A New Change in Power (Chapter 7)

Evil Maknae Club
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I am currently filming the new MV for 'Not forever' on our new album. I look down at the text. The text was from Sungjong. I walked out of the room before anyone noticed who I was texting. Ever since the unnies found out about the EMC 4 days ago, they have been on high alert to fnd more information. When I got to a spot where I felt I could text and not get looked at my phone to read it. It read:

Hey, we are having our next meeting in 3 days at 7:00PM. DON'T be late.

- Sungjong- 

Great! Another meeting. That meeting is going to be very akward. I mean, Sungjong and I were the only ones who got punished. I hope no one has bad feelings on me ditching them. I mean I came back, so hopefully I will be forgiven. I walked back to the room and continued with the shooting.

9:00PM Tuesday, 2 days before meeting

Ugh!! Why isn't practice hurrying up??!! I want to sleep so that I will only have 1 more day to wait. 

10:00AM Wedensday, 1 day before meeting

I wonder what is going to happen at the meeting? I mean Sungjung might change a lot since he saw was happened before.

8:00PM Wedensday, 1 day before meeting

I am pretty sure I am going to be attacked when I walk into the bulding. I mean with all the texts about 'Are you OK?'  'The unnies and oppas shouldn't have done that to you.' 'We will get our revenge'. I just wonder what kind of texts Sungjong is getting. 

12:00PM Thursday, day of meeting

Ahh. Today is the day. It is going to be so akward. 

1:00PM Thursday, day of meeting

Ugh, why is time going so slow. I need to get there. I must get this over with

2:00PM Thursday, day of meeting

Ohh I got a text message from Sungjong and Krysral. 


"Good Luck"

"With what?"

"You'll know by the end of today." 

"What do you mean?"




"Are u there?"




"You're Coming right"

"Wouldn't miss it. Also, What is wrong with Krystal.?

"I don't know." 

"Oh ok. See you tonight."


Sure? Why just sure? Something is going on. I need to know. Well, I guess I will by the end of today. I looked up at the clock in front of me and it is still only 2:30. The meeting is at 7:00. Wait! I can't do that. My unnie are leaving at 5:00 so I should leave then. I might be early, but what is wrong with that. I mean it is beter to be on time then late. 

4:00PM Thursday, Day of meeting

The unnies are all getting together to know what they are doing. Apperently, they are all going to a beach somewhere. 

"Unnies, why can't I go?"

"Because you have big tests in a few days" Chaera-unnie said.

"The tests are going to be stupid and pointless" I whined

"Doesn't matter. Do you want to get out of school?"

"Yeah, I do." I nodded. 

"Well, then you have to take the tests."

"But I don't wannnnnnna"

"But I don't carrrrrrrrrrre" 

"Fine" I said, walking away briskly to my room before slamming the dorr closed a little to forcefully. 

"Don't slam doors, Jein." I heard Soah-unnie say through the door

"Well, her." I said under my breath. I didn't have time for her right now. I just wanted them gone. 

"EXCUSE ME, What did you say?" Oh crap. I turned around to see who heard me. I sighed when I saw Miyoon. 

"I heard what you said." She said, accusingly. "You're luck we are all getting ready to leave. I would've go told Taena-unnie if we weren't." 

"Thank God, my luck" 

She looked at me seriously. "I'll get Taena-unnie to punish you later when we get home" My unnies where going to the beach for 5 days. EEEEEEE 5 days I get to be by myself. 

"Unnieeeee, No" I said. 

"Jein, you know what you said and you also know you can't say those things out loud. I mean, what if someone important heard you, like Soah-unnie."

"I didn't mean it though."

"I know you didn't. Which is why if Soah-unnie heard you it would be even worse because you didn't mean it."

I pouted. "Fine, just finish packing." I said walking out. I looked at the clock again and it read 4:49.

"GIRLS!!" Taena-unnie yelled throughout the w

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Yerinator #1
Chapter 22: Awww it ended): can I request for a sequel about the other members punishments as well? Thanks (: this has been a great fic, sad it's going to end...
carine14 #2
Chapter 20: Jein has finally turned herself in...A sequel would be nice!
kpopismylife567 #3
Chapter 15: you should add in some parts where they actually get spanked author-nim. that would make it more interesting. hwaiting!! really interesting tho.
Yerinator #4
Chapter 14: Lol nice one...I wonder if hyuk will betray them...?
carine14 #5
Chapter 13: Wow,next chapter is going to be epic. Cant wait to find out what punishment jungkook is talking abt
carine14 #6
Chapter 9: Awww,Krystal and sungjong graduated from EMC,thats sad.How the EMC going to be with Jein's lead...can't wait for the next one!
kpopismylife567 #7
Chapter 7: lol i know that feeling. but i shouldn't be reading this cuz im doing my trimester benchmark final. but ill wait its ok if u take long author-nim. HWAITING!!!
Yerinator #8
Chapter 5: Oooo...can't wait for next chapter ! Warrrrrrr!
yowassupeveryone #9
please update!! ill be waiting!! hwaiting!!!!!