Happy Holidays, CaptainSoap

Who's My IGOT7 Secret Santa? 2016 [News update from the 2017.07.01]

Gift for CaptainSoap

Gift from ???

Title of the gift: Call Me Yours

Pairing(s): Markjin

How many words: 4194

Rating: pg

Warnings: Attempted ual assault.  

Note to my giftee: Hello Memegot7! I hope you enjoy the gift! I tried to combine both storylines to create one ULTRA story ^^ I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope you will enjoy reading it! 
~ your secret santa

Call Me Yours


“Yo Jinyoung we still on for tonight?” Jaebum called from down the school hallway. A couple doors slammed closed as the teachers gave the signal for the two boys to get to class. The halls were clear except for the occasional student who needed to go to the washroom or ‘take a break’ from the cramped prison cells they dared to call classrooms.

“What was tonight again?” Jinyoung asked and Jaebum only sighed. Jaebum knew Jinyoung would forget again, it was always like this… Jinyoung had too many other plans to even remember when he had plans with Jaebum.

“We're going to the han river…” Jaebum answered in a questionable tone, hoping his vague description would ring a bell.  

“Why are we going to the han? Can’t we just break into some random school like we always do?” Jinyoung asked, still trying to stuff his much thicker backpack into a very thin locker.  “Seriously Jin-” Jaebum started, about to give Jinyoung a talking about how he could never remember anything; but he was cut off as the wooden door of the classroom he was standing in front of slammed into him.

“O-oh I’m sorry…” A slightly shorter boy whispered in a frightened tone before running down the hall and disappearing around the corner and out of sight. Both Jaebum and Jinyoung looked at one another with a questioning look, sure they both didn’t show up for school often but they showed up enough to know almost everyone in the school… except this kid.

“Do you..?” Jaebum started but Jinyoung didn’t need him to continue the question. “No…” Jinyoung answered, his eyes still focussed on now empty corridor which just seconds ago the handsome stranger had disappeared from. He couldn’t have been much shorter than Jinyoung but was for sure skinnier, practically a stick! Jinyoung wondered who this kid was… 

Class was hard, as per usual… Jinyoung couldn’t help but wonder if the teachers purposely targeted him considering he was never able to get homework done because of his jobs he worked to pay for bills. It seemed as though teachers thought they knew everything about their students these days. Jinyoung’s teachers acted like they didn’t understand the struggle for money and a proper job in today’s society. Maybe they had been teaching for too long that they forgot how to learn…

“Jinyoung, Mark, I need to see you both please.” Jinyoung’s teacher called out into the hall and Jinyoung rolled his eyes before heading back to the classroom, ignoring the looks he was receiving from the other students. They knew nothing about Jinyoung, they only knew what they saw on the surface… a so called “bad boy” who didn’t do homework, show up to school and didn’t like being told what to do.

‘Fair enough’ Jinyoung couldn’t help but think. Sure, Jinyoung barely came to school and didn’t do his homework but he wasn’t stupid, in fact he was studying to be a doctor! He did homework whenever he had a break from his four jobs he worked to keep out of the dumpsters. Jinyoung never had any time to himself these days, the only time he had to do homework was when Jaebum and him broke into old schools to work in the abandoned desks which had once held kids like him who looked for a brighter future. Any other time Jinyoung was working like a dog at the local cafè or the car wash, or playing basketball for bets at the han river.  

‘Han river! Jaebum got a new better?’ Jinyoung wondered who it was this time, usually Jaebum would name the client if it were one of their usuals.

“Mark, I know you have just recently moved to this school but your grades are dropping drastically…” Mr.Song scolded, pulling Jinyoung out of his inner conversation. Jinyoung looked next to him at the skinny boy standing with hidden anger in his eyes, ripped skinny jeans and all, it was the boy who Jinyoung had seen earlier running down the halls. “Mark, you need to start working harder… that’s why I asked Jinyoung to come today.”

“What? Sir why do you need me here? I’m failing too you know!” Jinyoung yelled, slamming his fists on the table. Mark turned to face Jinyoung with a surprised look on his face the anger escaping his eyes, being replaced with curiosity. But Jinyoung didn’t care about this boy, “Sir I don’t have time to be tutoring someone.” Jinyoung concluded but Mr.Song wasn’t having any of it…

“Maybe this will help your attitude towards school. Dismissed.”  

“So are you free right no-” Mark started but he was cut off by Jinyoung turning to face. “I’m not tutoring you. This is a stupid clichè so just get your together okay?” Jinyoung spat and walked away, leaving a confused and slightly sad Mark alone in the abandoned hallway.  

Had Mark said something wrong? Did he offend Jinyoung? Mark just couldn’t think of a reason as to why Jinyoung would have yelled at him like that… he was new to the school, new to Korea as a whole! And this really wasn’t exactly the welcome he had expected…

“I’m sorry Mark, Jinyoung has a very poor attitude, if you could hold in for a little longer I’m sure he will open up to you..” Mr. Song’s voice called, loud enough that Mark guessed Jinyoung could probably hear the rude teacher. The oddly sweaty hand on Mark's shoulder felt so unnatural but the energy surrounding the teacher told Mark it probably wasn’t a smart idea to shrug the hand off his shoulder.

All Mark could do was stare at the invisible trail left by Jinyoung when he had disappeared down the corridor. 

“You’re late Jinyoung…” Jaebum called from the group of boys, some sitting on the park bench and others playing basketball on the court, all sloppy compared to Jinyoung.

“Jaebum you know I have work I can’t right now…” Jinyoung replied, not wanting to contradict his best friend but also knowing he needed to get to work right away if he wanted to keep his job. With a boss as creepy as Mr. Lim he needed to be there on time or the old man had a reason to watch him change into his work gear.  

Mr. Lim had been like that since day one of Jinyoung’s starting at the old cafè. He was constantly watching Jinyoung while he was working and worked him like a dog, just waiting for one slip up so he could scold the boy and threaten to take Jinyoung over his knee. The old man may have been creepy but he was one of the only employers who would work Jinyoung for the hours he could.  

“How much do you make in a hour? 10 dollars?” Jaebum asked, passing the ball harshly to Jinyoung. “They bet 400 they could win, that’s 40 hours worth of money in one…” Jaebum did make the bet seem appealing, and Jinyoung hadn’t lost a game since he had started betting.

“Fine I’ll do it.” Jinyoung said after thinking for only a second, bouncing the basketball and scoring from basically the otherside of the court

“I thought it might have been you…” A voice called from behind Jinyoung. The boy turned around, the voice seemed familiar in an odd way, as if he had heard it before but not often. Jinyoung couldn’t believe his eyes, when he met gazes with his opponent. what he was he doing here?

“In that case let’s change the wager…” Mark proposed, bouncing the ball slowly and never losing eye contact with Jinyoung. “How about, if you win I’ll give you 800. Twice the bet now. If you lose you have to tutor me.”  

Jinyoung’s face dropped. 800 was a large amount of money and that would easily get him through this months rent and even take a large amount out of next months… but if he lost he had to tutor the arrogant kid. Jinyoung didn’t know Mark’s skill level in the slightest, usually his opponents were old enemies or even former opponents who lost and wanted a re-run.

“He’ll do it!” Jaebum declared from behind Jinyoung, handing Jinyoung his basketball and winking slyly. Jinyoung cursed at Jaebum under his breath but turned back to Mark, accepting the handshake. Finalizing the deal for good.


“I probably need you to come every day, for at least an hour. I can give you a ride home if you like.” Mark explained, tossing Jinyoung a water bottle.

Mark had been way better than Jinyoung had been expecting and he had been able to beat Jinyoung quicker than anyone else. In fact Mark had been the only person who could beat Jinyoung since forever. Jinyoung started working out in his head his new schedule; Mr. Lim wouldn’t be happy with Jinyoung being late and he also wouldn’t accept the new change of schedule too easily considering how he had reacted when Jinyoung told him he couldn’t make Tuesdays or thursdays because he was working at the car wash. You would have thought Jinyoung had told the man he slept with his wife the way Mr.Lim almost fired him.

“Mark come on bro, you know he has to work.” Jaebum argued but Mark only laughed. “And I need to be tutored.” Mark shot back, anger filling his eyes once again, reflecting how they had been back in class, as he walked away, giving Jinyoung once last glance.

When Mark was far enough away Jinyoung shoved Jaebum in the shoulder and Jaebum took a step back. Jinyoung didn’t know what to say, all he knew was that he was not going to sleep well for the next few months, if at all. He could definitely look forward to the night shift with Mr.Lim...


Jinyoung could see him coming closer to him and tried to find a way to escape, maybe he could duck in somewhere? No open doors… Jinyoung decided to hide in a group of other boys his age to avoid Mark.

“Jinyoung don’t forget about tonight.” Mark called, gripping onto Mark’s arm a smirk on his lips.

Mission failed.  

Jinyoung gave a slight nod before returning back to the group he had been walking with. Jinyoung turned back to find Yugyeom, a fellow worker at the cafè and a friend he could confide in when Mr.Lim became just a ​little to creepy, walking right behind him. Yugyeom raised his eyebrow at the interaction and patted Jinyoung’s shoulder.

“Dude don’t let boss-man see you with a boyfriend…” Yugyeom warned, and even though Yugyeom had been way off with the role Mark played in Jinyoung’s life; Jinyoung only nodded. “He’s had his eyes on you since day one… that old man is sick.” Yugyeom gagged playfully but there were meaning to his words.

“I know Yugyeom. Thanks” Jinyoung replied, running just a bit ahead to the washroom where he could finally make sure he looked okay, also so he didn’t end up breaking Yugyeom’s arm ​again for being annoying.

Jinyoung had to work the night prior and had to ‘appeal’ to the boss who scolded Jinyoung for being late. The old man had stated that the next time Jinyoung showed up late for a shift he would have to ‘punish’ Jinyoung. Even just thinking about it made Jinyoung feel like throwing up. He had maybe slept two hours last night and even that much was a treat.

“Hey Jinyoung!” Jaebum called as he entered the washroom. Jaebum must have been looking for him as Jinyoung was often in there or the change rooms showering before school started.  

“Jaebum.” Jinyoung acknowledged Jaebum’s presence; but Jinyoung still didn’t consider them on speaking terms considering that Jaebum had bet Jinyoung’s time and forced Jinyoung to tutor the american boy and organize all the files in Mr.Lim’s disgusting office to make up for being late. Although maybe Jebum didn’t exactly understand what he was doing it was all cause and effect. And Jaebum was the cause.

“We have a new bet. You remember Jooheon, well he wants to bet 80$ he can beat you this time.” Jinyoung shook his head, of course Jaebum was straight back to business.  

Jinyoung wasn’t sure why Jaebum enjoyed these games so much, he didn’t even profit from them; all the money went to Jinyoung. But Jinyoung just guessed Jaebum enjoyed watching Jinyoung beat all the cocky bastards who thought they were the best.

“Jaebum I don’t have time to do this. Thanks to someone I have a transfer student to tutor.” Jinyoung opened the door to the washroom, exiting the gross smelling room without giving Jaebum even the slightest second glance.

“Jinyoung plea-” Jaebum called but the door slammed, cutting the boy off. 

“Jinyoung I don’t get it? Why is there even and ‘x’ there?” Jinyoung sighed; he had honestly thought Mark was just trying to piss Jinyoung off by making him stay and watch Mark do his homework but no. This boy needed major help.

“The ‘x’ is a variable-”

“The fu-” Jinyoung leaned over the table and placed his hand over Mark’s mouth. Mark’s whole family was home, was he really going to be so disrespectful to swear in the house?

“I forgot about the whole no swearing rule.” Mark smirked, turning back to his work and sighing. “I really don’t understand, could you stay an extra hour? My mom will make you dinner” Mark offered. Jinyoung shook his head at first but then Mark looked him in the eye and Jinyoung could see the boy inside of Mark; the shy boy who really needed help but didn’t know how to ask.

“One more hour only.” 

 Somehow the two boys had ended up moving to Mark's room which was basically just a couple blankets and about a million boxes lining the room. They were sitting on two pillows, side by side actually getting along.  

Jinyoung had learned so much about Mark in the past half hour. Mark had a dog back in america named koko who he had to leave behind because his parents wanted him back to Korea for his graduation which he wasn’t so sure would happen at this rate.

“It was easy faking good grades when your parents lived on the other side of the world, not so much when they know all of your teachers.” Mark whispered, he was getting tired and Jinyoung could tell. Mark looked at Jinyoung, something strange in his eyes.

“Mark…” Jinyoung whispered his name. The boy only leaned in more, his lips connecting with Jinyoung’s forehead.  

“Jinyoung… please stay the night.” Jinyoung groaned, he couldn’t be late to work again. But sitting here, Mark’s breath lightly brushing Jinyoung’s forehead; Jinyoung never wanted to leave.

“I wish I could.” Jinyoung whispered back and before he knew it his back was on the floor, his chest pressed against Mark’s.

“Stay then” Mark whispered, his lips now exploring Jinyoung’s neck. “I’ll make your every wish a reality.” Jinyoung felt a shiver run through his body as Mark blew softly on his neck, his lips making their way slowly to Jinyoung’s mouth.

“Well you do make an appealing case” Jinyoung replied, finally capturing Mark’s lips on his.  

To say the kiss was magical, to say it made Jinyoung’s stomach flip with love, to say Jinyoung wanted it to never end; would all be an understatement for how amazing it was. Jinyoung pressed himself against Mark as hard as he could, his fingers tangling in Mark's hair and pulling the boy impossibly closer.  

Mark's hands started to travel down to the edge of Jinyoung’s shirt and he started to lift, revealing Jinyoung’s stomach and chest. The kiss broke for only a second as Mark pulled Jinyoung’s shirt completely and Jinyoung started working on the buttons of Mark's shirt. Mark pulled back for a second and moved to kissing Jinyoung’s now exposed collarbone as the younger ed.


“Now will you stay?” Mark asked, still on Jinyoung’s collarbone. Jinyoung could feel the sneaky smile form on Mark's lips as Jinyoung nodded quickly before grabbing Mark's face and connecting their lips again.  

“Not so fast…” Mark pulled out of Jinyoung’s grasp, standing up and walking over to the blankets and sitting down. “Come sit.” Marl beckoned with his finger.  

Jinyoung was confused but he just needed to be near Mark at this point, even if it was just sitting next to him. Jinyoung walked over fast, throwing off his pants clumsily as he walked over. Jinyoung was about to sit next to Mark when he felt a warm touch on his hips.

“Not there, here.” Mark pat his lap and Jinyoung sat down blushing, his chest facing Mark and prominent. “How about ​I 
​ teach ​you a couple things?”

And with that, every thought of work slipped Jinyoung’s mind. 

“You didn't go to work yesterday!” Yugyeom greeted from behind Jinyoung’s locker. Jinyoung grabbed his ‘heart’ and sighed. Yugyeom really had popped up out of nowhere and scared the absolute crap out of him.

“Yeah I got caught up with… school matters…” Jinyoung smirked, remembering the night before. Jinyoung may have not gotten any sleep but what he did get was a lot better… Jinyoung slammed his locker and started to walk down the hall towards his first class but he tripped over his feet, almost falling down. Yugyeom laughed from behind Jinyoung before wrapping an arm around Jinyoung and helping him walk.

“What ‘school matters’ exactly make you so sore?” Jinyoung groaned but Yugyeom only laughed, helping the older boy to his class. “Try not to ‘injure’ yourself again tonight” Yugyeom laughed before pushing Jinyoung into the classroom.

Mark stood on the other end of the classroom and winked when he saw Jinyoung staring, excusing himself from his friends, Mark made his way over to Jinyoung.

“Hey Jinyoung~” Mark greeted, giving Jinyoung a quick peck on the lips before grabbing something from his pocket. “Maybe this would be a good first date?” Mark asked, handing Jinyoung the two theatre tickets.

“Mark! Are you asking me out?” Jinyoung whispered, shock flowing through his body.

“Just want to make it official.” Mark whispered back, brushing a bit of Jinyoung’s hair out of his eyes. Jinyoung looked around. Everyone was staring at them, expecting Jinyoung to hit him or do something a ‘bad boy’ would do.  

“Kiss me.”

Gasps came from all around when Mark's lips connected to Jinyoung’s. No one would have expected the “bad boy” to fall for the transfer student. But the thing that people didn’t understand was that Jinyoung was never a ‘bad boy’ he was a boy who struggled because his parents didn’t pay for everything.

“Jinyoung…” a voice whispered in his ear and Jinyoung broke the kiss. Yugyeom was standing right behind him.

“What are you doing here? You’re not in this class.”

“The boss called me six times asking for you… you should head there right after school if you want to keep your job.” Yugyeom warned, fear in his eyes. Only Yugyeom knew the terror that was their boss.

“Thanks Yugyeom I’ll keep it in mind.”

Jinyoung had really kept it in mind all day. In fact he couldn’t forget about it. Couldn’t forget about his super skinny and ed boss, his words last time about ‘punishing’ Jinyoung and the disgusting way he looked at Jinyoung; like he were some type of meat.

It's okay Jinyoung you just have to go in and apologise that's it. Jinyoung told himself but the fear was still rooted deep into Jinyoung’s veins and he couldn't rid of it.

“Jinyoung, just the boy I wanted to see…” his voice boomed. For such a small man his voice really filled the room and his dead eyes were somehow able to scan Jinyoung’s entire body in less than a second.

“Hey boss, sorry about last night I had a doctors appointment and couldn’t come in…” Jinyoung lied, realising how smooth the lie slid off his tongue. Jinyoung had tried to not lie often but standing across from this ed man it really felt like life or death. The man beckoned Jinyoung to his office and Jinyoung followed slowly; his hands were shaking and he felt like he would cry of fear.

“Jinyoung I want you to close the door and the blinds.” He ordered, Jinyoung did as he was told and when he was walking too slow Mr.Lim barked “Go faster.” When Jinyoung was finished he sat down on the chair, facing the skinny man whose face was twisted in anger. Jinyoung stuffed his hands between his legs, trying to stop them from shaking.

Jinyoung swallowed the ocean that was forming in because his body seemed to be forgetting how to function. The fear was twisting Jinyoung's gut around and he felt as if he would throw up any second now.  

“Jinyoung what did I tell you last time?” Mr. Lim asked his eyes shadowed with a type of fury and darkness that Jinyoung had never seen before and never wanted to see again. Jinyoung hesitated, wanting to run out of that small room and never return but he needed this job, no other place would accept the hours Jinyoung needed.  

“Sir, I’m really sorry I promise it won-”


“Is that the question I asked you?” Jinyoung’s hand shot up to his face where he could still feel the hand shaped sting radiating red heat. Mr.Lim’s face now reflected his eyes, the darkness reflecting through the wrinkles and the way he was leaning forward, like a predator getting ready to play with its prey.  

“Y-you said you would punish me…” Jinyoung whispered, tears threatening to fall.

“Good,” a sly smirk taking over his features and making Jinyoung’s stomach twist at the same time. Mr.Lim stood and started to walk over to jinyoung, circling him and stopping right behind him and leaning in, “You can pay me back with your body.”  

“Mark! Mark Tuan! Is there a Mark here?” Yugyeom called running through the halls of the upper floors. Normally Yugyeom wouldn’t be caught dead on the upper floors without Jinyoung, they were for the higher grades and if you tried to intrude… well bad stuff happened.  

But this wasn’t some normal day.

“Hey kid, why are you calling out my name?” A blonde boy asked, his face twisted with confusion with a hint of anger. Yugyeom was out of breath and he usually wouldn’t allow others to call him kid, even if they were older.

“Jinyoung’s in big trouble.” Mark’s eyes grew in shock. Jinyoung might be one salty bastard and he may threaten to beat Yugyeom to a pulp at least five times daily but in the end he was still one of Yugyeom closest friends.

Mark’s face suddenly became serious and he grabbed the younger boy’s arm. “Take me to him.”


Jinyoung was frozen in fear as his boss's hands slid up and down Jinyoung’s chest, feeling his toned chest and stomach while also biting his ear. The fear took over every other instinct Jinyoung had and his thought’s were made of complete nothing but a feeling that could only be described as ‘wrong’.

“Jinyoung, you need to promise this will stay between us,” Mr.lim whispered in his ear as he started to pull up Jinyoung’s shirt. “If you want to keep your job that is…” He added with a smirk.

The words made their way through Jinyoung’s body and to his brain where it registered and his instincts kicked in.

Jinyoung flew out of the chair, breaking out of the skinny arms that were holding him back and knocking Mr.Lim in the mouth in the process.

“Stay away from me,” Jinyoung stuttered, his confidence wavering and his fear coming back as the man grabbed his jaw and swore. Jinyoung was expecting him to be angry, demand Jinyoung to sit back down but instead the man started laughing… a hysterical and maniac laughter filled the room. As Mr.Lim started walking closer to Jinyoung, still gripping his jaw Jinyoung looked around for a weapon he could possible use to fend off the man but nothing caught his eye, it was almost as if the man had planned this all out and hidden every weapon.

That was until Jinyoung saw the glint coming from Mr.Lim’s hands. The laughter echoed again and Jinyoung knew he saw Jinyoung looking. Jinyoung cursed himself for not running for the door right away, no, instead he put himself in a position so he was completely trapped.

“You chose this son.” The man reminded Jinyoung, moving agonizingly closer and closer, playing with Jinyoung like a fatal game of cat and mouse.

“P-plea-” Jinyoung started but he just couldn’t find it in himself to finish the sentence.

“No family, no friends except that poor loser Yugyeom, no one who loves you.” The old man grinned “No one to look when you go missing.”

Oh god he’s actually going to kill me. I’m going to die. Jinyoung couldn’t think anything else, he could only picture the many ways he could go. He just prayed it was quick. Jinyoung found his eyes closing as he prepared for the first slice; this wouldn’t be his first knife fight but at least in the other one he actually did something bad. Let’s just say thugs don’t like it when you win a big sum of money in a rigged game.

Jinyoung was ready, he could numb his body, he had done it before. He could do it again.

But the feeling never came. Jinyoung didn’t feel the cold blade slice through his pale skin revealing the red liquid. Infact Jinyoung felt warmth as familiar arms wrapped around him and the amazing smell filled his nose.

“Mark…” he whispered, not bothering to open his eyes but allowing Mark to hold him close, let Mark distract him from what had just happened and what would happen next. Jinyoung didn’t want to think what would happen next. Jinyoung just needed to be with Mark right now.


“Mark why are you always late? Do you even know what day it is?” Jinyoung screamed through the speaker of his phone, anger being his prominent emotion.

“Friday?” Mark guess through the static. Jinyoung sighed deeply and ended the call, how could Mark have forgotten about it? When he was the one who insisted they act like all the other couples in Korea and do a 100 day anniversary?  

Jinyoung rolled his eyes at the thought, of course Mark had forgotten! He was probably out with taehyung on their ‘platonic dates’. Jinyoung didn’t hate Taehyung, he actually really liked the boy except for the fact that he acted as if he were four years old. Jinyoung just like that Mark constantly spent time with the other boy rather than his boyfriend.

It was getting late and Jinyoung should be heading home but instead he did a complete 360 and heading back to the market to grab some ice cream (Comfort food he would need if Mark had ​really forgotten their 100th) and to help calm himself calm down.

Walking through the doors of the house he shared with Mark, the house felt strange. It was so empty without Mark there. Jinyoung headed to the freezer, intending to put the ice cream in the freezer but stopped dead in his path when he saw the silhouette of someone moving in the darkness. Jinyoung dropped the ice cream and moved into a defensive pose.

The lights flicked on and Jinyoung became awe struck with the setup of the house. Mark had but up a banner reading “Happy 100 days love” and several strings of fairy lights.  

“Surprise!” Mark’s face held a smug smile as he opened his arms; which Jinyoung ran to and let wrap around him.

“I love you Mark…” Jinyoung whispered before realising it was the first time he had ever said it. Jinyoung looked up to Marks shocked face and gulped. What if Mark didn’t love him back? Marks face softened slightly and he pulled Jinyoung back into his chest.

“I love you too Jinyoung”

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Chapter 22: Thank you for making fluffy markjin fics.
Jejessiee #2
Chapter 6: Well that's unfortunate... i was looking forward for the gift :( anyway i hope things will go smoothly for you two! Fighting! <3
Chapter 6: Aww that's very unfortunate. But thank you for holding this contest and good luck with your lives!!! ^^
Chapter 7: i guess i'll still have to wait for mine, but that's all good.
glad that a lot of the stories were posted for those that could enjoy it throughout the contest. =]
hopefully this year will happen again? lol
thanks for hosting another successful event ladies!! ^^
Chapter 7: I just wanted to thank once more Lidashen for the amazing story she wrote for me.
You are amazing !!!
RinaZar #6
Chapter 7: I just checked this and OH MY GOD, GDAE_WOO WROTE MINE *FANGIRLS* I have always been a fan of Gdae_Woo so thank you for this!!
-Mieun- #7
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward to the big reveal~
Chapter 86: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH OMG you don't have to apologize for anything at all!! I love stories about crushes and this was so CUTE!!! Thank you so sosomuch much and happy holidays!!
Jejessiee #9
Chapter 6: I'm kinda sad my gift is yet posted... but i'm looking forward to it~
Chapter 84: I'm crying. This isn't even mine and I'm dying from feels~ JJP for life!!