Done? (Chapter 14)

Evil Maknae Club
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Hey guys, this may seem odd, but I will be ending Evil Maknae Club soon for two reasons. One, I have slowly lost interest in the story. Two, because if I end this on I can start on new ones :D. I feel like I am slacking so I just want to complete this so I don't have to feel guilty anymore. I am sorry if you liked this story and want it to continue. If I get more inspiration I might continue but for now I will end this soon. 


*HUGGGGGGGGEEEE TIME SKIP (like 10 months or something)*

The maknaes and I walked into the huge room. Our hyungs and unnies were already waiting for us. We were going to have a talk with them. They still don't know who the leader is but they know that there is 6 people in power. 

What happen since I last met? Well I'll tell you. After the night I got arrested my resentment towards my unnies grew. It grew until I has lost the whole point of the EMC. After about 6 months of getting back at them, Zelo showed me that right path again. Our group as decreased to a minimal 15 people. Most have left in that last 3 months because, well I did my job. The Evil Maknae Club is now a known thing throughout Korea. We are no longer just a bunch of rebellious maknaes, but an actual group, almost like a new race. People treat us differently when they hear we are in the EMC. Unnies and hyungs all classify us as rebels or traitors. The fans know we don't exactly like our unnies and hyung, but they don't see the Cold War going on between us. 

My unnies hate me. Well, they don't hatttte me, not even Taena-unnie. They resent me a little and we are not as close, but I don't worry because I know we will be eventually. The unnies and hyungs offered us a way to be able to get seen as  one agian. They said if we were willing to take a spanking from all three leaders (Onew, N, and Rap Monster) we would be loved and treated the same as we were. A few maknaes did indulge in the offer and now they are happier than they ever have. Those maknaes look down at us. They say what we do has no real cause and that they are happy going back to the old ways. They don't realize the 'old ways' are dead. The unnies and hyungs of those maknaes realized that their beloved maknae wasn't happy with the way he ro she was being treated, so they changed. When the maknaes returned to the group, not as a EMC, they w

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Yerinator #1
Chapter 22: Awww it ended): can I request for a sequel about the other members punishments as well? Thanks (: this has been a great fic, sad it's going to end...
carine14 #2
Chapter 20: Jein has finally turned herself in...A sequel would be nice!
kpopismylife567 #3
Chapter 15: you should add in some parts where they actually get spanked author-nim. that would make it more interesting. hwaiting!! really interesting tho.
Yerinator #4
Chapter 14: Lol nice one...I wonder if hyuk will betray them...?
carine14 #5
Chapter 13: Wow,next chapter is going to be epic. Cant wait to find out what punishment jungkook is talking abt
carine14 #6
Chapter 9: Awww,Krystal and sungjong graduated from EMC,thats sad.How the EMC going to be with Jein's lead...can't wait for the next one!
kpopismylife567 #7
Chapter 7: lol i know that feeling. but i shouldn't be reading this cuz im doing my trimester benchmark final. but ill wait its ok if u take long author-nim. HWAITING!!!
Yerinator #8
Chapter 5: Oooo...can't wait for next chapter ! Warrrrrrr!
yowassupeveryone #9
please update!! ill be waiting!! hwaiting!!!!!