i want to know you

i will make you mine

chapter 3

what can i do?




We are headed to our class and am grinning like a stupid,what a surprise we are in the same university,this must be destiny, while i am still thinking about her jo hoon started to talk to me.

"wua!chincia! she is going in the same university as us! but i didn't think to see her today"

"yea,me too"i said smiling a little,Then ji hoon said something that made my smile disappear

"kndae,i think this time you should work a little harder if you wante her,she refused you right?

That made me frown a little, was i really rejected?seriously?

"well...so it seems?...but how is this possible?!i mean how can she?..."

"don't worry my friend did you forget who you are?even that model went after you remember? what was her name again?so ni...sooon..."

"so ri na"

"right! so ri na,that girl!she was beautiful! i still can remember the way she slappd you when you said to her,you don't want to see her anymore,ahahah!"

"ya! stop it!she beat the crap out of me!"

"ahahah,then why did you stop seeing her? YOU COULD HAVE A LITTLE MORE FUN!"

"more fun?she started to say she wanted something serious,but i didn't have any feelings for her, do you think i will still do that to her?

"ooou!look at you,speaking of feelings? you?! ahahah, my poor tummy!!!"

I stop my walking then i look at him with a stern face.

"what are you laughing about?do you wanna die?"

"ahahah!,but,ahaha!you are always the one that never say no,i tell you look at that girl and you YESSS,good let's go!i eill make her have the best time of her life"ji hon sayng imitating my voice.

"Ya!what are you saying i never did that!and what are you doing,you make seem like some mafia boss!chiuculle?!"

"you are!then who was that said to try and go out with every type of girlr,no feelings only fun!"

"that was in middle school!"

"yes but you kept on seeing every kind of girl til now,right?"


"see...so the next one is that girl song hye kyo right?...o wait let me seeif this time i am first!!!"

we then stop in front of the billboard to se our grades.



"you are first,from the bottom...ahahah!"

"YA!what the eck!my grade lawred? how is that possible?i studied so much!"

"and exactly when did you study so hard,hu?"

"i did,i did all yesterday!catrine...were with me...ehehe"

"ooo catrine,i can imagine what did you study,sigh,you deserve it!"

"ya!what kind of friend are you?i asked you to help but you didn't came so i asked her!"

"o sorry if i had to work,i wasn't having fun you know?"

"sigh,right,sigh let's see were are you...o here you are,second place!"

"a right yea."then he stared at me with a surprised face.

"you don't care being in the first place?"

"no i don't second place is good too"i said with a noninterested face while he stared at me

"you would be first place if only you wanted,just wh-sigh,ani,i won't ask,you think in a strange way,i don't want to be infected"


"stop laughing"he then stopped looking at me and started looking at the billboard. Let's see who is in the first place"

I looked elswhere since i didn't really care,then ji hoon called me.

"hey,look here,in the first place,isn't there a familiar name?"

"hu? what do you mean"he succeded in making me curious,who could it be?,i thought while coming closer to the billboard.

"let's see first place...song hye kyo...WHAT?"

At that moment we heard a rucus coming from the same direction we came from

"heeey,guenciana,come here" with a big smile on her face she she took my had and made follow her till were he is.

"here we are!let's see,ok you are still first good job kyo kyo!"

i tried to gasp for some air

"my god!why the rash,i told you i will be first"

we turn around to see two girl coming running towards us and to our surprise were song hye kyo with her friend. She looked at me embarassed and then looked away after her friend told her she was still first,so we where right it was her.

then she looked back at me,i also  finally remembered,back then the boy always talked about her song hye kyo she was a really beautiful girl,nice good at school but fierce at the same time.At that time i wasn't really curious but now i want know her, i want to touch her and to hug her.
She then started to talk to me making me come back to reality.

"what are you guys looking at?...look joong ki right? how about you close your mouth,some mosqito may go in your mouth"

"Are you that song hye kyo? the one who is always first?"

"yes i am"she seemed so proud of herself,how cute!

"Wait what is this megan? why is chi hong at the third place?" her friend said surprised?i lokked at the billboard and saw the name,who is the boy they are talking about.

"i don't know poor chi hon-"

"what's with that expression?kyo? hey-"

"Megan and what's with this name?look is the same this one next to me-" she said pointing her finger to me

"hey i am here you know?and that's me the one in the second place"

"what?t-then we are going in the same university?"she said

"dae,so it seems"

"You are the one who was always first in the first year but then you suddenly left school for awhile right?"What's this? so she now me? does it mean i have a chance?

"ooo you know quite a lot about me for someone who isn't intersted in me"i said looking at her,she is embarassed,i can tell,she so damn cute!.

"t-that and this are two different things!anyway i never saw you in the university how-"

"o well i had something going on i had the opportunity to study oversease for one year ad since i like to travel a went without esitation"i explained to her while standing up again,after saying to her that i have gone to japan i saw her expression change.



"where?"she asked always pointing her finger to me,to some people it may seem offensive but to me that act together with the curious face she is showing me is simply hilarious and cute.


"you really went to japan?"

i was startled a little by her sudden curiosity and her questions but i was starting to get curious too,she said she isn't interested in me yet she is talking so much i don't understand.

"yes a went there,for about a year,why?" I answered her previous question but then i also asked out of curiosity if she also went to japan

"do you want to go to japan to?"

"o i already went there,it was  beautiful!it was last year,i had to go!,i sped all my my saving to go but it was worth all the money!"

She started to talk about japan and her travel,i could see her eyes brithen while talking,it was good to see her like that.

"hey song hye kyo ssi do you still need to point that finger towards me?" i said

"o right,sorry..."she apologized i couldn't belive it.


"hey what are you doind? why are you looking at me?

"no,i never thought you would apologize"

then she told me

"why?if do something wrong i should apologize,it's not good pointing fingers right?"

"you talk quite a lot"i didn't expect it and i was so happy i couldn't stop but make a joke.


I started to laugh,she is funny.

"hye kyo ssi,do you know kouze?i asked

"kouze?the restaurant?did you go there?!"she asked happily.

"yea,you too? i thought you wouldn't know".

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elaine_ch #1
Chapter 23: Hi..it's me. Just finished reading this story and although it's your 1st story, i would say it's good and will be looking fwd to your update. *fighting*
where1 #2
good morning Sellasv!they finally kissed!i personally liked the kiss scene,the next chapter will be more fluffy,i made them cry too much lately.Thanks for always reading the story and encouraging me ^^
Sellasv #3
Chapter 21: Can't wait for the next chapter...
Hwaiting authornim..
where1 #4
thank you Sellasv!i am so happy you like this chapter ^^
Sellasv #5
Chapter 18: I like this chapter.. ^^
where1 #6
don't say sorry,there is no need^^
The fact that you like my story makes me really happy ^^
Sellasv #7
I think the story was ended...
Sorry for that..
Can't wait for the next chapter, i like your story so much.. :)
where1 #8
Sellasv hello!no don't worry,i mean they didn't even kiss,how can i let it end this way,there will be more and i hope you will like it,i am already working on it ^^
Sellasv #9
Chapter 17: This is so awesome..
This is the last chapter?
yuuki_izumi25 #10
Chapter 17: As expected.. this chapter is sooo good, i really like the character development... keep writing author nim. Hwaiting..^^