
i will make you mine

ch 15

"damn it why am i running away?!,it's not my buisness in the end right?he can do what he want...but then...what did he want to tell me?...maybe i should have listened what he wanted to say".

"why not?"

Song hye kyo turned around to the familiar and unpleasant voice,so rina...

"h-hello,you are...?"

"I am sori na and you must be song hye kyo,right?you are his friend right?"she said with a fake smile at hye kyo.

"...yes,so,what buisness do you have with with me?"said hye kyo faking a gentle smile.

"right!i came here just to say to stay away from him if you don't want to get hurt"

Hye kyo could feel that something is wrong here,she can sense it. "...what'are you saying this to me for?aren't you his girl?if you have some complaint go and talk to him not to me"she said always faking a smile.

"yes,but just in case,you know,we had a little argument yesterday and i came here to apologize but it seems like he is still mad.Then i just saw you there and i thought that i should tell you..."she leaned near her with confidence then near her ear she said"stop pretending to be his friend,if you have feelings for him i advice you it's better to leave him like that."

This time hye kyo's fake smile was replaced by a really angry face"so...stop running in cirlcle"she said looking directly in her eyes.

"omo!your fake smile faded away.Anyway fine i will go to the main point.If you want something he can do it, like spending the night together and everything but our jong ki always did it every time we had a fight,but in the end he always came back to me...why?because he loves me,so..."

"mpfff,so what?"said hye kyo smiling.

"what are you laughing about?"

"first af all i don't feel anything for him,second if he is till doing that while dating you,i pity you because that's not love."

"...don't be a stupid,you don't know anything about us!he loves me and that's why he always come back into my embrace"Hye kyo isn't pleased by this in disconfort and irritation she then star clenching her fist,so ri na after saing that just went away leaving her angry.

"don't tell me you belive what she is saying?"she turn around to see megan

"...megan?...well he was a playboy so..."

"he was,so you do know he isn't like that anymore,that's good"she looks at megan in an irritated way,"what do you mean,he still do that,her girl...said"

"kyo kyo,that stupid friend of his said  that he stopped an he wasn't pleased and i belive him"

"I KNOW""you know?"

"yes,but still she is his girl so...!"

"so what?o please don'tell me you really belive her?she was fake from head to toe!"

"megan stop!let's go,i am not feeling well..."

"sigh...hey pull yourself together,you like him right?"she asked putting her arm around her.

"yea..."she suddenly stopped and shocked she looked slowly at her"no,no,no,i said the wrong thing,really chincia!"she said panicking"omo our kyo kyo,how cute,what's wrong in liking him,anyway ai already suspected it but now i am sure..."really it's not like that!i don't like him!"

"wait,don't tell me,you didn't know?agin,it's you we are talking about here"

"i,no!please ahahah what are you saying!me? i like him?!no ah ah ah,there is no way,yes he is a really handsome guy caring,gentle..."

she suddenly realized what she was saying and megan stare,so she slowly turned to her with a blank expression"...so...no really..."she tried to convince megan or maybe just herself,"

ok my dear flower"she said smirking and going near her"tell me,when he hug you does your heart beat like crazy or you just keep on thinking of him,or maybe you just want to touch him?or you if you start  to eat less,or when you aren't so angry anymore,think about it,if any of these you find it in yourself then",

looking at her scared she ask"and then?..."

megan keep on going near her always smiling and then she say"and then...you like him, simple"she stopped and finally came back to walk  normally,"anyway it's almost summer breack,to be exact tomorrow is the last day of school,i think it's best for you to settle things fast,because you won't be able to see him every day like now,so if you...want another kind of relationship with him,then think carefully of what you should do,since you are the only one who can change the current situation the two of you are in..."she then looked at a schocked song hye kyo, and smiling said."Hey don't panick okay?just think carefully of what you want and stop being scared,i think you know him better than i do so don't be swaied by other girls talk and think carefully,you are smart so calm down and everything is gonna be okay"drrring dring calling hey!i am calling you!tatatatat tititiiI

Song hye kyo looked at her friend's face and then smiled"ok thanks,anyway your phone is ringing for awhile now.What a strange song"

"o gosh,omo!what are you saying!this is trendy lately,anyway,i have to go kyo kyo,sorry!bye"

"ok,ok bye!"she was left alone thinking about what she said.

"i am home...,sigh,welcome hye kyo,i better cook something or i will starv-...i am not angry,strange..."she said while touching her stomach,then she suddenly remembered megan's words"nonono,as if!it's not becuse i l-of that!it's just that i ate this morning and i am full...but i only ate one pancake because i wanted to arrive before him-aaaaa!!!mwolla!"then she started to hit the wall with her head"owi,it hurts,stupid,idiot,what are you saying!..."then she stopped and looked at the calendar "...tomorrow it's the last day  hu?...sigh"


"good mor-OMO!O SESANGHE!what happened to you!kyo kyo?you have a big bump on your forehead!" said megan,

A sleepy and blank hye kyo say"o,that it's nothing i just...the wall...that's all ah ah ah"she laughed liflessly

"omo sesanghe!what happened here!"said ji won

"nothing,the wall..."

"omo,she can't even talk anymore,o dear"she said bringing her hand to her face"anyway jong ki just arrived and was searching for you"

where?!"she finally woke up and started to look like a mad woman trying to hide anywhere she could think of.

"omo!what is she doing megan?"

"nothing,she is just in the middle of puberty,it's okay"

"ok then...still,class is starting so..."she said while looking at hye kyo.


"sigh,where is she?i have to talk to her,if i don't do it today,when will i see her again,damn it-"

"oi worry free idiot!"said ji hoon all happy.

"what do you want?"an unhappy and surely not free worry jong ki.

"omo!what the heck with that face,are you constipated?"

"hey!tell me the truth did you say something to so ri na?"

"who?...a! the model?no why i didn't see her at all wae?"

"wae?because she made my life a complete mess!the hard deserving happiness i tried to reach with song hye kyo crubled all because of her!and now i can't even find her anymore!"

"if you are talking about you dear girlfriend,she is trying hard to hide there,what is she doing anyway?"scratching his head.

Song jong ki looked at her direction"mpfff,ahahah,what is she doing?so cute ahahah sigh,thanks man"song jong ki then started to go to her while she tried to hide behing a plant not knowing that isn't useful at all and while she didn't see him he was already behind her,then he sat near her and said"who are you hiding from?said jong ki curiously.

"sssh,jong ki ssshi,i have to hide,i don't know how to face him"

"ooo,i see mpf"trying hard not to laugh"so,why can't you?"

"because his girl yesterday said something and suddenly megan said something too and now i am...hey but who are yo-"she turned around to see an amused jong ki who was looking at her,she so surprised that words just won't come out."Keep on going what said megan yesterday?"

she suddely turned around mentally beating herself up"n-n-n-n-n-n-nothing!"she said stuttering and standing up and he did it too. "i-i-i have to go! by jong ki sshi"she wanted to run for dear life when he grabbed her wrist

"what did so ri na said to you?...anida,don't belive her,she is just taking revenge,we aren't in a relationship,so whatever she said-"

Hye kyo then lost her cool and started to tell him everything"she said...she said,that you fought and that she came to apologize,that every time the two of you fight you always go to another woman and...and..."she pulled away from his grip"and that in the end you will always go back to her and that i am one of those girl you want to be with for fun" she said already into it

"it's not true! i never did anything like that! i don't love her and i-"she stopped him and continued her talk"and that i should stop seeing you if i don't want to get hurt".

"i will never hurt you! also i am not with you just for fun"

"i think i will follow what she says"-what are you saying song hye kyo!this isn't what you want to say!my poor heart is about to come out!-she said with herself.

"YA!SONG HYE KYO! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING NOW!why can't you trust me a bit more!i think i proved myself a lot of times already!"

"...yes"but she is you girl and i am...just a friend!"she shouted and then left,but he won't stop this time,she must belive him than so ri na grabbed her and made song hye kyo follow her in a place where no people where,but jong ki followed them.

"let me go!what do you want?!"

"didn't i say,to stop doing that?you are only my replacement when we fight,you are nothing,he only loves me"

At that hye kyo is really pissed and then go in defensive mode,war is war."but he said he dosn't love you"

"ah!omo!and you belive him?""she said rolling her eyes"don't belive him,he isn't serious how many times should i tell you before you understand!"

"i belive him"she said with a stern face"i belive jong ki,i can tell that he isn't into you at all"

So ri na is pissed off,looking at her with a really scary face"hey...what the hell are you talking about,he is just a playboy who ruin girls feelings and happiness! i am here to do you a good deed and look what we have here!"

"...i didn't ask any from you,what good deed tsk, also...are you one of those girls then?"

"so ri na was rurprised"o-o-of course not!i said i am-"

"so you love him but he dosn't and now...you came to me to take revenge on him?then sorry,you messed with the wrong person,i am not his girlfriend"

"o please!stop spouting nonsense!i know you like him too!"hye kyo was surprised,again someone said to her words unfamiliar to her,at the same time jong ki who was there was dubfounded he couldn't belive her words.

"what are you...saying...i-i-i-it's not like!"hye kyo finally lost her cool.

"see!you are an open book!but you won't be happy,ahahah,yea,i am not his girl,but you won't be too even if you were to be one do you think he will stay with you forever?!don't fool yourself!there are more girls than you can imagine,he is just a bastard,an idiot,someone with no care for a person's feelings,he is-"

Song hye kyo shut with her hand"shut up!that's right,he was like that,but i am sure he made things clear from the start,also you started with him knowing what he was like,so don't be all innocent. You surely suffered but,he isn't a bad person...he isn't a bastard,not even an idiot...he is smart,caring and...he cares for people's feelings and i am sure he feels guilty for what he did to you..."so ri na couldn't say a word for how surprised she was and just kept on listening"he did wrong,that's for sure,he did,but shouldn't you as a girl have pride and have a better life?"so ri na finally regained her sense back and removed her hand from .

"what do you know? pride? ah!i have plenty but he is such a bastrad,he is happy while i am so miserable!"

"STOP PLAYNG THE VICTM! you should never suffer for something like this,instead of ruining a person's life,use you time in a better way!find a good man,don't give yourself so easily,don't trust a man's word from the first time!go and live for yourself not for jong ki! he understand he did wrong and he stopped doing that...you should too-"

"you,you,you are"she started to cry then run away.

"so you...belive me,thanks"he said smiling.

She was heard,her eyes widened up and stood there in panick,not knowing what to do or say,while he kept on walking near her.

"you heard everything?"she said not turning around"h-h-how much?"he stopped walking,her back is in front of him,he want to touch so badly,so he gave her a back hug,buring his head in her neck.

"l'et's see...from start to finish"Song hye kyo heart beat started to beat more than before,her legs are trembling and she wanted to touch him,that's why she raised her hands to where his hands where and then she touched them. Song jong ki was surprised by what she did,his heart beat started to beat so fast it was hard to breath,her hands are so soft he just want to take this moment as something that both of them are feeling.

"...i...like him..."she thought by herself.



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elaine_ch #1
Chapter 23: Hi..it's me. Just finished reading this story and although it's your 1st story, i would say it's good and will be looking fwd to your update. *fighting*
where1 #2
good morning Sellasv!they finally kissed!i personally liked the kiss scene,the next chapter will be more fluffy,i made them cry too much lately.Thanks for always reading the story and encouraging me ^^
Sellasv #3
Chapter 21: Can't wait for the next chapter...
Hwaiting authornim..
where1 #4
thank you Sellasv!i am so happy you like this chapter ^^
Sellasv #5
Chapter 18: I like this chapter.. ^^
where1 #6
don't say sorry,there is no need^^
The fact that you like my story makes me really happy ^^
Sellasv #7
I think the story was ended...
Sorry for that..
Can't wait for the next chapter, i like your story so much.. :)
where1 #8
Sellasv hello!no don't worry,i mean they didn't even kiss,how can i let it end this way,there will be more and i hope you will like it,i am already working on it ^^
Sellasv #9
Chapter 17: This is so awesome..
This is the last chapter?
yuuki_izumi25 #10
Chapter 17: As expected.. this chapter is sooo good, i really like the character development... keep writing author nim. Hwaiting..^^