A Backstory (Chapter 16)

Evil Maknae Club
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Onew turned his attention away from me to start the car. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed off to where ever. I had no idea where they were taking me but kept quite. I looked out the window and remembered all the good times I had in the last year. It was great. But I ruined it. I had to go and become what I despise the most. A stereotype. I wanted to die so badly right then and there. All my memebrs hated me. I know Onew said they didn't but I didn't believe him. The maknaes probably never want to see me again. I know they hate me with all there guts. I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks. I was unwanted and unloved. No one cared about me anymore.

<> Onew POV <>

Ugh, I should've known it was her. I could've done something to stop this. I looked in the overhead mirror to see her staring out the window. I didn't need to ask her what was going on in her head; I already knew. I have known Jein for about 2 years and throughout that time I have learned a lot about her. She is probably one of the most interesting girls her age I have ever met. She is smart and clever. She always puts others before herself and would do anything for the people she loved. She is driven by optimism and guilt. She does whatever she can to make others happy, but if she thinks she is causing that person stress or unwanted feelings, she goes into a bubble of self-loathing and hate. Which is what she is doing now. 

I, having many simularities with her, know how to show her that not everything is her fault and that mistakes will be overlooked and forgiven. I talked to the other two and told them my idea of a proper punishment for the young leader. I hated doing this. I had

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Yerinator #1
Chapter 22: Awww it ended): can I request for a sequel about the other members punishments as well? Thanks (: this has been a great fic, sad it's going to end...
carine14 #2
Chapter 20: Jein has finally turned herself in...A sequel would be nice!
kpopismylife567 #3
Chapter 15: you should add in some parts where they actually get spanked author-nim. that would make it more interesting. hwaiting!! really interesting tho.
Yerinator #4
Chapter 14: Lol nice one...I wonder if hyuk will betray them...?
carine14 #5
Chapter 13: Wow,next chapter is going to be epic. Cant wait to find out what punishment jungkook is talking abt
carine14 #6
Chapter 9: Awww,Krystal and sungjong graduated from EMC,thats sad.How the EMC going to be with Jein's lead...can't wait for the next one!
kpopismylife567 #7
Chapter 7: lol i know that feeling. but i shouldn't be reading this cuz im doing my trimester benchmark final. but ill wait its ok if u take long author-nim. HWAITING!!!
Yerinator #8
Chapter 5: Oooo...can't wait for next chapter ! Warrrrrrr!
yowassupeveryone #9
please update!! ill be waiting!! hwaiting!!!!!