When your cooking is terrible

Lay One Shots

"Lay, I'm home!",you shouted as you placed the grocery bags onto the kitchen floor. Today, you were going to cook up a "delicious" meal for Lay and you for dinner. You were going to cook up a "delicious" tteokbokki, a korean cuisine that is made from soft rice cakes and other ingredients. You weren't the best at cooking, but you were sure this was going to go very well. You had to go to the store because you were to lazy to make homemade rice cakes. Ain't nobody got time for that. 

Honestly, you didn't know what the heck you were doing, or what to even put into the pot. You thought you didn't need a recipe because it looked pretty easy to make. Atleast that's what the picture looked like. You threw in some stock and added hot pepper paste. Then, you realized you forgot to buy anchovies, but you were too lazy to go back to the store so you thought it was going to be fine without anchovies. While you waited for the tteokbokki to boil, you decided to check up on Lay.

Before you could even do that, music blasted from upstairs so you decided to give up on that idea. As you grabbed your phone, you heard Lay's footsteps making their way down the stairs. Right at that moment, the tteokbokki was complete! What perfect timing

"What are you cooking up babe?",Lay asked while rubbing his eyes. "Tteokbokki", you replied while pouring the tteokbokki into a bowl. You didn't feel like eating since you had a huge lunch that afernoon. "Here you go.",you said as you handed the bowl to Lay.

Lay's Point Of View

"Oh my god" Why did she have to make food instead getting take out. The last time I had Ji Hee's food, I ended up throwing up and almost got food poisoning. I smiled at her and thanked her for the food. My hand was shaking as I held the fork. I grabbed a rice cake and slowly chewed it. The tteokbokki was WAY TOO salty and had WAY TOO much hot pepper paste. I tried very hard not to throw up and possibly die from spiciness.

     End of Lay's Point Of View

You smiled at Lay and washed the dishes while waiting. You hummed a tune and dried the dishes with a rag and carefully placed them one by one into the dishwasher. After, you told Lay you were going to take a shower and head to sleep.

It was finally morning and you woke up with a sweating and uncomfortable beside you. Lay looked like he was having some really bad nightmare. You slapped him awake and he woke up immediately. "Ji Hee, I don't feel good...", Lay jumps out of bed towards the bathroom. You follow behind just in case and he throws up in the bathroom. You stand their worried and didn't know what to do.

When he finished you decided to call your father over since he was a doctor. "Hello?" "Hi daddy! Do you have work today?",you asked him as you glanced at Lay who was laying uncomfortably on the bed. "Yes I am home for the day, why?" "Lay was vomiting a few minutes ago. Can you come over? Like right now?, you asked quickly. The phone hung up and you realized that your dad was on his way. But your dad has never met Lay before because he was busy with work and doing surgeries and such. This was going to be interesting.

Lay looked like he was about to die so you grabbed him some water from downstairs and handed it to him. He didn't grab it from your hand so you guessed he was trying to signal to you that he was to weak to even lift his hand. You nodded and help the glass as he drank till the very last drop of water. Suddenly, the doorbell rung and you pecked Lay's forehead before answering the door.

"Hi daddy!",you screamed and jumped into his arms. Ever since you moved in with Lay, you never got to see your dad anymore and your mom was on a business trip to Greece. Your dad went to check up on Lay and you patiently waited outside the door. When the two talked, you were nervous. What did your dad think of Lay? Would he like him? What if he dislikes him and won't let me live with him. These questions sent a shiver down your spine.

"Ji Hee.",called your dad from inside the room. You walked into the room and closed the door behind you. "He has food poisoning and it will most likely go away in the 1 or 2 days. Make sure he drinks alot of water to stay hydrated. It's very important he does. Alright baby girl, I gotta run over to the hospital. My boss wanted to see me. See you soon!",your dad said as he kissed your forehead and he left the room and out the door.

"Ji Hee...",you hear Lay mumble under the blanket. "Hmmm?",you respond as you sat on the bed and patted his head. "My stomach hurts alot",he responded and he curled up into a ball. "Maybe...you're pregnant!",you pretended to gasp. "Yahhhhh!",Lay yelled and playfully slapped you. "I hate you.",he said. "I love you!",you said back.



A/N: AHHHH!! I'm so freaking sorry that i haven't updated in like a million years. I will make a PROMISE that I will TRY and UPDATE every week!! You guys need to know that I am the laziest person on earth hahahaha. But stay tuned and I will try my best and hardest to update every week



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emeralddreamer #1
Chapter 12: Lay how could you? :((
stuffs2 #2
Chapter 1: Very nice! Reminds of hedgehog