Chapter 18


“Sit anywhere you want,” said Tiffany, closing the door behind her. She turned to see Taeyeon padding into her living room.
It was a bit of a surreal moment for Tiffany. A month ago, if anyone had told her that Kim Taeyeon would be standing in her apartment, Tiffany would’ve frowned and asked, “Kim who?” But now, here she was, in Tiffany’s living room, walking around in neon green socks. It wasn’t a very big apartment: a small bedroom and a living room with a sofa and a desk in one corner. Taeyeon didn’t seem to mind, though, and she pointed at the framed puzzles on the wall.
“Did you make all these?"
“Yeah.” Tiffany nodded, going into her little open kitchen and taking out two cups. “Want some water? The pizza should be here soon."
“Yes, please. Also, is this you?"
She glanced up from pouring the water to see Taeyeon squinting at the picture frames on her desk. “Shoot,” she said, putting the jug down, dashing over and shoving the pictures into a drawer. “You didn’t see anything!"
“Actually, I saw everything.” Taeyeon grinned triumphantly. “Was that a family picture?"
Tiffany sighed and went back to the kitchen to fetch the cups of water. “From more than ten years ago, yes.” She set the water onto the coffee table and flopped onto the couch. 
“You had pigtails!"
“I don’t know what you’re talking about."
Taeyeon laughed, sitting down next to Tiffany. “How come you don’t wear glasses anymore?"
“I only need them for reading."
Tiffany sipped her water. It suddenly felt a little awkward, with them just side by side on the couch. Beside her, Taeyeon shifted slightly. “So, do you usually cook for yourself?"
“Mhmm.” She glanced over at Taeyeon. “Mostly just simple stuff because I only cook for one person."
“Are you good at cooking?"
Tiffany shrugged, pulling her feet up onto the couch. “Passable, I guess. I haven’t gotten food poisoning yet. And you?"
“Well, I don’t have much time to cook,” said Taeyeon. “Mostly I just eat takeouts."
“Like today?"
Taeyeon nodded as she leaned back. “Rarely junk food, and mostly with Unnie and Oppa. So this is a nice change."
“There’s takeout that’s not junk food?"
“Oh yeah! Vietnamese, sushi, salad — there’s basically everything you could get at a restaurant except maybe live octopus."
“And you eat at home every day?"
“Kind of have to. If I go out, I basically have to wear a ski mask over my face."
Tiffany set her cup back onto the coffee table. “Oh,” she said, not sure how to react.
“So this is cool! I’m not at home but I also don’t have to constantly smile for cameras.” Taeyeon grinned. “Thanks for inviting me over."
“The way you put it makes it seem like we’re in high school. Then again…"
Taeyeon narrowed her eyes. “Don’t say it."
“You look like you could be in school, still."
“Why,” said Taeyeon listlessly, hugging a cushion. “Why."
Tiffany laughed. “You have to admit it, tho—oh, that must be the pizza!"
They were halfway into the pizza, laughing at Tiffany’s story about her college professor when there was a sudden blaring of music. 
“Oh, crap. Probably my mom,” said Tiffany, scrambling to get her phone from the kitchen counter. “Hello?"
“Can you get me a autograph from her?"
“Hello to you too, mom.” Tiffany mouthed an apology at Taeyeon, who gave her a thumbs up and picked a piece of pepperoni off her plate. “Who are you talking about?"
“My daughter-in-law, Tiffany. Keep up, will you?"
“It’s not me falling behind, mom. You’re the one going way too fast."
“I need it ASAP because my zumba instructor is a fan and she said she’ll give me a discount if I can get her an autograph."
Tiffany closed her eyes. “I’m not doing that."
“Why not? It’s easy, just wear that dress I bought you last year, the one with the low ne—”
“MOM! NO!” She shook her head reassuringly as Taeyeon looked up in alarm. “I’m not doing anything like that!"
“Give me one good reason why."
“Because—” Tiffany whispered aggressively, “Because that’s creepy! Because I don’t want to do that!"
“Why are you whispering?"
“Don’t change the topic, mom."
“Is someone there with you?"
“She’s there? Right now?"
“Yes, but I’m not going to ask her—”
“In that case, I’ll let you young people do your young people things. And, Miyoung?"
Tiffany blinked at the sudden change in tone. “Yes, mom?"
“Seriously, go change into that dress, okay? Very helpful. Take it from someone with experience."
“I won’t disturb your little session anymore. Love you, my favorite child. Turn down the lights!"
“Mom? Hello? Mom?”
Tiffany looked at the screen to see that the line had really been cut. She let out a small groan and massaged her temples.
“What happened?"
She looked over at Taeyeon and gave her a tired smile before walking back to the couch. “Nothing, just the usual mom things,” said Tiffany, falling back onto the cushions. 
“Ah. Eat healthier, wash your clothes, don’t go out with strangers?"
“If only,” said Tiffany despondently. 
“Was she angry or something?"
Tiffany put her phone on the table and closed her eyes. “Nah. It’s nothing."
“Really? Because I think she’s texting you a lot."
[Mom: miyoung make sure the dress isn’t wrinkled. love, mom]
[Mom: miyoung don’t forget to ask about the autograph. love, mom]
[Mom: miyoung you are my favorite child did i tell you that already. love, mom]
“It’s really noth—” 
[Mom: miyoung remember to use deoderant. love, mom]
“Is she asking for an autograph?” Taeyeon winced. “Sorry, I saw a bit of your screen."
Tiffany shook her head firmly. “Just ignore it. She’s going way too far."
“I mean, it’s not very hard for me to do that. Do you have a pen and some paper?"
“It’s okay, Tiffany.” Taeyeon smiled. “I don’t mind."
“I don’t like that she’s taking advantage of, of,” Tiffany gestured between the two of them, “this, for her own use. That’s not fair."
“I really don’t mind, though. I don’t think you’re the type of person to use me for your own good, so I don’t mind doing this for you mom."
Tiffany frowned, but Taeyeon raised her eyebrows and mimed writing, so she heaved a sigh and went to her desk to grab a post-it and a pen. As she handed the two things to Taeyeon, Tiffany said, “I’m sorry about this."
“Nothing to be sorry about,” said Taeyeon absentmindedly. “Is ‘To Mrs. Hwang’ good enough?"
“I think so. Or, actually, she said that’s for her zumba instructor."
“Oh. Then…” Taeyeon bent over the paper and squeezed in a tiny line of writing. “I put ‘To Mrs. Hwang’s zumba instructor’ — is that okay?"
Tiffany took the little slip of paper and nodded gratefully. “Thank you so much."
“You want one too?"
Taeyeon grinned cheekily. “I’ve heard that my autograph can sell for quite a sum on Ebay. You want one?"
“I wouldn’t sell it, Taeyeon."
“I know, but here’s one anyway. You can do whatever you want with it,” said Taeyeon, sticking the post-it onto Tiffany’s knee. 
“Will people break into my house to steal this?"
“If anything, they’d be your fans, trying to see how you fold your clothes."
“It’s still so weird to think that I have a fan club,” said Tiffany. “What are they even fans of? I don’t sing or dance."
“Your puzzles, maybe?"
Tiffany suddenly sat up. “Right! My puzzle!” She ran into the kitchen and retrieved the box, setting it carefully on the coffee table. 
“What are you doing?"
“Taking a picture,” said Tiffany, bending down slightly to get a better angle with her phone. “This is, like, the best thing ever. It’s so hard to find! And it’s so expensive.” 
Taeyeon peered at the cover. “Are you going to post this on Instagram?"
“Instagram. You can post the picture and say thank you there."
“Oh my god, you’re right!” Tiffany tapped hurriedly into her phone. “Should I tag you?"
“If you want."
Tiffany thought about the caption for a really long time, but decided to go with something simple. “There,” she said, setting her phone down and going back to stare at the box.
“‘Thank you to everyone who had a part in this! This is the best gift I’ve ever received. I’m so touched!’” Taeyeon nodded approvingly. “Nice."
“I didn’t know what else to say,” said Tiffany, looking closely at the picture on the front of the box. She sighed happily. 
When Taeyeon suddenly laughed, Tiffany looked up in surprise. “I’ve never seen you this excited before,” said Taeyeon, grinning. “Are you always like this with puzzles?"
“Not always. I mean, this is a super rare puzzle! Like, it’s incredible that they even found it."
“You wanna start on it?"
Tiffany blinked. “Right now?"
“Yeah, of course! You look like you really want to do it.” Taeyeon pointed at the box with a grin.
“But…won’t you be bored?"
Taeyeon shrugged. “I haven’t actually done many puzzles before, so if you don’t mind me helping out…"
“Yeah. Oppa’s not going to be here for another hour anyway."
Tiffany broke into a huge smile. “Okay! Let’s do it!” 
Together, they cleared all the trash away from the table. Once all the dishes were safely deposited into the sink, Tiffany took out a pink box and set it next to the freshly opened puzzle. 
“What’s that?"
“This is my puzzle set,” said Tiffany, opening the lid as she sat down on the floor. “I have little baskets to sort out all the different kinds of pieces so that it’s easier to work with later.” She took out a whole stack of little baskets. “And then my puzzle glue and gloves and a penknife, for opening bags cleanly."
Taeyeon helped her set everything out. “You’re really prepared,” she said, impressed.
“This is what I do with my life.” Tiffany took a deep breath, holding the plastic bag full of pieces in her hand. “I love new puzzles."
“I can see that. Need this?"
Tiffany accepted the knife from Taeyeon and slit the top of the bag neatly. Turning it upside down, she upended the contents onto the coffee table and spread them out.
“What happens now?"
“We find the pieces with edges,” said Tiffany, holding one up as an example. “All of the ones with edges, put them into this basket."
“Like this?” Taeyeon found one.
Tiffany began to flip all the pieces over. Beside her, Taeyeon knelt over the table. One by one, the pieces began to be sorted into their respective baskets - edge pieces, sky pieces, tree pieces, Totoro pieces. Tiffany felt the familiar adrenaline settle into her system as the puzzle began to come to life. This was the life, she thought.
Suddenly, there was the sound of a shutter. Tiffany turned to see Taeyeon with a guilty look on her face, phone aimed right at her. “Hi,” said Taeyeon awkwardly 
“Did you just take a picture of me?"
“You were having so much fun with the puzzle, I just thought it was a good photo op.” Taeyeon showed her the picture. “Can I post it?"
“Post the picture?"
“Yeah. Do you mind?"
Tiffany put the piece she was holding into the tree basket. “Is that allowed?” She asked, a little worried. “Won’t people get angry?"
“It’ll be okay. We are meant to be dating, after all.” 
“O-okay, then.” Tiffany nonchalantly went back to her puzzle.
“I’ll tag you?"
After a while, Taeyeon rejoined her at the coffee table. “Whoa. That’s fast! You sorted all of them already?"
“Mhmm!” Tiffany set all the other baskets aside and pulled the edge pieces towards her. “Now we make the frame. There should be four pieces with two flat edges."
Tiffany laughed at the enthusiastic expression on Taeyeon’s face. “Perfect. Okay, see how it’s mostly green? In the picture,” she pointed at the cover, “there’s a lot of green in the bottom left corner. So that’s where this probably goes."
“Right here?” Taeyeon set the piece onto the table.
“Exactly. There, that’s the first step! Now we find the other corners."
They were so absorbed in the puzzle — “Does this look right to you?”; “Hmm. Try this one instead.” — that the doorbell made them both jump. Taeyeon grabbed the basket of tree pieces before it fell off the table. 
“Is that Mr. Jang?"
“Probably, yeah.” Taeyeon stood up and groaned, massaging her back. “Ow."
Tiffany stretched as she walked towards the door. “You’re old, Taeyeon,” she teased. 
“I admit it openly."
Tiffany opened the door and smiled at Mr. Jang. “Hello! Would you like to come in?"
“I’d love to, but it’s getting late and you have to go to work tomorrow, unlike Taeyeon.” He peeked into the house. “How’s the puzzle going?"
Taeyeon suddenly appeared from behind Tiffany. “We got the bottom and the right edges down!” 
“Did you even help?"
As Taeyeon let out an offended gasp, Tiffany shook her head. “She did a lot of the work,” she said, watching as Taeyeon struggled to push her neon green feet into her sneakers. 
“See?” Taeyeon stood up with a smug look on her face. “I helped a lot."
Mr. Jang raised his eyebrows. “I’ll take Tiffany’s word for it."
“Anyway, we should get going. See you, Tiffany!"
Tiffany waved as the manager walked over to the lifts to press the button. She then turned to Taeyeon, who was looking at her with an odd expression. “That was fun,” said Tiffany.
“It was."
“We should do that again."
Taeyeon smiled. “Save the Totoro bits for me?"
“Of course."
Down the hall, Mr. Jang called, “Taeyeon! Lift’s here!"
“I’ll see you, then.” Taeyeon reached out quickly and took Tiffany’s hand, giving it a brief squeeze. “Sleep tonight, okay? Don’t stay up. Promise me?"
“I promise."
“Taeyeon! The car’s gonna get towed!"
“Alright, I’m coming!” With one last smile, Taeyeon waved and ran into the lift, the warmth of her hand still tingling on Tiffany’s fingertips. 
hi everyone! after reading all the encouragement you've left me here, i just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you! i DO read all the comments, every single one, and i upvote them after i read em! sorry for not replying very much :( but pls know that i really appreciate them! thank you again and thank you for reading edits c:
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hello everyone sorry i am still here but struggling with the story. pls be patient!


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TaeNysmith22 #1
Chapter 21: I'm still hoping that you will continue this great story 😭😭😭
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 21: Just found out about this.. nice story.. please do continue....
czankx #3
Chapter 21: Aw, this feels like it hit to the bones, i feel like Tiffany is me, I'm also a graphic designer and i have few puzzle collections mostly 1000 pieces but no Taeyeon in life hahahah.. Hope there's a possibility of this being continued author-nim, it's a great story, it's funny and exciting.. Definitely a romantic comedy feels
Grimmer #4
Chapter 21: That was such a cute story!! Hope you continue this one <3
atebalby #5
Chapter 21: Hope this will be continued. :)
Chapter 21: This is... wow. I hope this gets finished :((
Worra235 #7
Chapter 21: Just read this and its cute and fun to read. I hope you'll continue the story. Its funny and im seeing the singer kim taeyeon on this. Looking forward for this to go on Ms. Writer. Thank you ?
rangelikas #8
Chapter 9: i just found it and this is so gooooood! oh my god. i really like it haaaa
BlueTotoro_15 #9
Chapter 21: Authornim will u update this? T_T this is one of my fav... I finally found it again