Chapter 9: Surprise!

Wolf [On HOLD]

Hey, it's Avonelle_Exo-L. School just started and we're still trying to adjust to stuff, and it's totally my fault for not working on the story!!! Mianhae!! I finally finished editing this chapter, that BtsArmySquad wrote. I feel like it's a little messy, but I did the best I could! Pls enjoy!! ❤

Kyungsoo was a giggling mess, he wanted to surprise his friends about Jongin. He did a quick spin in front of his mirror. He wore a plain shirt with dark skinny jeans, suspenders hanging at his sides his scarlet hood hanging around his neck. Smiling at his reflection, Kyungsoo left his home, giving his mom a quick hug.


When Kyungsoo reached the edge of the woods, a strange giddiness fell upon him.How would his friends react about his new boyfriend ? He jumped a little, then walked down the now memorized path toward Suho’s home. He remembered the feeling of Jongin's eyes on him when they first met. If was all a happy memory to the boy. Soon he was at the familiar small house, that was surrounded by a small garden. Kyungsoo took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Not a second later, the door flew open and something heavy flew at him. “Kyungsoo-yaaaaahhh!!!” “Baekhyun! Get off of me now!” Kyungsoo yelled, struggling to remove the crazy boy off his small frame. “But Kyungsoo it's been so long~Plus you said you wanted to see me!” Baekhyun only tightened his hold on the younger. “Baekhyun-ah that's enough. At least let him inside before you attack him.” a slightly annoyed Suho sighed, helping his dongsaeng up. “Thanks, Hyung.” Wheezed Kyungsoo who had gotten the wind knocked out of him from the ambush. “Come in Kyungsoo. It’s been a ruckus all morning. What did you call them here for?” Kyungsoo looked up from the ground to see a worried Suho, an anticipating Baekhyun, and a curious Xiumin. As practiced, he took a deep breath and said, “Guys I have something important to tell you…” He turned a slight pink, eyes cast down to his feet. “I...have a boyfriend,” Xiumin and Baekhyun eyes widened with shock, grins finding themselves on their faces. Xiumin was the first to speak. “So who's the lucky guy? Is he someone we know?” Kyungsoo's face began to flush with nervousness. “I, uh, doubt it. He doesn’ around the village.”


Xiumin and Baekhyun simultaneously cocked their heads to the side in confusion. “How did you meet someone...that’s not in the village?” Suddenly, Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “Wait...I think..” He pointed a finger at Kyungsoo. “You’ve found one, too...Haven’t you?” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, “What?” Baekhyun burst into a fit of laughter. “Kyungsoo I didn't know you were that kind of guy!” he managed in between giggles. ”I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!!” Kyungsoo frowned, he remembered that day, when he saw Baekhyun with one of Jongin’s pack members. He retorted, “Y-you’re not one to talk, Baekhyun! I saw you!” Baekhyun shut up. Suho stood, “Hey, calm down, Soo. I.. have something to confess as well,” Kyungsoo looked at him confused. “I have a boyfriend, too.” Kyungsoo gasped, “You what? Who?” Suho looked down, blushing. “....For me to know and you to find out.” Kyungsoo glared making a small pout, then looked at Xiumin, who was looking at the three of them them in confusion. “Uh… Hyung-it’s-” “No,” Xiumin interrupted. “I… I also have a guy I'm interested in…”


Baekhyun stood, “Wait, wait, wait. What’s happening here?! And Kyungsoo….what did you see?” He blushed. “We’ve all got boyfriends and… nevermind.” Kyungsoo said slowly, “Is that why you’ve been acting so weird?” Baekhyun looked down, “...Maybe.” They all stood there in silence, taking in the news that has been shared. “No offense guys, but is it ok if I go home? There’s something urgent I need to attend to…” Baekhyun stood from his seat with a shy smile as he headed towards the door. “Me too,” announced Xiumin, “I need to work at my coffee shop, see you later guys.” He too left. Kyungsoo looked at Suho with apologetic eyes. Suho nodded and Kyungsoo took his leave. Suho sighed as cleaned up the living room. He heard a familiar tap at his window. Excited, he opened it to see Sehun. “You ready?”




Kyungsoo walked down the path back towards his home, but was stopped by strong arms wrapping  around him. “Nini, what are you doing here?” Kyungsoo laughed softly at how Jongin was sniffing his hair. “Your scent is strong enough to sniff you all the way from the territory. I was also looking for you. I have something to show you.” Kyungsoo cocked his head to the side in confusion, but shrugged it off as he and Jongin headed off towards the pack.


The two were now inside a tent that was unfamiliar to Kyungsoo, but by looking around, he wasn’t the only one who was confused. Inside the tent was Baekhyun, Xiumin, and Suho with three other wolves. “What are you guys doing here?” Kyungsoo was at a loss for words, his friends in the same tent with wolves. “That's what we’d like to know!” snapped Xiumin as he glared at a black-haired boy wearing nothing but black. “Calm down guys, there has to be an explanation for this.” Suho tried calming everyone down as he gestured for Kyungsoo to sit. “Hyung is right, let's calm down and wait for an explanation.” smiled Baekhyun.


A brown haired wolf entered the tent, with a huge grin on his face. “I'm glad everyone was able to make it! I'm Sehun by the way!” his tail wagged happily as he introduced himself. He sat down next to Suho, still smiling as he continued. “You humans have been brought here for no reason whatsoever, we just wanted to get to know you and who your mate is!” Dead silence filled the room, frustration visible on two of the boys. “You literally dragged me away from work for to socialize?!” Xiumin was so furious, that he was close to storming out of the tent. Kyungsoo didn't know what to feel except confusion at the current situation. “You said you we were having a date, you liar!” pouted Baekhyun. After a few moments of bickering, Suho was the one to introduce himself to the group. “I'm Suho as most of you already know, I'm Sehun’s boyfriend and the big brother character in my group of friends.” he smiled towards Xiumin silently making him go next. Sighing, the boy stood to introduce himself.


“I'm Xiumin, the eldest in my group of friends. I'm somehow the mate of this player named Chen, and I enjoy brewing coffee.” As he sat down, Chen tried to grab his waist, but ended up having his tail sat on. “Can I go next please?” A bubbly Baekhyun stood up waving to everyone. “Hi I'm Baekhyun, I'm the mate to the Alpha Chanyeol, and I enjoy cooking and anything cute!” Chanyeol had to hold the boy still before he exploded with his happiness. Kyungsoo looked around all eyes on him. He looked at the corner of the tent almost mumbling,”I'm Kyungsoo mate to Jongin.” His face turned red as he tried to avoid the stares. Jongin rubbed his mate’s back as he too introduced himself. “I'm Jongin, Kyungsoo's mate. I love him and chicken.” Kyungsoo blushed harder as he allowed the younger to hug him. 


As soon as everyone finished their introduction, awkward silence fell upon the humans. “Suho, you never told me you were dating Sehun.” Sneered Kyungsoo.

“You never told me you were dating Jongin which is completely obvious by the way.” Retorted Suho.

“Baekhyun why didn't you tell us you were sneaking off to see Chanyeol?”glared Xiumin.

“How was I supposed to know how you would react to me having a WEREWOLF boyfriend? And why haven't you told us about your encounter with Chen, hmm?”smirked Baekhyun knowing he had won the battle. The four continued to bicker while their mates sat there not knowing whether to break up the fight or let it die down. “So Chen, how’s Xiumin going for ya?” asked Chanyeol.


Chen glanced at his red faced mate, he loves Xiumin don't get him wrong, but he's almost worried Xiumin won't like him back. He tried everything, being romantic, funny, flirty, and even down right cheesy. Xiumin just turns a blind eye to everything. Chen doesn't know what he'll do if the rejection continues. Then an idea came to mind, he walked up toward Xiumin, leaned down to his ear whispering, “Sweetie, I love you~ Why do you keep saying no?” He put on his best puppy eyes and gave his signature pout, as Xiumin turned to face him. “Well ‘sweetie’, you can love me however you want, but that doesn't mean I have to love you back.” He turned away crossing his arms; avoiding Chen’s gaze. “Besides, why should I date, or how you say ‘mate’ you?” Chen was now losing his patience, not only did Xiumin blow him off again, he did it in front of his pack mates hurting his pride as an Alpha.


A low growl emitted from the back of his throat, grip becoming tighter on Xiumin. “You don't have to, but that's what my wolf says. It's now your choice to accept that or not.” Xiumin stood there, a bit terrified from the sudden change of attitude from Chen. The hybrid left the tent leaving a stunned Xiumin and worried young men. Xiumin glared at the entrance, then he too stormed out of the tent following an enraged wolf.




By the time Xiumin caught up to Chen, they were at a field of flowers, the same field where they first met. “Xiumin, you know I love you, human or not. So why do you keep rejecting me like this?” Chen turned around, taken aback to see a worried expression on his older mate’s face.


Xiumin didn't know what to do, except walk over and hug him. “Stupid. You're really stupid you know that?” The hybrid was confused, Xiumin’s showing an emotion that wasn't disgust towards him. He didn't know what to do besides hug him and telling him everything's ok. Xiumin hated himself for what he was about to do, but he didn't care. It was now or never. He pushed Chen away, pulled him by the collars of his jacket and kissed him. The younger was in utter shock, he kissed back, his heart doing somersaults in his chest from sheer joy.


The two came back to the tent, Xiumin keeping his distance and Chen a smiling idiot. Everyone didn't bother asking what had happened since it was written on their faces. Soon the meeting came to an end. Suho stood up, a smirk on his face. “Guys! Sehun and I came up with a spectacular idea. We will all spend the night in our boyfriends’ tent, to get to know them more.” Baekhyun giggled hugging Chanyeol’s arm. Xiumin only groaned, while Kyungsoo was a blushing mess. Anything and everything that could happen spun in his head. Jongin placed a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort the boy. “Don't worry, it's only for a night. Right?” Kyungsoo could only nod, words stuck in his throat. He hopes everything will be fine. The two boys walked into Jongin’s tent laughing at jokes and telling each other stories. It was now late into the hours, sleep catching up on Kyungsoo.


“Jongin…” Kyungsoo’s eyelids began to feel heavy, with drowsy eyes he looked up at his boyfriend.

“Yeah Kyunggie?” Turning around he saw a sleepy Kyungsoo. He smiled and walked over, wrapping his arms around the petite boy. “I'm tired, can we go to bed?” Jongin felt his heart tug at how adorable Kyungsoo was. “Hold on, let me grab a change of clothes ok?” Pecking his cheek Jongin stood up heading to his dresser to find a large enough shirt for his sleepy Red. Coming back he saw Kyungsoo swaying, head snapping up to keep himself awake for Jongin. Smiling, he handed the clothes to the small boy, “Here you go, Kyunggie.”

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If you have already read all of the chapters so far, thank you so much! Also, I added some pics to the chapters so please check it out!!!❤-Avonelle_Exo-L


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Yaone_L #1
Chapter 21: Ooh, lots of anticipation for the next chapter.
Chapter 21: Gaahhhhh ≧∇≦ , nini and soo are too adorable. ~\(≧▽≦)/~ , lowkey being excited for them to do the *deed* (。・ω・。)
JulieJames #3
Chapter 20: I really hope everyone will dry their tears away and remember that God has an angel by his side...
Chapter 20: I'm sure he's in heaven now, he's happy and relieved of all the troublesome duties of being alive, rather than being sad let's all be happy for the time we had with him :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts:)
I'm sure he'd want us to charity our time with him and move on and be happy and successful ^^ let's grow and be successful together ! <3
JulieJames #5
Chapter 19: That's an awesome cover photo :)
Read the title.....mind working CHOGIIIWAAA LMAO #sorrynotsorry
JulieJames #7
Chapter 18: *cries* This is so beautiful! Plus adding the pics was really creative ♥♡♥♡