Chapter 16

Love Is Not All Like That

Tiffany was seated on her bed in her room, watching the anxious Jessica calm down the apprehensive Sooyoung from the partially open door. She watched as Jessica enveloped the shaking Sooyoung into a hug. Sooyoung’s face buried into her neck instinctively, nestling into her warmth. His nose skimmed her neck to Jessica’s obvious delight. Sooyoung’s hands ran down her back, and Jessica shivered in pleasure. He had to bend his knees slightly and Jessica had to tiptoe to wrap her arms around his neck. Tiffany tilted her head, pausing for a minute. She imagined Taeyeon holding her that way and she blushed and giggled like a love-sick teenager. But wait…isn’t Jessica with Yuri? Jessica pulled back and placed her hands on Sooyoung’s well-sculpted chest. But even in the dim light, Tiffany could see how drained he was, dressed in a long shirt that looked like Yuri’s. His pants were torn, exposing those raw, muscled legs that were bleeding.

“Be safe,” his voice was soft, and yet Tiffany could hear so many emotions in it.

He released her and made his way to the door, Jessica following from behind. She saw him off and sauntered back to Tiffany, hands on her hips as she stared at Tiffany as she usually did when Tiffany owed her something.

“You like him, don’t you?” Tiffany pointed out before Jessica could say anything.

Jessica didn’t reply, but the colour of her cheeks did the talking for her. “That’s not important. Right now, I want to know where you’ve been last night.”

“I met a guy,” Tiffany shrugged and tried to do it as carelessly as how Taeyeon had, but ended up failing miserably.

Jessica’s eyes widened. “You met a guy? And you didn’t come home the entire night? What did you guys do?”

“Yah, don’t think of it that way!” Tiffany smacked her best friend’s arm.

“How else am I supposed to think of it, then? You were missing the entire night and you tell me that you’ve been with a guy?”

“We didn’t do anything, okay?” Tiffany defended herself, looking up at Jessica exasperatedly.

“So,” in less than a second, the cold and angry Jessica tamed down to the sweet, seemingly ‘innocent’ Jessica, “what was his name?”

Tiffany was about to say his name when she felt herself stop, her tongue slid back into its place and her open mouth closed. …what was his name? His name, oh my god, Tiffany! How can you not ask for his name? Before her, Jessica only looked smug.

“You don’t know his name, don’t you?” Jessica smirked.

“Argh,” Tiffany cried in frustration. “How can I not ask for his name? He asked for mine!”

“Scratch that,” Jessica waved it away. “Are you going to see him anytime soon?”

“Well, he told me to promise that I will come back to his apartment again,” Tiffany smiled just by thinking of it and Jessica saw her friend’s silly face, laughing softly.

“He’s got you hooked, Tiff,” Jessica’s fluent English spouted out of , earning a glare from the brunette.

“I’m sure Sooyoung’s gotten you on his hook, Jess,” Tiffany retorted smartly, now smirking in return.

Jessica glared at Tiffany and Tiffany couldn’t help but break her confident, winning gaze from the cold blonde, ducking her head as a sign of respect. If it was in any way possible, Jessica became even haughtier and smug than before, happy that her dongsaeng had lowered her head to the Ice Princess. Tiffany’s head bobbed up when she was sure that the coast was clear and was able to meet Jessica’s thawed out gaze again.

“But…Sica, what about Yuri?” she asked quietly, expecting to hear Jessica’s master-plan.

To her surprise, Jessica only looked away. Confusion and frustration gathered in her eyes as she avoided Tiffany’s searching stare.

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “I’m not sure of what I feel.”

“Well, I know you’ll do that right thing, Jess,” Tiffany patted Jessica’s shoulder comfortingly, and Jessica pulled her best friend into a hug, leaning her head on her shoulder.

Jessica was glad that she had Tiffany, who had been there for her ever since they were small. Jessica had helped Tiffany when she was constantly bullied for having divorced parents and Tiffany was always there to be her friend when she needed one. She didn’t see what was so funny about divorced parents and she didn’t intend on finding out either. To her, Tiffany was like the little sister she never had. After her mother’s death, Jessica only had Tiffany, but now she had Sooyoung and Yuri too, although neither paid her the desired attention like how Tiffany did.

“I love you, Tiff,” Jessica’s muffled voice said.

“Love you more, Jess,” Tiffany patted Jessica’s back, the gentle pats slowly moving up and down her back as she began to rub her back reassuringly. It was what they usually said and what they usually did when they needed each other.


Sooyoung wandered off to school, still shaken from Jessica’s scent. He climbed to the rooftop, sitting on the ledge as he admired the stars. The full moon wasn’t out tonight, having missed it a couple of days ago when he was with Jessica. He rarely missed the full moon, it being the first thing on his mind. To him, it was like a gateway between Heaven and Earth. He could hear her, feel her breath on his skin, and feel her gentle, soft fingers tracing his face. He would sing to her, and then disappear, her voice fading away into the mellow night. In the famished state he was in, he couldn’t hear the light footsteps that were inaudible to human ears.

“Hello, brother. You’re looking…hungry, I see,” the voice was velvety smooth, arrogant and lazy. It reminded Sooyoung of a hungry panther, growling and moving stealthily with pawed feet.

Sooyoung’s head snapped up at the voice, feeling the dread turn into horror as his worst fears have been confirmed.



Readers’ Note:

Here it is! The brothers finally meet. SooSica’s relationship will definitely affect TaeNy’s relationship.

Thank you for reading!

Yours Faithfully

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Chapter 30: Hey there!!! Good sorry iam giving my vote por this even when you did not finish the story. Btw do you have plans on updating or finishing this story anytime soon?
Chapter 30: :-) author I hope you will continue this story and update soon ^_^
Chapter 30: Y U NO UPDATE Author :(
DinoRawrs #4
Hi! I'm a new reader, but I finally managed to catch up. Haha
I bet it's Fany!! If not then who else can make Tae stop? o.o
Please update soon! I'll be looking forward to it. ;)
I was also wondering if you have a pm list. If you do, can you add me on it? Thanks! ;)
Sootuff #5
Is it Fany?!!!!
Gah SooTae should stop fighting!!!
Its Fany? :O
ChocoKumaJenny #7
Aigoo Soo and Tae stop
fighting and omo SooSica ^-^
Sootuff #8
Gah!!!! SooSica!!!!!!
So loving it!!!!
Can't SooTae just stop fighting?!!!!
And SooTae, stop fighting D:
Just reunited like how brothers would LMAO