AU Masterlist

AU Challenge | YoonMin

Have fun!


  1. Coffee Shop AU
  2. together literally every day AU
  3. vet clinic AU
  4. college professors AU
  5. on a train together and the train is stopped in the middle of nowhere for some reason AU
  6. Letter found in an old notebook AU
  7. Road trip across the country and accidentally crossing paths AU
  8. Work at the same ty restaurant and have all the same ty shift times AU
  9. Record store AU
  10. basically just like a coffee shop AU but with music
  11. Always getting the same cashier when checking out at Target no matter what day it is AU
  12. 1950’s diner AU
  13. Youtubers AU
  14. Found the phone number of an old childhood friend in some box at the back of your closet and decided to call it to see if it still worked AU
  15. ‘I live in the apartment below yours and I keep getting your mail this needs to stop dammit’ AU
  16. Going up to the mountains for Christmas and getting stuck at the ski resort because of bad weather AU
  18. Going to the fair and rocking the Ferris wheel seat so the person sitting next to you clings to you like a lifeline AU
  19. Walked into the wrong classroom and didn’t realize until halfway through AU
  20. Hugged to wrong person from behind AU
  21. Waved back at someone who wasn’t waving to you in the first place AU
  22. snowed in AU
  23. lives alone in the woods and finds a confused lost person walking around AU
  24. finding a puppy on the side of the road AU
  25. asthma attack without the inhaler in the middle of the night and the other one has to calm them down AU
  26. spy AU
  27. con artists AU
  28. grew up as best friends but you got hot over the summer can I touch ur biceps AU
  29. scared of flying AU
  30. “I have no idea how to work this washing machine, can you help me?“
  31. person A asking for directions from person B because they’re new in town and hopelessly lost
  32. constantly fighting for the best seat in the library/coffee shop/whatever
  33. Neighbors who only meet because I cannot get this stupid jar open, can you help?
  34. Argue over the last jar of cranberry sauce at the 7/11 au.
  35. Both stood up on blind dates au
  36. Buddy cop au
  37. 1940s noir au
  38. Meet in a diner at 2am au
  39. Patients on the same hospital ward au
  40. while volunteering in the library for a summer reading scheme, got talking to the guy who brought cousins to sign up au
  41. talked for hours in a queue for tickets au
  42. asked for advice for a recipe in the supermarket because you had no internet connection au
  43. showed you had to use the gym equipment and then turned out to be your gym class instructor au
  44. met at a Renaissance  faire AU
  45. sat next to each other on a roller coaster AU
  46. got locked out of dorm room AU
  47. camping in the same area AU
  48. hurricane during a beach trip AU
  49. met at a card game competition AU
  50. kids go to the same school AU
  51. repairman AU
  52. strip club AU
  53. surfer AU
  54. private security AU
  55. Deep into Character Development AU
  56. meeting while waiting for hours on end in the emergency room au
  57. monopoly night au
  58. commiserating on a night shift at McDonalds au
  59. you were the only one that offered to help me move in au
  60. marching band au
  61. sharing a high school textbook and leaving each other notes and answers in page corners au
  62. working in a museum au
  63. panicked yelling in unison because of lost baggage in between connecting flights au
  64. I keep calling tech support because you’re helpful and also your voice is really cute au
  65. rival ice cream trucks au
  66. you helped me get my kayak upright so we’re friends forever au
  67. competitive buskers who eventually form a band au
  68. newspaper advice columnists who passive-aggressively diss one another in their advice au
  69. working at a theatre together during the midnight premiere of a blockbuster au
  70. Coffee shop AU
  71. found their phone number in a library book au
  72. hitchhiker ride au
  73. met through online rpg au
  74. accidentally taking each other’s bags au
  75. camp councilors au
  76. antiques shop au
  77. called the wrong number while drunk au
  78. shop au
  79. found your their dog au
  80. crashed the their car au
  81. yoga class au
  82. public demonstration au
  83. Both Speak a Different Language and Have to Communicate Another Way AU
  84. Small Town Lovers AU
  85. Road Trip AU
  86. meeting on Tumblr au
  87. artists au
  88. lost in a museum au
  89. meeting on an online game au
  90. art shop au
  91. mattress store au
  92. Goth au
  93. grocery store au
  94. wrong apartment au
  95. pizza delivery au
  96. on the same sports team au
  97. Arranged Marriage AU 
  98. CIA AU
  99. Fallen Angel AU 
  100. James Bond AU 
  101. Fashion Designer AU 
  102. Dancer AU 
  103. CEO AU 
  104. Band on a Tour AU 
  105. reached for the last snack item at the same time au
  106. accidentally ‘borrowed’ their towel at their gym au
  107. saw their number graffitied on a toilet stall au
  108. parents signed them up for the same ty art/science program au
  109. met on omegle au
  110. thirst follow au
  111. mail keeps coming to the wrong address au
  112. I think your dog likes my dog” au
  113. Wrong bag AU 
  114. Hey can I use your charger AU 
  115. Missed the same flight AU
  116. Accidentally fall asleep on stranger AU
  117. Can I use your hotspot AU
  118. Running late for same flight AU
  119. Get in the same cab AU
  120. Share the same layover AU
  121. Racing on the walkway AU
  122. Hot pilot AU
  123. Sitting by the same wall plug AU
  124. Getting lost in the airport AU
  125. Last bag of gummy bears in the machine AU
  126. Thinking they’re someone else and jump hugging them AU
  127. Airport bar AU 
  128. Commenting on the TV in the gate AU 
  129. Can I borrow money for the pay phone AU
  130. Huge storm all planes grounded AU
  131. Stuck in the subway AU
  132. Huge blizzard only one room left in the hotel AU 
  133. Both in the smoking room AU
  134. Scared of flying and needing comfort AU
  135. In line together AU
  136. Grabbed wrong shoes in security AU
  137. Grabbed wrong anything in security AU
  138. Being patted down AU 
  139. Don’t speak the language AU 
  140. Help with wheel chair AU 
  141. Took the wrong phone off the charger station AU 
  142. Plane pressure drop and helping with the mask AU 
  143. Only one on late night bus AU 
  144. Wrong tour group AU 
  145. Oops went the wrong way AU 
  146. Why didn’t you recycle that AU
  147. My airplane TV screen doesn’t work can I watch yours AU 
  148. Heard childhood best friends name being called on the loudspeaker AU
  149. Heard first loves name being called AU 
  150. Ghost haunting airport AU 
  151. Only open seat in a diner AU 
  152. Can I have a stick of gum AU 
  153. Wearing the same shirt as a stranger AU 
  154. How many ways do you think we could smuggle drugs AU
  155. Actually smuggling drugs AU 
  156. Human trafficking AU 
  157. Left wallet in a cab AU 
  158. Talking about art in a museum AU 
  159. Both typing essays on plane and helping each other AU
  160. Rival teams heading to the same tournament AU
  161. Vampires
  162. Band heroes
  163. Librarians
  164. Office romance/bromance
  165. Genderbend
  166. Hospital staff
  167. Hollywood
  168. Broadway
  169. Bandits/criminals
  170. Medieval
  171. Modern
  172. shape shifter au
  173. road trip au
  174. stripper au
  175. elevator stopped and we can’t get out au
  176. one is a ghost au
  177. debate on a mutual friends status au
  178. librarian assistant au
  179. dog walker au
  180. internet friends au
  181. scared of flying on a plane au
  182. amnesia au
  183. bookshop au
  184. high school teachers au
  185. goes to wrong apartment when drunk au
  186. music store au
  187. cross dresser au
  188. foster care au
  189. witness protection au
  190. meet in online rpg au
  191. picked a random number in a phone book and got you au
  192. ice skaters au
  193. roller skaters au
  194. dancing partners au
  195. singing partners au
  196. mermaid au
  197. stuck in an elevator together au
  198. daycare au
  199. yoga class au
  200. Disney au
  201. meeting on a vacation au
  202. gangsters/ mobsters au
  203. dystopian au
  204. utopian au
  205. wizard AU where one accidentally apparates into the wrong house
  206. bffs when they were little but one moved away and they run into each other again AU
  207. archaeologist AU
  208. paramedic AU
  209. ghosts in love AU
  210. go to the same support group AU
  211. just keep running into each other everywhere AU
  212. younger siblings are best friends AU
  213. ski patrol au
  214. McDonalds au
  215. you work at the ice cream stand across from my hamburger place and you’re cute au
  216. the electricity went out and I don’t have candles au
  217. you turned up at my door sopping wet and I don’t know what else to do au
  218. reached for the last item on the shelf au
  219. detention au
  220. playing romantic interests in a play au
  221. time travel au
  222. summer camp au
  223. sat next to each other on the train/airplane/bus au
  224. stuck in an airplane au
  225. went on the school trip together au
  226. ballet au
  227. Boarding school au
  228. romantic comedy scriptwriters AU 
  229. Disney world characters au
  230. Picking apples at grocery store when all of them fall down AU
  231. Modern royalty AUs
  232. Egyptologists AUs
  233. Book club AUs
  234. Met at comic con AUs
  235. Lifeguard AUs
  236. 1920s con artists AUs
  237. Time traveling AUs
  238. Struggling artists AUs
  239. incredibly long cross-country train ride AU
  240. police procedural AU
  241. bookstore AU
  242. reluctant teammates that save the world together AU
  243. platonic living together AU
  244. lawyers AU
  245. stuck-in-an-airport-because-the-flights-were-SO-VERY-delayed-and-it’s-like-two-am AU
  246. sent to live with cousins AU
  247. pretending to be siblings because of reasons AU
  248. teaming up to rescue respective abducted children AU
  249. pseudo-adopting-the-runaway-I-ran-into AU
  250. forget high school students AU I want a high school teachers AU
  251. law school AU
  252. on the same college tour AU
  253. trapped in a bank during a robbery AU
  254. forced to share a table at the coffee shop a couple days in a row because crowded coffee shop and no room AU
  256. medical school AU
  257. ride the same bus

Domestic AUs

  1. Sock skating in the newly waxed floors.
  2. Fighting over the thermostat settings.
  3. Movie night on the couch.
  4. With nowhere else to be, they both spend their rare day off at home.
  5. Hosting a holiday party for their mutual friends.
  6. Game night.
  7. “Oh! Hey! Could you come and taste this to see if it’s okay?”
  8. Your stray red item turned my whites pink.
  9. Rosh ambo to see who has to go talk to the neighbors upstairs for being too loud.
  10. Swapping “miracle cure recipes” for hangovers.
  11. Having to put up holiday decorations together after a big fight.
  12. Target practice with marshmallow shooter and the local kit of pigeons.
  13. Power outage causes them to have dinner by candle light.
  14. “My parents are coming over in 10 minutes so please put some clothes on”
  15. Person A is sick and Person B takes care of them.
  16. “What is ______ doing in the freezer?”
  17. Person A runs into Person B’s one-night stand at breakfast.
  18. Sharing book titles/CDs.
  19. Volunteers to investigate the strange noises coming from the closet.
  20. Begrudgingly adopts the cat that climbed in through the open window and hid in said closet.
  21. The ceiling is leaking. Who wants to deal with the apartment manager?
  22. Person A suspect the new neighbors are serial killers. Person B attempts to placate them.
  23. Choosing to repaint the apartment and goes to the hardware store together to pick out color swatches.
  24. Thunderstorm cuddles

Roommate/Neighbors AU

  1. 'friend of a friend needs a place to stay before they get evicted’ au
  2. 'roommate falls in the shower and breaks an arm’ au
  3. 'roommate has a nightmare and doesn’t want to sit alone at night’ au 
  4. 'new roommate cooks alone for the first time and almost burns down the house’ au
  5. 'roommate gets sick and needs tissues and cough sweets and soup’ au
  6. 'overhearing roommate singing in the shower to find out they sound angelic’ au
  7. 'My roommate is kind of hot?????’
  8. Walks in on roommate crying while watching a movie in the living room.
  9. my roommate’s boyfriend is staying over so can I please sleep on your floor
  10. walking in on hot roommate ing oh my god
  11. Sorry my roommate puked on your shoes
  12. “wait, you’re not the roommate I requested”
  13. Neighbors in a ty apartment building that share a sense of solidarity for each other (also a mutual attraction because hot what)


  1. I promise I’m not hitting on you but you smell really good"
  2. Sleepy kisses AU
  3. Inappropriately timed confessions
  5. At a ski lodge and somehow got stuck outside in the middle of the storm but hey look there’s a conveniently abandoned cabin I guess the logical thing to do is go in there and snuggle for warmth for the night
  6. Seeing love interest in formal wear for the first time whaaat
  7. Everyone thinks they’re dating and then they start wondering if they’re dating
  8. Oops friend looks like the only place to sleep in this house is this small, twin-sized bed, guess we’ll have to share
  9. Crashed the wrong wedding and now the best man/maid of honor is on my , but hey they’re kinda hot so???
  10. drama school rivals being cast as romantic opposites because they have “crazy ” according to their director AU
  11. You belong to a rival team, but I’m falling head first for you and I’m trying my hardest to not throw the championship game away au.
  12. I see you with the same person all the time and I assume you two are in a relationship so I’ll just pine for you from a distance au.
  13. We’ve been together for a while now and I want to have a family with you but don’t know how to approach the topic since you made it pretty clear that you dislike children au.
  14. you’re in the air force and I’m in the marines and deeply in love you, but I’m not sure if it’s possible for us to be anything because I just got my orders and I’ll be an ocean away from you au.
  15. Drunk dialed/texted ex/crush oh hell
  16. We met years ago when you helped me find my mom when I got lost in the mall and I never forgot your soft smile even after all these years au.
  17. I work the late shift at the bar and you recently started being a regular during the evening, always looking like a wreck and one day I finally worked up the nerve to ask if you were okay. You tell me how you have twins and the mother/father left and you don’t know what to do so you’re drinking your problems away au.
  18. You’re my tutor on a subject that I can easily ace but I’m only acting stupid because I really want to know how your lips taste and feel like against mine au.
  19. I’m a criminal detective investigating a murder and you’re a suspect. You definitely look the part of a murderer… unfortunately. It should be illegal to be that hot and menacing au.
  20. You and I meet at a bachelor/ette show with both of us hoping to get with, well, the bachelor/ette only to find and fall for each other au.
  21. 'I guess we’ll have to share the bed’
  22. 'maybe we should pretend to date’
  23. 'Oh no….look like we trapped in this closet together….’
  24. kissed them as a distraction while stealing their wallet au
  25. I can’t go alone to my ex’s wedding
  26. Omg our car broke down in a snowstorm
  27. Hot single dad hires broke babysitter
  28. “we’re the only ones who didn’t get the email about class being canceled” au
  29. “we’re the only ones on campus who didn’t go home for Christmas” au
  30. “can u help me sneak my cat into my dorm” au
  31. “accidentally got assigned the same library study room so I guess we’ll have to share for the semester” au
  32. “It’s raining and u forgot your umbrella so come over and stand under mine while we wait for the bus” au


  1. antlers AU
  2. wings AU
  3. spirit animal that follows them around AU
  4. It rains ducks AU (Like the bird. Srs)
  5. name on the wrist for soulmate AU
  6. first words of what your soulmate says to you on wrist AU
  7. every time a person falls in love, a red line like a tally mark appears on their wrist More info here


  1. pen pals AU
  2. pen pals for class au
  3. Pen pals who meet in person for the first time AU
  4. pen pals who vent at each other every week au


  1. Apocalypse survivors au
  2. 'Maybe if we met before the apocalypse I could have loved you properly.’ AU
  3. being reunited after surviving the zombie apocalypse unknowing if the other was alive or dead AU


  1. “are we both robbing the same house oh ” AU
  2. growing up together in a rough neighborhood AU
  3. mutual friends always dragged to the same inane barbecues AU
  4. 'I heard you singing backstreet boys at 3am and decided to sing along oops’ AU
  5. ’ holy I’m in the wrong car’ AU
  7. ‘Omg I can’t believe you still listen to CDs let me help you digitize’ AU
  8. ’ I know you steal my Wi-Fi to watch but it’s kind of hot idk’ AU
  9. 'My pet really hates your pet’ AU
  10. ’ Customer that knows wayyyy more than the brand new employee please help me out’ AU
  11. 'I was walking by the roller coasters and SOMEONE’S SHOE FLEW OFF AND HIT ME IN THE HEAD” AU
  12. 'dude I know we don’t know each other but my swim trunks came off when I jumped in the water can you grab them for me’ AU
  13. ”it’s 2am and I’m drunk and I need some goddamn French fries right now so open your ing door’ AU
  15. 'got mistaken for a celebrity by the celebrity’s biggest fan’ AU
  16. 'this person just fell asleep on me in the subway but they’re cute so whatever’ AU
  17. 'sorry I set the fire alarm in our building off again for the forty-eighth time I was trying to cook’ AU
  18. 'so YOU’RE the douchebag who keeps mowing their lawn while I’m trying to sleep’ AU
  19. 'I know nothing about camping will you help me I think I heard a bear’ au
  21. 'we’re literally the only two kids who ride this school bus maybe we should carpool or make out or something’ AU
  22. 'I hired you off craigslist to be my date for a wedding’ AU
  23. ’I’m a werewolf but I’m embarrassed to tell you because my wolf form is more like a Chihuahua’ AU
  24. 'we both tried to rob a bank at the same time’ AU
  25. fighting a squirrel AU
  26. ”your sandcastle is pathetic” beach au
  27. 'I’m pretending to be ur bff because u looked VERY uncomfortable with that person at the bar hitting on u’ AU
  28. 'What the are you doing it’s midnight why are you playing 'My Heart Will Go On’ on the piano’ AU
  29. Alternatively, ‘I’m going to lean out the window and sing along until you ing stop and wonder who else is singing’ AU
  30. 'Your cat keeps getting into my house and I don’t even know how would you care to explain’ AU
  31. 'I forgot to do my homework so I’m just going to copy off of you and hope that you didn’t get the answers wrong’ AU
  32. “which hasn’t returned the DVD I want yet” au
  33. Model who looks and acts really professional at the photo shoot but is actually a huge nerd AU
  34. AU where they are coincidentally seated next to each other at a sports game as strangers and get caught by the Kiss Cam
  35. Stole a car with someone sleeping in the back seat [Turns out that the car had already been stolen so basically you just stole a stolen car] AU
  36. I lost a bet and I am a man of my word so here I am about to get a bikini wax for the first time. I knew it was going to be painful but what I wasn’t expecting was that a really hot guy going to do the waxing and now I’m trying failing to not get a hard on au.
  37. We’re guild mates in a mmorpg and I’ve only ever heard your voice and I may or may not have jacked off to you just talking while I had my mic off. And now I accidentally forgot to turn it off and you heard me breathing hard your name as I came on myself au.
  38. Our families loathe each other because we’re competing for the best pizza restaurant title and now they asked us to get close to each other to steal the opposing family’s secret. But the thing was that we’ve been together for months so we fake a fake relationship and give our family false information au.
  39. rival superhero’s who are trying to protect the same small city
  40. posted a joke ad in the classifieds but someone actually responded
  41. person A who sits in the back of every staff meeting and makes snarky comments under their breath about everyone the whole time and person B who arrived late and sat next to them and can barely hold in their laughter
  42. “we both got in separate bar fights downtown and now we’re waiting in the ER comparing stories" au
  43. “accidentally fell in your lap while standing on this crowded bus” au
  44. “tried to get the candy bar that didn’t drop out of the vending machine and now my hand is stuck can u help me out” au
  45. “I rented the apartment above your flower shop and in the last two months you’ve gotten a new flower I’m allergic to so I keep buying bouquets until I can figure out which kind it is” au
  46. “you know you’re singing to your headphones out loud, right” au
  47. beat the crap out of each other in online multiplayer au
  48. worked really well together in online co-op au
  49. met while buying condoms at the corner store
  50. little kids getting way too caught up in make-believe AU
  51. got involved in a heated game of Smash Bros. at a con AU 

Movies, Anyone?

  1. Labyrinth au!
  2. Jurassic park au?
  3. Bonnie and Clyde or Thelma and Louise au
  5. Breaking Bad AU 
  7. Zombie AU 
  8. Season 5 of SPN AU 
  9. Lucifer and Michael AU 
  10. Backpacking Across Europe AU 
  11. Kingdom Hearts AU 
  12. Mermaid AU 
  13. Beauty and the Beast AU 
  14. Adam and Eve AU 
  15. Noah’s Ark AU 
  16. Fight club au
  17. Murder mystery au
  18. Reality TV show au
  19. Both cosplay the same character at a con au
  20. Sitting next to each other in the theatre au.

 It Takes Two to Tango

  1. Soldiers on opposing side au
  2. Prisoner and prison guard au
  3. war prisoner/captor who lets them go but they want to stay AU
  4. One character is an angel and one is a demon au
  5. Taken hostage at the bank au
  6. Alternatively, Hostage Taker and Hostage
  7. Tailor and customer au
  8. Next to each other on a turbulent plane journey au
  9. both turned to look at a cute kid and saw each other au
  10. got debating on a mutual friend’s status au
  11. asked a library helper for reading advice and got excited about the same books au
  12. Sitting in Detention AU
  13. Asking a date to Prom AU
  14. Proposal AU
  15. Wedding Planner and Wedding Caterer AU
  16. Actor/Rock star and agent AU
  17. Author and Illustrator AU
  18. Vet and Pet Owner AU
  19. School Rivals AU
  20. 7 minutes in heaven/Truth or Dare AU
  21. Stuck in an Elevator for 3+ hours AU
  22. Book Seller and Customer AU
  23. Running from the police AUs
  24. Librarian AUs
  25. Rebels against the government AUs
  26. Internet friends AUs
  27. Rock star and groupie AUs
  28. Accidentally read his/her diary AUs
  29. photographer and model AU
  30. writer and editor AU
  31. immortal and non-immortal AU
  32. Immortal and Methuselah AU
  33. screenwriter and director AU
  34. Greek god and roman counterpart AU
  35. We were skiing/snowboarding and got on the same lift and now the lift is stuck au
  36. runaway royalty and confused commoner AU
  37. android and human AU
  38. orchestra player/pianist and concertgoer AU
  39. mailman(/woman) and person who receives a lot of mail AU
  40. private detective and client AU
  41. protester and police officer AU
  42. lab partners AU
  43. new neighbors AU
  44. one’s blind and falls in love with the other’s voice AU
  45. hair stylist/makeup artist and actor/model AU
  46. cat/dog runs away and other person finds it AU
  47. mistaken identity AU
  48. sit next to each other in orchestra/band/class AU
  49. Partners in (literal) crime AU (theft? fraud? hacking? murder?)
  50. partners in dance class AU
  51. trapped on a deserted island together AU
  52. crashed their car au
  53. psychologist/ patient au
  54. teacher/ student au
  55. fell asleep on a stranger au
  56. Superhero and/or Villain AU
  57. understudy for play/musical au
  58. date auction for charity
  59. alternatively, buyer and the date
  60. rescuing their partner from a recon mission gone wrong AU
  61. Run into each other in a hospital while there for really stupid reasons
  62. Both have same obscure taste in music and meet in a dark corner of a music store
  63. ‘camp counselors at the same sleep away camp’ au
  64. ‘my new FBI partner/consultant is really hot’ au
  65. ‘we have to sing a duet together but I hate you’ au
  66. ‘I should not be this attracted to the new intern’ au
  67. ‘you accidentally shipped this weird thing to my apartment’ au
  68. ‘my new best friend’s sibling is so hot’ au
  69. ‘forced lab partners’ au
  70. ‘you just joined the -sports team here- that I’m the captain of’ au
  71. ‘we both tried to grab the last copy of that book in the shop’ au
  72. ‘we went to a con/party dressed as a couple on accident’ au
  73. ‘my roommate’s best friend is really obnoxious but also hot’ au
  74.  ‘we’re the only ones in this subway car and the metro broke down’ au
  75. the ‘new bartender at my favorite bar is unfairly attractive’ au

in’ s

  1. kept kicking the back of my chair at the theatre au
  2. tried breaking into my flat when they were drunk because they thought it was theirs au
  3. always arrives at the cafeteria 30 seconds before me and takes the last sandwich I like au
  4. repeatedly comes into the shop I work at and picks up a lettuce then half way through the shop
  5. decides they don’t want the lettuce and puts it back on the shelf next to them regardless of what aisle they’re in au


  1. I tried to buy all the Halloween candy in a store before you could
  2. Met trying to grab the last of a costume in a specific size
  3. Came to the wrong Halloween party
  4. Wore the same exact costume
  5. Surprise decorating neighbor’s yard with fake spiders/webs
  6. Pranked the wrong person on accident
  7. Grabbed at the same time for the last copy of a scary movie 
  8. Came to investigate someone screaming next door 
  9. The kids we’re escorting to trick or treat dropped their bags 
  10. Accidentally scared a kid and their adult is angry
  11. Dog chased me up a tree when I tried to knock on the door 
  12. Tried to get the last perfectly round pumpkin at the same time
  13. You took my pumpkin pie on accident and I have your apple one
  14. I ran out of candy and aren’t you too old to be trick or treating
  15. Hugged/kissed wrong person in a costume like my friend’s.
  16. Stuck in the same group for a haunted house and grabbed each other when something jumped out at them
  17. 'I was unaware that there was an organized zombie crawl going on and I didn’t realize you were in a costume and I screamed in your face because I truly thought I was facing a zombie invasion’ au


  1. turns out that random hookup from the club sits right next to you in your favorite class
  2. skipping class to get high
  3. I really need to pass this midterm and rumor has it you have the best study guide"
  4. I’m really passionate about this cause and I will give you this flier if I have to shove it down your throat
  5. vicious battle over the only left handed desk in the room
  6. It’s pouring and my final paper is in my backpack so I guess we’re stuck under this tiny awning together. do you think they’d deliver pizza here
  7. hey I have to photograph someone for class will you be my model
  8. hey I have to take someone’s blood pressure for class will you be my victim
  9. I know I keep coming to the cookie shop and for some reason it’s always your shift but don’t you dare judge me I need these for my sanity
  10. all our friends are drunk
  11. it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost
  12. We’re the only two people in this club. what is this club even for
  13. humans vs zombies (see you can still have your zombie AU, best of both worlds)
  14. we’re the only people who ever talk in discussions it’s awful
  16. #both of us turned up at the wrong room for this lecture but don’t know where its meant to be 
  17. waiting outside for pizza to be delivered and both of ours are super late
  18. you keep parking in the space outside my student house you absolute
  19. we live in halls opposite each other and I keep seeing you changing through your window 
  20. #you’re the only other person in the room when I break the printer and I’m panicking 
  21. Neither of us bought the expensive textbook but there is only one copy in the library and it can’t leave the building
  22. This awesome professor only has one TA slot and we’re rivals
  23. I found your USB drive still in the computer
  24. I thought I was the only one who liked the waffle station in the cafeteria
  25. You keep reserving the good study room in the corner of the library with the windows
  26. We’re studying in the library and there are two people very obviously ing in the stacks and we keep sharing embarrassed glances
  27. We’re both donating blood in the blood donation van in the quad to get out of the same class
  28. You decked me in the head while you were playing Frisbee golf
  29. Wait, I actually have a competent lab partner?
  30. You’re the RA and you’re trying to bust me for having hermit crabs
  31. You’re baking cookies in the communal kitchen at 3am and I’m angry but also really hungry
  32. What are you doing at this table at the career fair
  33. Waiting for office hours
  34. I’ve been sitting in this seat all semester why did you decide to sit in it today
  35. Clearly we’re both really uncomfortable at this party
  36. You peed on my car. You were drunk. I was in the car. There will be hell to pay.
  37. We started racing up the three flights of stairs to class for some reason and we can’t stop
  38. You’re REALLY GOOD at using the right search terms for the academic databases and I’m on a deadline
  39. both stuck in the dorm common room because their respective roommates needed “alone time”
  40. my friend dragged me to this party and I just saw my ex quick make out with me
  41. we’re always at the fitness center at the same time and end up competing on the treadmill
  42. Can I borrow a dryer sheet? I ran out and the ones in the vending machine give me a rash
  43. Your school mailbox is right next to mine
  44. I saw you sneaking captain crunch and cutlery out of the dining hall
  45. My roommate borrowed your contraband hotpot and managed to set it on fire
  46. You keep using my preferred shower stall in the floor bathrooms when I’m trying to get ready for class
  47. My computer crashed and you’re the student worker at the IT center
  48. we’re both on athletic teams that aren’t as cool as the football team and they give us
  49. You’re part of the guerrilla theater club on campus and crashed my class for a performance
  50. What do you mean we’re under a tornado warning?
  51. it’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherer pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m going to make that er pay
  52. you’re the er who set off the fire alarm with your awful cooking
  53. I’m the er who set off the fire alarm with my awful cooking
  54. my shower isn’t working can I use yours
  55. RA mandated floor party
  56. I couldn’t help but notice you’re watching a show I like instead of studying in the computer lab
  57. dude your headphones are really loud like I can make out most of Kanye’s lyrics and I’m sitting across the ing room
  58. Hey the semester’s almost over and I have way too much money on my cafeteria account, do you want anything??? this ’s just going to disappear into the college’s pocket otherwise
  60. I’ve ordered take out every night this week and you always seem to be my delivery person
  61. we’re both skipping class to study for a different class
  62. you live above me and I’m going to murder you if you don’t stop throwing parties Sunday night
  63. there’s only one study room left in the dorm basement and I don’t want to walk to the library, let’s fight for it
  64. I swear I’m wearing this Batman costume because of a dare
  65. The guy with the bibles on the quad has cornered me and is screaming about hell, please rescue me
  66. lecture room bingo for annoying things your prof says
  67. you’re obviously high or hungover so I’m going to rescue you and tell the teacher why your answer wasn’t as strange as it sounded, but you’ll owe me
  68. holy you found me on the roof please don’t be an RA
  69. You’re standing right next to me while we’re both flyering and catching all of the people walking past before I can
  70. Alternatively, we’re standing right next to each other while flyering and hey, are you as miserable as I am right now?
  71. We can’t both listen to our music in the shower at the same time
  72. Both of us are super bored at this mandatory floor meeting
  73. We both work really late shifts on Friday Nights and you give me a ride home so I don’t have to walk alone in the dark
  74. You’re the only one who actually responded to the desperate message I sent to the whole class about needing the notes
  75. All the seats in this huge ing lecture hall and you have to sit right next to me
  76. I’m sorry you caught me moving your clothes out of the dryer but in my defense I’ve been waiting for one to open up for about an hour now
  77. We were both running for the bus and it didn’t wait for us, so now we’re at this bus stop together alone
  78. Are you the one who keep leaving their dirty dishes in the common area kitchen
  79. You posted that you needed to borrow something on the floor’s Facebook group and I just so happen to have what you need
  80. I want to buy your football ticket/textbook/etc. so we have to meet up
  81. Every single table in the union is full, do you mind if I just sit here for a while?
  82. “we heard meningitis is going around and we’re both terrified and buying hand sanitizer in bulk”
  83. the only ones in the dorm that go out for thirsty Thursday
  84. met doing laundry at 2am college au 
  85. accidentally knocked on the wrong dorm room college au
  86. picked up the wrong book when we bumped into each other college au
  87. Hey exchange student why don’t you can come to mine for thanksgiving?? college au
  88. walked in on you in the shower college au
  89. drunkenly hooked up but you’re dating my roommate who already hates me college au
  90. the always-partying kid falls for the always-studying kid college au
  91. heard a scream and thought you were getting killed but it was just a spider college au
  92. I really hate you but you have the highest grades in class and I need help college au

well ofc i want to add a character so there might be other ships, and if i decide for Jimin to have a sister (younger/elder), her name would be Park Jihye and if Yoongi has a sister (younger/elder) her name would be Min Yoonji. no brothers because 'sisters are more fun'!! 

i won't write it in a sequential order, nor would i write everything! maybe when i finally have the mind to stop, i will ;~; 
i'll strike out the AU's i've finished and p.s: i will not write or stripper or all those things >///< i hate those. sorry

And i'll take requests too! just comment the AU number and the heading  it's under and i'll write it!

cr. x

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have you all read the notification? im still open for requests~~ but still no mpregs or rated m things... not even if you unsubscribe.


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Bananana_ #1
Chapter 15: Ahhhh please write a sequel to thiiis~~
Chapter 6: Chapter 4 and 5 can you please write sequels
Chapter 11: Omg..this was unexpected... i end up laughing my heart out bcos of the twist because omg i cant even imagine jimin spoke to nobody from the beginning... good job author -nim..i teally love this story
Chapter 6: Omg. That's too sad! Please do make a sequel~ ㅠ^ㅠ
Kaynne #5
Chapter 1: Okay eu adimito nao er tanta au que eu nem sei de mais nada essas foram as que eu maia gostei... Ate onde eu tive tempo de ler ewe.

Ps: quanto mais parenteses mais eu gostaria de ler a Au.

Da primeira lista: 11 - 14 - 15 - 18 - 19 - (20) - 24 - (((28))) - 30 - 32 - 33 - 35 - 39 - (((42))) - 45 - 46 - (50) - (64) - (77) - 95 - (97) - 103 - (112) - 116 - ((132)) - 150 - 153 - 165 - (170) - ((172)) - 175 - 180 - (182) - 185 - 187 - ((196)) - 205 - 212 - 247.
Au Domestico : 10 * 12 - 13 - ((14)) - 15 - 24
Companheiros/Vizinhos Au: 01 - ((06)) - 07 - 09 - 10
Romance Au : ((01)) - 02 - 05 - (07) - 09 - 10 - (13) - 16 - 18 - (((22))) - (((23))) - ((24)) - (((25))) - (((27))) - 30
Magica Au: (((05))) - (((06))) - ((07))
: Aleatorio Au: ((01)) - 04 - ((05)) - (08) - ((12)) - ((15)) - (((22))) - ((((23)))) - ((27)) - 33 - 35 - 36 - ((37)) - (40) - 43 - (45) - 49
Um er cego e se apaixona pela voz do outro
beck100 #6
Chapter 6: a*.........
beck100 #7
Chapter 6: OH MY HOLY
please please write an sequel to this!
Kaynne #8
Chapter 6: Nossa ewe. Meu coracao... Eu tive um amigo/amiga de correspondencia ate hoje eu nao sei se era um menino ou menina a pessoa era... Estranha.

Vai ter parte 2?...
Kaynne #9
Chapter 5: Aigoo esse MV foi um tiro, juntamos uma galera em casa e eu nunca vi tanta gente chorando juntos desde A culpa e das estrelas.

Sobre a AU... Eu gosto de Mpreg Yoonmin <3
meNmylifestyle #10
Chapter 2: Awwhhh~ I can't wait to read your AUs~~ ><