Chapter 5

Love Is Not All Like That

“Here,” Jessica shoved the brown paper-bag into his hands. “It’s for you.”

Sooyoung eyed the packaging and arched an eyebrow at her questioningly. “What’s this?”

“It’s food. You told me that when you’re hungry, your…changes happen more frequently. So here’s something to help you with that,” Jessica headed to the cafeteria, where Yuri was waiting open-armed for her.

Sooyoung watched with a twinge of envy and disappointment in him. He watched silently, expressionlessly, as Jessica was welcomed with a hug and a peck on the lips. As he recalled, he was Soo-Yeon’s first kiss, and first love, despite the rumours of her thousand boys. He pondered on why he was led to Jessica. She seemed to have a good life, her boyfriend being the most sought-after boy in school, she didn’t have financial issues, and her parents are together. Soo-Yeon’s life was, by far, worse than Jessica’s. Still, he shook his head and gripped the warm package in his hands. He could smell the food without even opening the carefully folded paper-bag. It was tuna and ham sandwich. He made his way to the deserted carpark behind the school. It was where he usually went during lunch-time, seeing that he would be too overwhelmed by the students rushing to get food at the cafeteria. He much preferred the empty car-park, where he could breathe some fresh air. Gently placing the paper-bag next to him, he sat on the curb and dipped his hand in the paper-bag, taking out one of the sandwiches.

“Hmm…does she know that I can’t eat this?” Sooyoung laughed softly as he examined the sandwich.

The tomatoes were sliced too thick and the tuna spread was dripping off the sides. Sooyoung took a careful sniff of the sandwich, and smiled widely.

“Maybe I can try…,” slowly, hesitantly, Sooyoung raised the sandwich to his mouth.

He took a bite out of it, and chewed it slowly, fully appreciating its flavour. It would have probably tasted good in a normal human’s mouth, but it tasted rancid to his taste buds. He spat it out, coughing at the taste of it. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and set the sandwich back in the paper-bag.

“I wanted to try her cooking so badly,” he sighed, pouting.

He took the sandwich apart, feeding bread crumbs to the birds and disposing the rest of the sandwich. He was frustrated that he couldn’t taste human food. It had been that way ever since Soo-Yeon died. That was only part of his punishment, that he couldn’t taste the good stuff.

“Sooyoungie!” Soo-Yeon screamed and Sooyoung winced at her shrill voice.

“Soo-Yeon, don’t scream!” Sooyoung yelled back equally as loud.

Soo-Yeon giggled and smeared some flour on his face. He jerked back, but feigned anger when he felt the powdery substance on his face. He charged at Soo-Yeon, showering her with flour as she shrieked with laughter.

“Food…makes me think of you,” he murmured sadly, his head bowing and his shoulders slumping.

Suddenly his ears perked up and a violent tremor went through him. He shuddered as he felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins. His eyes flashed an iridescent blue. It could only mean one thing; Jessica was in danger. He could smell her scent easily and located her in a nearby alley behind the school.

There was a yelp of pain as a girl landed a kick on the blonde girl’s stomach. The blonde was on the ground, curling up in a foetal position as the others rained punches and kicks on her. And she was bleeding. Blood trickled down the corner of her lips, dripping onto the ground. She was shielding her head, trying to protect herself from the merciless assault.

“That’s for Yuri oppa,” one of the girls screeched, pulling at Jessica’s hair.

Sooyoung growled, and the others froze. The primal snarl reverberated in his chest, vibrating off his lips and to their ears. Jessica was still cowering from her attackers, not realising that salvation had arrived.

“Get away from her,” he snarled harshly.

The other girls stared at his blue eyes, some with fear, some with disbelief. After what seemed like eternity, they scampered away, cursing. Sooyoung kneeled next to Jessica, her hair.

“Jessica,” he said softly. “Are you okay? Can you move?”

Jessica looked up in her saviour’s unusual, blue eyes. She blinked, apparently shocked. Her breath was shaky and her eyes watered. Sooyoung felt his heart tug at the sight of her like this. Mentally, he cursed Yuri for leaving her alone.

“Sooyoung,” her voice was weak, strained.

Sooyoung helped her up, but she doubled over, clutching her stomach as she shut her eyes in pain. Sooyoung lifted her in his arms, and marched into school with a cool, blank face. He carried her to the infirmary, where the nurses treated Jessica for her wounds while he waited outside. Slowly, he calmed down and his irises reverted back to their usual colour.

“Oh, it’s you. Why did you call me here for?” his head snapped up at the sound of heavy footsteps and that rough voice.

“Jessica’s in there now. She got beat up by some of your fangirls,” Sooyoung said tightly, his temper barely controlled. “You should take better care of her.”

With that, Sooyoung walked off, leaving an angered Yuri behind as he glared at the retreating figure.


Readers’ Note:

Ahahaha…Sooyoung’s damn cool in this one. He’s so cute here! Well, Sooyoung is always cute, in fanfics and in real life. Agreed? Anyway, Yuri is the antagonist only for now. There’ll be someone else coming into the picture afterwards. Have fun guessing who it is!

Thank you for reading!

Yours Faithfully

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Chapter 30: Hey there!!! Good sorry iam giving my vote por this even when you did not finish the story. Btw do you have plans on updating or finishing this story anytime soon?
Chapter 30: :-) author I hope you will continue this story and update soon ^_^
Chapter 30: Y U NO UPDATE Author :(
DinoRawrs #4
Hi! I'm a new reader, but I finally managed to catch up. Haha
I bet it's Fany!! If not then who else can make Tae stop? o.o
Please update soon! I'll be looking forward to it. ;)
I was also wondering if you have a pm list. If you do, can you add me on it? Thanks! ;)
Sootuff #5
Is it Fany?!!!!
Gah SooTae should stop fighting!!!
Its Fany? :O
ChocoKumaJenny #7
Aigoo Soo and Tae stop
fighting and omo SooSica ^-^
Sootuff #8
Gah!!!! SooSica!!!!!!
So loving it!!!!
Can't SooTae just stop fighting?!!!!
And SooTae, stop fighting D:
Just reunited like how brothers would LMAO