A Random trip to the Beach pt 2. (Chapter 14)

Evil Maknae Club
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We ran. We ran until our hearts almost decided to stop beating. Being chased by cops was not apart of my plan. We were supposed to camp out on the beach then go home the next day to face our members. Well, it looks like we will meet our members a lot sooner.  

Ugh, why did that police man have to bring the Evil Maknae Club into the picture? The trip was supposed to have nothing to do with EMC. But I learned things, today. Now, that I'm the leader, I will never escape being in the club. It will be apart of me. It will follow me everywhere until it is no more. 

We ran upon a small town that we had passed on the way here. Mabye, we could hang out there. When we got there, we immediatly ran to one of the television screen things. I can't believe they still have that. Now, what was on the screen was alarming. It was turned to the main news channel for all of South Korea. On it was our faces and a guy next to them. He said "Breaking News. Kai and Sehun of Exo and Jein of Sugar Plum are to be found by the police. The only problem is the cop's have no idea where they are. If you see these people, do not panic. They didn't kill anyone, but please call 119 if you do." After that, they brought on more people to discuss the issue.

"What did they do?" A woman asked. 

"The police said nothing bad. They said Jein didn't do anything wrong by law, accept run away from the police."  Another man anwsered. 

"What did Kai and Sehun do, though?" she repeated. 

"They said as punishment they would force all three of them to explain the whole situation. They told us they got aprroval of both CEO's and the members of Exo and Sugar Plum." 

"Couldn't they get kicked out?"

"Yes, but no. Both CEO's promised the wouldn't kick them out. Neither would they yell at them. They said they would leave that to the other members."

"That sounds like they are showing favoritism, don't you think?"

"Yes it does, but the police said that Naeun and Jinsol of April were with Jein, Kai, and Sehun. They said that something like this happens quite often and that they are all too young." 

"Sehun and Kai aren't" 

"Yeah, but it could have been Naeun, Jinsol, or Jein's idea. They could have come along to make sure that they didn't do anything illegal." 

"But in turn they did something illegal not the girls." 


"What confuses me is what were Jinsol and Naeun there? I mean the are so innocent?" Some other woman who hadn't spoke before said. 

"Jein, too." The other woman said. 

"No, you heard the rumors about her and Kai, and Sehun." 

"The evil maknae club isn't a thing, Sorun." 

"I think it is." 

"Well, we'll make sure they put that into their confessions." 

Then they turned to something else. When I looked back, I sa

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Yerinator #1
Chapter 22: Awww it ended): can I request for a sequel about the other members punishments as well? Thanks (: this has been a great fic, sad it's going to end...
carine14 #2
Chapter 20: Jein has finally turned herself in...A sequel would be nice!
kpopismylife567 #3
Chapter 15: you should add in some parts where they actually get spanked author-nim. that would make it more interesting. hwaiting!! really interesting tho.
Yerinator #4
Chapter 14: Lol nice one...I wonder if hyuk will betray them...?
carine14 #5
Chapter 13: Wow,next chapter is going to be epic. Cant wait to find out what punishment jungkook is talking abt
carine14 #6
Chapter 9: Awww,Krystal and sungjong graduated from EMC,thats sad.How the EMC going to be with Jein's lead...can't wait for the next one!
kpopismylife567 #7
Chapter 7: lol i know that feeling. but i shouldn't be reading this cuz im doing my trimester benchmark final. but ill wait its ok if u take long author-nim. HWAITING!!!
Yerinator #8
Chapter 5: Oooo...can't wait for next chapter ! Warrrrrrr!
yowassupeveryone #9
please update!! ill be waiting!! hwaiting!!!!!