First Day Of College Pt.2

Childhood Friend

Characters:5710 Words: 1207

I know I'm being annoying but forgive me XD. I'll be busy with school so I won't write so frequently. Mianhaeee~~

After the first lesson ended, Jihoon went to the locker to get his books for the second lesson, Science, which he shared with Seungkwan. He knew it because Seungkwan is crazy in love with Science since high school.  

To Jihoon's luck, his locker is right next to Seungkwan, so after he got ready, he stood there waiting for him. (Because the next lesson doesn't start in like 45 minutes) 

"Hey Jihoonie~~" Seungkwan said, seeing him standing next to his locker. "Our lockers are next to each others huh." Seungkwan said with a big smile. 

"Why are you so happy today?" Jihoon asked looking weirded (Is that even a word?) out by how Seungkwan was acting. 

"BECAUSE I MET THE LOVE OF MY LIFEEEEEEE" Seungkwan half shouted. Making a few students look at them, thinking that they are hooligans. One thing that you should know, Seungkwan never cares about his image. Never. 

“In the first day? Wow you sure are something.” Jihoon said looking very surprised.

“Well, we actually still friends but the way he talks to me and looks at me make me feel like there’s a connection, we are also sharing a lot of classes together.” Seungkwan replied with a big grin on his face. (He’s love sick)

“Well, what's his name?” Jihoon asked, curious about the guy Seungkwan *Fell in love* with.

“Hansol, but I like to call him Hansolie~, that sounds more cute.” Once again he said with a smile on his face. “So, how was your day?” He continued asking. Jihoon's face turned red all of the sudden, his heart started beating fast again. As they walked to their next lesson, Jihoon told him everything that happened, including the incident that happened earlier this morning.

“You are having a bad day huh?”  Seungkwan said while trying to contain himself from laughing. “But what is his name?” He asked.


“Oh...” Seungkwan suddenly went into deep thoughts. He suddenly stopped walking, causing Jihoon to stop too.

“What’s wrong?” Jihoon asked with a gentle voice, again making Seungkwan snap out of his thoughts. He was worried about Seungkwan.

“Oh, nothing much, lets continue.” Seungkwan answered. They both continued walking to class in silence.

[Jihoon’s POV]

“So, how was your day?”Seungkwan continued asking. My face was burning all of the sudden, my heart started beating fast again. As we walked to their next lesson, I told him everything that happened, including the incident that happened earlier this morning.

“You are having a bad day huh?”  He said while trying to contain himself from laughing. “But what is his name?” He asked.

“Seungcheol” I said with my face still burning.

“Oh...” Seungkwan suddenly went into deep thoughts. He suddenly stopped walking, causing me to stop too.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, trying to make my voice gentle, again making Seungkwan snap out of his thoughts. I was worried about Seungkwan.

“Oh, nothing much, lets continue.” Seungkwan answered. As we both walked there, it was silence. Does he know about Seungcheol? I asked myself, I never told him about Seungcheol before. Maybe he just knows him....  I tried to not think about it much and just focus on the lessons for the rest of the day.

When they both reached the class, Seungkwan saw Hansol and went to sit with him. Jihoon has always been jealous of Seungkwan because of how easy going he is, he can even be friends with a foreigner in a few minutes. But he doesn’t really care, he’s already happy with the amount of friends he has.

As usual, Jihoon went to sit at the back, avoiding some people who are asking him about Seungcheol from the last lesson. He was sitting down doing revision until he saw Seungcheol and two other guys walked in, one was very tall while the other one was almost the same height as Seungcheol. To Jihoon’s luck, the two other guys sat in front of Jihoon, pushing Seungcheol to sit next to Jihoon.

Well, because Jihoon was sitting at the corner, he was now surrounded by Seungcheol and his friends. Suddenly the tall one turned around.

“Hey, you must be Jihoon, Seungcheol talked about you a lot today...”

“Shut it Mingyu.” Seungcheol said with a red face, cutting off what Mingyu has to say.

“Yea Mingyu, don’t bother peoples life when you have your own.” The guy who sat next to Mingyu said.

“You’re not any better Wonwoo hyung, you’re always trying to make Seokmin and Soonyoung go on dates.” Mingyu said as he pouted. Causing the three others to laugh. Wonwoo rolled his eyes at him and turned his attention to Jihoon, who was looking a bit spaced out.

“So, if Seungcheol hyung does anything to you make sure to tell us.” Wonwoo said with a smirk then looking at Seungcheol, causing himself to get a slap. Well, he was used to getting slap by Seungcheol it seems, he shrugged it off and turn back to continue listening to the professor who was apparently giving a lecture to a student who came late. The professor came late, but the student was more late lmao. Seungcheol told Jihoon the professor name was Dino, no one is scared of him but just let him think they do.

When the class officially starts, the all listened, not talking to each other.

“So today, I’m going to give you guys some projects about global warming, BUT, this is a group project so I will be pairing you guys.” The professor stated. “Okay, so you will be partners with your desk mate.” Jihoon knew he was screwed; he never liked group projects so he does it alone since he is always sitting alone. Jihoon saw Seungcheol face palming himself with a book, he must have hate partners too since he likes sitting alone in class.

After the lesson ended, Jihoon stayed in the class with Seungcheol to discuss about the project.

“Lets just get the project over with quickly, and don’t you dare slack off, I don’t want my grades to be ruined because of you.” Seungcheol said looking rather annoyed. That comment made Jihoon feel offended, why does he think that Jihoon will slack off? But he doesn’t say it out loud, he doesn’t want to make things worse.

“So how are we going to do the project?” Jihoon asked.

“Lets go to my house, I have the materials needed for the project.” Seungcheol answered.

“Let exchange numbers then.” Jihoon blurted out, almost face palming himself.

“Okay” Seungcheol replied. After they exchanged numbers, they both walked out of the classroom.

Nothing really happened later. Jihoon is only sharing two classes with Seungcheol, all of his classes with Seungkwan accept for lesson one, music. In lesson four, language, he’s sharing it with Jisoo, Hansol, Minghao and Jun. Jihoon was introduced to Minghao and Jun by Jisoo, they both speaked Chinese so Jihoon deosnt talk to them that much.

After the day ended, Jihoon and Seungkwan walked back to their home while listening and gossiping to each other.



A/N: I'm done with this chapter, hope you guys liked it :)


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_usernamenotfound #1
Chapter 16: Waaahh you did great job! I love your story! I want JiCheol more!!!!
SeventeenCarat_ #2
Chapter 16: Ahhh I love this story so much I can't believe it's already ending T-T
LemonCandy1093 #3
Chapter 15: Welp cliffhangers... Rip readers... XD ahhh so is the guy that approached Jihoon Doyoon? Hmm... And lol seungcheol running from dogs straight to his jihoonie bear XD thank you for the update author-nim!
cutehansol #4
Chapter 15: i love jicheol omg !!!! keep up the good work~
Chapter 15: omg whoooo
Chapter 15: so this guy ..this mysterious guy is doyoon???ok ok ok ok i can..ok ok ok XD
Chapter 14: I really like this story so I upvoted it. You deserve it. :) please update when you can.
LemonCandy1093 #8
Chapter 14: Ahhh yay yay fluffy fluffy jicheol!!! Jicheol is finally canon! <3 thank for this story so far author-nim its really cute(when you want it to be) XD
Chapter 14: Me : *call ambulance using my toes *
999: hello what is your emergency?
Me:help me ...I broke my arm ...
999: can you explain what happened ?
Me:I waved my hand too much since I was fan girling and it just happened ...
999:wait that you Mrs. Yua?......
Me:yeah ...
999:OK then ...*screaming behind * hey Yuan broke her arm again !!!!
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #10