Mine is Jihoon and low-key Hansol XD

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_usernamenotfound #1
Chapter 16: Waaahh you did great job! I love your story! I want JiCheol more!!!!
SeventeenCarat_ #2
Chapter 16: Ahhh I love this story so much I can't believe it's already ending T-T
LemonCandy1093 #3
Chapter 15: Welp cliffhangers... Rip readers... XD ahhh so is the guy that approached Jihoon Doyoon? Hmm... And lol seungcheol running from dogs straight to his jihoonie bear XD thank you for the update author-nim!
cutehansol #4
Chapter 15: i love jicheol omg !!!! keep up the good work~
Chapter 15: omg whoooo
Chapter 15: so this guy ..this mysterious guy is doyoon???ok ok ok ok i can..ok ok ok XD
Chapter 14: I really like this story so I upvoted it. You deserve it. :) please update when you can.
LemonCandy1093 #8
Chapter 14: Ahhh yay yay fluffy fluffy jicheol!!! Jicheol is finally canon! <3 thank for this story so far author-nim its really cute(when you want it to be) XD
Chapter 14: Me : *call ambulance using my toes *
999: hello what is your emergency?
Me:help me ...I broke my arm ...
999: can you explain what happened ?
Me:I waved my hand too much since I was fan girling and it just happened ...
999:wait that you Mrs. Yua?......
Me:yeah ...
999:OK then ...*screaming behind * hey Yuan broke her arm again !!!!
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #10