
Stop The Love Now

You open your eyes.

The sunray hits your bed and it glows every part of that room.

It is already morning, you murmur.

You get up and try to gather your soul with yawning and rubbing your eyes.

Soft knocks then are heard from the other side of the door. "Miss Kang, it is the time. Madam asked me to notify you."  You stare to the clock and it is a bit late from the time you are supposed to wake up.

Darn Kyungsoo and his 'attack.'

You go to the bag and change your clothes; before that you wash up a bit. You then come down to the kitchen where Kyungsoo's mother is already doing the preparation. A maid comes to you and put an apron on you. "Have you slept well?"

"Yes, Aunt. Thank you--"

"Don't you remember now it's time to call me Mother?"  She nicely reminds. You just can smile and nod as you come to her side. "Cut this thing."  And 'this thing' isn't just one or two things, actually; 'it' is filling two medium sized wooden crates. Yes, the amount of the ingredients is overwhelming you begin to think how his mother has managed to serve all of these by herself ever since. It shouldn't be done by her, because she is the widow, but Do family has no other daughter-in-law other than his mother so she volunteered. Well, his aunts don't really help much; something you are asking in your brain.

You and her have been working for several hours until the glorified Kyungsoo comes inside. He has worn black shirt and black trousers. He looks a bit nervous and you know why. Once your stare is crossed with him, you both glance to somewhere else. It's not that his mother doesn't catch it, but she keeps her silence as she knows asking at this time will be fruitless.

"Is something wrong, Kyungie?"

"No..., I mean, I need to talk to Jiwon, Mom."  You stop whatever you are doing and you glance to his mother. She nods and so you come with Kyungsoo outside the house. He leads you to the garden. "What do you want to--"

"If I say sorry for kissing you last night, would you be angry?"  Kyungsoo turns and asks the question. It catches you unprepared. After he kissed you last night, he just kissed his forehead with yours and then left the scene.

It is weird and you know you should be angry that he kissed you, but you are angry about something else.

Why didn't he stay longer?

That is the thing that made you couldn't sleep well last night. This is so confusing; as a romance writer, you should know better, but this is just too overwhelming.

So you just stare to him.

"I..., don't know?"

Kyungsoo's jaw is tightened a bit and you can see it. He gulps and then smiles, "let's just think it is my overreacted reaction, shall we? I am so sorry for doing that to you."  He bows politely to you, "I should hug you or whatever other than kissing you to release the feeling inside myself. You have been too kind that you heard my story without judging me."

"Ah...., it's nothing,"  you bow back to him. "And I think I should get back to the kitchen."


And you turn with uneasy feeling. No, you don't really want him to ask an apology because he kissed you, and that's because you actually don't really mind at all to be kissing by him.

But what does that even mean?



The food is served well. You have followed his mother's guide so you are sure nothing will really go wrong.

Joonmyeon and Jiyeon come first and they bow to their aunts before helping with the utensils. Not long after that, the grandmother comes and everyone, including you, bows to her. She smiles and goes toward her chair, followed by the aunts and uncles. Lastly, Kyungsoo comes inside and his mother gestures that you should sit near him.

After the little ceremony has ended, you all then eat the food. You try some and you can feel that they are all tasty. Kyungsoo's mom knows how to cook well.

But you and Kyungsoo have never spoken ever since you two were seated together.

And the awkwardness is felt by his family. Joonmyeon and Jiyeon stare like they are confused but they know they can't really ask right now.

"Is something wrong happened between you?"

"Huh?"  You two react at the same time and the awkwardness is more to be seen. You both glance a little to each other and then you stare to somewhere else again.

"They talked for a while when we were preparing,"  his mother speaks, "and I think it is a serious topic since she wasn't in happier mood than before."



"It's just, we are thinking about, uh, our future."

"Are you two fighting? Because it seems to be like that,"  asks Jiyeon and you two shake your heads immediately. "We are not--"

"I saw you came out from her room with devastated face, Kyungsoo,"  Joonmyeon adds and you feel like a stone has resided at your throat. And looking from Kyungsoo's face, you can predict he feels the same way as you do.

"We...., we have something to discuss with...., I just...., we are fine, aren't we, Jiwoo-ah?"

"Ye...yes, we are,"  you awkwardly smile, "don't worry. We, I mean, I am just a little bit tensed because of my work. He just tried to soothe me but it seems not working well so I am still this tense."

"And the wedding season is about to come to,"  Kyungsoo adds, "we are just tired of our work, right?"

"Yeah. Nothing to worry about."

Even blind person can tell they are restraining something but people there respect their privacy. If they want to talk, they will talk by themselves.



You slam your forehead to the dining table and Sehun seems to be tired to see the lifeless of you.

"Noona, it has been days. What happened at the ceremony, exactly? You seem like a robot ever since that day."



"Why do I feel like this?"

"Feel like what?"

"Feel like wanted to scream."

"What do you want to scream about?"

"I don't even know what. I just want to scream."

"Noona."  Sehun speaks in serious tone, "are you about to get crazy? Should I call mental institution?"  You get up and throw tissue toward him. He dodges it but keeps smiling. "Seriously, what happened at the ceremony?"


"You will not be like this if there is nothing happened. I am your closest guy you have, wait, Kyungsoo hyung might have taken that place--"  Sehun stops talking as he stares to your face when he says it. He seems surprised and then laughs loud.

You get confused and touch your cheeks. There could be something on there, right? You felt a bit warm, actually, when Sehun mentioned Kyungsoo, but nothing more.


"HUH?"  You also scream and run to the mirror. He is right. Even though 'like boiled lobster' is too much, your cheeks show a hint of pink color. So this is how the warm feeling shows visibly toward anyone in front of you, who happens to be Sehun. You touch them again. It still feels warm. You stare to the mirror and bites your lower lip. Sehun then comes and smiles nicely from behind. "May I say something?"

"What is it?"

"You have fallen for Kyungsoo hyung, haven't you? And somehow something happened between you and you just felt like you are heartbroken and so this is why you act like this."

You take a deep breath.

"When did it even start? I hate him so much."

"Hated, noona,"  Sehun reminds, "well, I don't know, as all I see from you two are fighting with each other. But that might be happened because you are attracted to him yet he is not a guy who speaks sweetly or does something in romantic way. You are just curious about him; maybe fighting is your unconscious mechanism or way to know more about him."

"Why...., why do you know so much and can speak this well like a philosopher?"

"I might be younger than you but I have been with my girlfriend since I graduated high school, so I might have more experience than you in understanding opposite ." You nod. "So, are you falling in love with Kyungsoo hyung, noona?"

"I...., I think I am...., Gosh, Sehun, what should I do? This thing is a big lie for him and he doesn't see me like what I...., Oh My God I am so confused right now I can't even breathe well...."



"Now, now, Kyungsoo,"  Baekhyun pats the lifeless body of Kyungsoo. Jongin even waves his hand in front of his eyes and all he gets is blank expression of Kyungsoo, "why are you like this?"

"I thought you have quite moved on from your late father's accident. It is not your fault. And we all know he must be happy that you are following your dream right now and are happy with the path you have chosen."

"Or are you actually feeling sad because you would get married to Jiwoo-sshi? Maybe you have second thought about getting married."  Kyungsoo shakes his head. "I can't have this feeling again...."

"What feeling?"

"Do you want to throw up?"  asks Chanyeol.

"Are you eventually pregnant?"  Jongin rolls his eyes to Baekhyun. This is not the right time to joke yet this guy jokes too much.

"Hey,"  Kyungsoo speaks again, completely ignores Baekhyun's insane question, "it is actually, uh, Zhang Yixing's question."

"Who is that?"  asks Baekhyun. "Kyungsoo hyung's future brother-in-law; Jiwoo-sshi's twin's boyfriend,"  and Jongin answers that instead. The duo nods in understanding. "What is his question?"

"He...., he kissed Minhee-sshi suddenly. You know, they are in relationship, yet he felt guilty of kissing her because she clearly didn't want to be kissed at that time--"

"On what base did she not want to be kissed?"  Chanyeol asks. "They are couple and couple can kiss their partner at any time they want."

"Uh...., she has her period?"

His three friends frown.

Kyungsoo coughs a little, "uh, it seems like Minhee-sshi has this rule that they can't kiss with further romantic engagement when she has her periods. And it seems that the kiss could lead to some kind of more romantic and--"

"Oh, so he got lusted and wanted to have with her?" Kyungsoo has to take the urge to show any emotion and nods, "and so he felt guilty. At the morning, and there was nothing happened, he asked her if she was angry and her answer was 'I don't know.'"

His friends seem wanting to answer but there is nothing coming out from their mouths.

"And he felt angry. It felt like he was rejected."

"Is their relationship okay right now?"  Chanyeol asks earnestly. Even though Yixing and Minhee are total strangers for him, he feels worried about the relationship. Kyungsoo sighs again, "I don't know..., but it might be awkward between them."

"Well, just say to him that he should tell that he felt guilty about the kiss yet he wants to kiss her that bad."  Jongin gives an opinion. "You should tell him to the her his honest feeling, or he would end up losing her."

"Yeah, he needs to know that sometimes she also feels rather confused but if yo--he states his real feeling, she will understand."

"And he might be allowed to have kissed her during her period!"  Chanyeol ends the opinion with cheerful tone. Kyungsoo smiles to Chanyeol while he is thinking that his friends are right. Whatever she will answer, I need to know, he says in his heart.

"Need to leave to meet this Yixing?"  asks Baekhyun, "well, I let you go, but for today only."  Kyungsoo nods and he gets up and goes outside immediately. Chanyeol waves while Jongin and Baekhyun exchanges understanding glances.

"What a fool. He still thinks he is a good liar."

"Yeah, hyung, I agree with you. But does that mean Kyungsoo hyung and Jiwoo-sshi have this weird rule that they can't kiss during her period?"  Baekhyun shrugs while Chanyeol looks confused. "Hey, aren't we just talking about this Yixing and Minhee? Why are you stating that, Jongin-ah?"



I hope you all like it

and let's welcome MONSTER / LUCKY ONE era.

thank you


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Chapter 14: Omg this story is beautiful! Despite its shortness i love how their growing fond of each other :)) and other supporting character are nice too. Why i just found this now ;;
Chapter 1: dear, i read this on wattpad..thank you for your work
InspiritHamster #3
Chapter 15: I love this story you did a great job with the plot and the language!!
Chapter 14: This is so goooood. All the characters are perfect. Kyungsoo and Jinwoo made me giggle most of the time. (And i just got to mention the small part of Eunji and Junmyeon. That got me flippin') you're seriously one of the best. Thank you for this fic :)
noemimart #5
Chapter 14: Nice story and plot. Looking forward to more of your work.
ShiinaMashiro #7
Chapter 13: Last one /sigh/*cries* make it memorable for me authornim. Fighting!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
ShiinaMashiro #8
Chapter 12: Hohoho finally they're gonna be together ^^ tqsm for this updates authornim...its made my day *cries* can't wait for next chapter huhu
Chapter 11: What the.. Kyungsoo???
mashi-mashi #10
Chapter 10: Why,,,what happen next,please update