The First meeting (Chapter 3)

Evil Maknae Club
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Hey Guys, I decided I am only going to write from Jein's POV because it would make things a lot easier and I could make story progression happen faster. I might write from Sukyi's POV if enough people want me to, but for now, It will only be Jein

I walked into the EMC warhouse for the first time ever. The EMC warhouse is just a warhouse that was abandoned a long time ago and no one was using it. From the outside, it looks like a scene from a creepy horror movie, but the inside is full of maps, pictures, bookshelves, and files. The walls are still the rusty metal color like the outside and the floor is just gravel but it is charming in it's own way, ecspecially with the large windows leeting in alot of light. There is a elevated platform on the other side on the room with stair leading up to it. There are tables folded and leaning against a wall. They are slowly being unfolded and spread out for the meeting. Chair also line the walls. On the wall opposite from the stage, there is a ladder that goes up. I don't know where it leads to though. 

"Hey Jein!" Sehun says when he notices me. That gets everyones attention. They all start crowding around me, though the boys mostly. They haven't seen me in real life (or if they have it was at some broadcasting station for a brief second) because when I joined I was only with girls. I know Sukyi will get the same attention from the girls. 

"Oh Hey" I say, bowing respectfully. When I stand up straight again, someone hits me on the back of the head

"OW!" I say, turning around quickly to see who it was. 

"Hey, We don't use any form of formalities in here, that includes bowing" Sungjong says, accusingly. He then smiles. "I'm Sungjong and I don't think we have met." 

"Oh hi, Sorry, My name is Jein." I say back. "Wait, You're the leader right?" He nods.

I was right. Sukyi arrived not to long afterwards, out of breath. Chaeyoung is the first one to notice him. But like Sehun, she said it out loud and all the girls surrounded him. He greeted them. I was already sitting down but he walked over when he saw me. 

"Hey Jein." He said, pulling me up for a hug. I had always gotten along with my brother quite well. 

"Hey." I said hugging him back. "How is life as a superstar?"

"Just the same as yours" He says back

"Well, you'

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Yerinator #1
Chapter 22: Awww it ended): can I request for a sequel about the other members punishments as well? Thanks (: this has been a great fic, sad it's going to end...
carine14 #2
Chapter 20: Jein has finally turned herself in...A sequel would be nice!
kpopismylife567 #3
Chapter 15: you should add in some parts where they actually get spanked author-nim. that would make it more interesting. hwaiting!! really interesting tho.
Yerinator #4
Chapter 14: Lol nice one...I wonder if hyuk will betray them...?
carine14 #5
Chapter 13: Wow,next chapter is going to be epic. Cant wait to find out what punishment jungkook is talking abt
carine14 #6
Chapter 9: Awww,Krystal and sungjong graduated from EMC,thats sad.How the EMC going to be with Jein's lead...can't wait for the next one!
kpopismylife567 #7
Chapter 7: lol i know that feeling. but i shouldn't be reading this cuz im doing my trimester benchmark final. but ill wait its ok if u take long author-nim. HWAITING!!!
Yerinator #8
Chapter 5: Oooo...can't wait for next chapter ! Warrrrrrr!
yowassupeveryone #9
please update!! ill be waiting!! hwaiting!!!!!