Our dear friends

i will make you mine

In this chapter i tried to describe more the friendshio of song jong ki and hye kyo,i hope i was able to express what i wanted,thans for reading subscribe and coment below if you liked my story,i will be happy to know if you liked this chapter, thanks ^ ^.

ch 5

Lessons at the university ended a long time ago and megan start to worry

"where did she go?that girl really!" she take her phone and call her once again.

Still she get no answer.

"damn! stupid girl at least let me know where you are!"

Ji won came running to her. "Have you been able to contact her?"

"no,she doesn't answer her phone,how about you was she in the library?"

"no,she wasn't there"

"really?i thought after coming back she would be there,that's the only time when she won't answer her phone,then where could she be?"

"i am worried,what can we do now?her parents aren't home but if they find out about this...o god,i can't even imagine what they will do?...did you say she was with a boy?"

"yea,i am regretting what i said to her..."she taught.

After some time trying to reach her,they hear voices coming from a group of boys.

"hey,where is jong ki, ji hoon?"

"who knows,he went out with song hye kyo!the girl we saw yestarday at the club!"

"wh-!chincia!? he really is something,even her?wow really no one can resist him,i bet he is having a good time with her now,if you know what i mean ahahah!

Megan and ji won heard everything from start to finish,their rage built up in an instant.

"how dare they...i feel stupid for asking her to give him a chance"Megan and ji won go to where the boys are

"hey bunch of idiots!"

the boys turns around to see the two girls.

"who are these girls"says the guy from the left to his friends.

"i don't know"say the other guy.

"o aren't you Megan the friend of Song hye kyo?" ask ji hoon with his playboy's smile.

"that's right" she then goes in front of him

"so what do you want?oh,maybe you want to know me,well it's ok for me you know?"he goes near her

At his words she can't contain her anger anymore,so she go closer to his face and then with a fake smile,making him belive he was right,she suddenly grab his jaket making him look at her shocked.

"cut the crap,and listen to me,where did your friend bring her? answer quicly!"

the other boys seeing the scene

"woow!" then ji won looked at them

"shut up!it's not a laughing matter, be serious or you people are so stupid you can't even understant the situation?!"she says making the boys shut up,"now answer her question"she says to ji hoon.

"ok,calm down,we are not in a drama ok,let's talk calmly,ok"

"calmly...do you think we can talk calmly?it's late already she didn't anwer her phone all day long and you want to talk calmly?where did he bring her?!"

"i don't know!"

"you,contact your friend right now ask him where he is."

"i already tried he isn't answering either"he says at a furious megan.

"he isn't answering and you are not worried at all?"

"why should i?he is old enough to take care of himself,your friend too they mayb-"

"DON'T!don't say another word about her,you don't know anything about her,so shut your mouth!...mark my word,if your friend did something to her,your friend will regret it for the rest of his life"she then let go of his jacket and turn around when jii hoon who is now pissed off for the words she just said about her friend grab her wrist and pulled her to make megan turn around and look at his face.

"hey,you are talking as if he is some kind of ,are you crazy?!you don't know anything about him!he won't lay a finger if the girl is unwilling and if they aren't back there must be a reason,he the most honest person i know he will never do something like that understand?!"

Megan is really pissed she really want to punch him.

"look,what we have here!wow do you think i will be scared of you? do you think i will apologize?...right,i don't know anything about your friend so what do you expect from me hu?! Sorry to disappoint you but i wont apologize do you understand?"then she scoff his hand who was holding her wrist,but a pissed ji hoon grabbed her again.

"anna?hu?let me go right now"

"i won't,you should apologize,for what i know you friend can be just a liar and now she is having a GOOD time and maybe she was the one to took the initiative!"he say with a smirk on his face

"...now you have done it,she was about to hit him in his precious part when she heard a familiar voice.

"Megan,ji won!"

Megan turn around as ji hoon let his grip loosen up,with tears in her eyes she goes running together with ji won towards song hye kyo.

"hey girls,what are you doing?...why are you girls crying?did something happen-"

"ya!where have you been all this time?!whe tried to call you but you didn't answer at all"

"phone?"she search for it everywhere withouth finding it.

"...aish!hehe i think i left it in beom seok's restaurant..."

"ya!how can you forget it!i know you like eating but use your smart brain to remember important things will you?!,we searchead everywhere for you,if something happened what should i have said to your parents and your uncle hu?!"

Then jon ki started to talk trying to calm song hye kyo's friend.

"don't worry nothing happened we just went to eat and walked a little". This time is ji hoon to scold song jong ki.

"ya!where have you been,do you know what i had to deal with because of you? that girl there is crazy,i had to use all my will to not hit her since she is a girl!".

"What?!crazy girl?!oush,omo,omo...no stay calm megan stay calm,sigh. You ji ki, ju ki or whatever your name is-"

"jong ki!his name is jong ki!crazy crazy witch!"

She went in ignore mode and just continued with what she had to say"yea,yea whatever,now where did you take her and what did you do to her?"She said with a serious face.

"don't worry megan sshi,i know you are angry but i didn't do anything,as i said before,we ate some galbi and then walked a bit we didn't look at the time and my phone...well i forgot to charge it so...he stopped to work,that's why i couldn't take ji hoon calls."

At that time ji won entered the conversation.

"Ok now let's stop,that's enough,hye kyo are you fine?did something happend?"

Song hye kyo looked at Song jong ki remembering what happened just a few hours before,she is still confused about what happened and about the fact that she told him something she never told anyone,not even her friendsas confused as she was he did nothing wrong and that's the truth.

"Nothing happened so don't worry,we just did exactly what he said,nothing else".

Ji won looked at her for awhile with a serious face then she said

".....ok then,it's settled megan apologize to that guy since it was our misunderstanding and then let's go it's late alredy,we should go"

Megan looked at ji won with a surprised expression and then with a stern face she looked at ji hoon for awhile gaining a look from him who was waiting for an apology.

".....Apology?...that's something i will never say to him,he deserved it all"she turned around to her friends.

"let's go now"

"Hey apologize now!,you crazy witch-owie owie owie,it hurts what are you doing?!"

Song jong ki pinched his cheek as hard as he could,"Shut up,i think you are the one who shoulld apologize,what did you do this time?"he wispered.

"Wha-me? i didn't do anything really it was her faul-"Jong ki shut his mouth with his hand then looked at the girls and said.

"sorry,megan sshi,i apologize in his stead,he isn't a bad guy...well he isn't good either,anyway sorry and take care of song hye kyo"

They looked at him then said

"that goes withouth saying"said ji won

"of course we will"said megan

Song hye kyo looked at her friend with a smile on her face being grateful for the friends she was blassed with.

"Hye kyo ssji"He grabbed her attention,making her turn around to look at him surprisingly.

With a sweet smile on his face he said to her"thanks for this beautiful day,take care and see you tomorrow"

She looked shocked and embarassed.She looked away for an istant then looked at him again. We'll see.

"Let's go girls"

Song jong ki looked at her back all the time till she couldn't be seen anymore,jong ki recalled the things she said to him and his decision to make her smile and make her happy.

"uummj"Jonki finally realized about his friend,he has forgotten.


"PANT PANT"trying to breath"are you crazy?!omo?! bastard i almost suffocated!"

"i said sorry ok?but you left me no choice,you should have apologized to her friend,she was only worried for her friend"

"ya!and i wasn't?you talk this way because you don't know what she said about you!"

"guenciana,i can understand her,hye kyo make one want to protect her even tought she would act thouth and never ask for help..."he said looking at her direction with a smile on his face.

ji hoon looked at him

"ya,are you serious towards her?"

Jong ki looked at his friend with a big smile

"Yes i am"

"What?!are you crazy?you are saying no more girls?no more being slapped?no more fun?!"

"ya!it'hurts being slapped you know?,anyway that's right i want to stop that,there is no need for that anymore. Let's go now,you too guys let's go,did you have fun watching?"

"yes hyung!we should have brought pop corn aish!"

"what do you mean i asked Chan woo to buy them!"

"it's too late now"

"let's go guys,now stop it,call him back!"

"ok yeong!" then jong ki stopped,turned around to a sciocked ji hoon and said i had more fun with her today than with all the girls i have been with till now,so i want to pursue her for real and make her happy and i will be happy too"he smiled happily.

"w-what?nooo!!!don't do it jon ki you are ruining yourself!"


meanwhile the girls finally get back her phone called her parents saiyng that she will stay at ji won place and so did megan. While going back to her house Megan wouldn't stop scolding her while ji won still didn't say anything,when they finally arrived at her house they greeted her parents then they went upsteirs,ji won opened her room's door looked back at hye kyo with her usual poker smile and said

"now hye kyo sshi,let us ear what happened that you forgot your dear cellphone and made us worried sick,come and tell us EVERYTHING,do you understand my dear friend?"she smiled in a way that made megan and hye kyo scary.

"I-i want to go home,i am scared"

megan wispered to hye kyo"see?i really don't envy you one bit"

Hye kyo entered the room of her friend,there hell is awaiting her.

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elaine_ch #1
Chapter 23: Hi..it's me. Just finished reading this story and although it's your 1st story, i would say it's good and will be looking fwd to your update. *fighting*
where1 #2
good morning Sellasv!they finally kissed!i personally liked the kiss scene,the next chapter will be more fluffy,i made them cry too much lately.Thanks for always reading the story and encouraging me ^^
Sellasv #3
Chapter 21: Can't wait for the next chapter...
Hwaiting authornim..
where1 #4
thank you Sellasv!i am so happy you like this chapter ^^
Sellasv #5
Chapter 18: I like this chapter.. ^^
where1 #6
don't say sorry,there is no need^^
The fact that you like my story makes me really happy ^^
Sellasv #7
I think the story was ended...
Sorry for that..
Can't wait for the next chapter, i like your story so much.. :)
where1 #8
Sellasv hello!no don't worry,i mean they didn't even kiss,how can i let it end this way,there will be more and i hope you will like it,i am already working on it ^^
Sellasv #9
Chapter 17: This is so awesome..
This is the last chapter?
yuuki_izumi25 #10
Chapter 17: As expected.. this chapter is sooo good, i really like the character development... keep writing author nim. Hwaiting..^^