Chapter 7

As he heard footsteps coming in his direction, Taehyung lifts his head to greet the person arriving. "Kook-" when he abruptly stops. 
"Hey weirdo" 
"Listen here you little idiot, you need to leave Jungkook alone. That kid is way to good for you and extremely out of your league. He wouldn't ever return your feelings even if you told."
Taehyung gaped, completely surprised that the elder had found out the secret he had tried to hide for so long. 
"W-What are you talking about? I don-"
"God you frustrate the hell out of me, if you don't stop and leave him alone I'm gonna tell him. Tell him you love him and then he'll leave you forever. Because that's absolutely disgusting. Who would hang out with you when they find out you're a ? Who would ever want to hang out with you? Nobody. He's just taking pity on you"
By this point, Taehyung's eyes were watering and tears were about to fall. 
"Please don't. I can't lose him, I can't. He's all I have, don't take him away from me. I don't what I would do with myself if I did. Namjoon, I'm begging you, don't tell him"
Seeing at how desperately Taehyung was acting, Namjoon felt a pang of guilt hit him. 'Is this right? Should I be trying to tear them apart? Oh well, this is want Jungkook wants, so I'll help him get rid of the idiot.'
"Then stay away. He's better off without you as a burden to hold him back"
And with that, Namjoon silently treads away, another incoming figure approaching but one also hidden in the shadows,
Jung Hoseok. 
Hoseok was pissed. 
No, beyond pissed. 
He could not believe what he had just heard. How could you threaten someone for the one they love? 
But at the same time, Hoseok's heart was hurting.  He didn't know what the feeling was but it was triggered whenever Namjoon stated that Taehyung loved Jungkook. Jealousy? He wasn't sure. But what he was sure about was that the way Taehyung was being treated was absolute bull. 
He was disappointed. Not with just Namjoon and Jungkook but with Taehyung. Why? Because he had just degraded himself so much for his supposed best friend. And for what purpose? Because he had known him for years and years? Hoseok thought it was truly pitiful, he wanted to make Taehyung to smile. Smile that same, beautiful rectangle smile he had graced him with that one day. He was determined to win his friendship... and maybe even his heart. 
So he waited. No matter how much he wanted to throw a punch at the idiotic Jungkook for his dumb and idiotic responses slowly tearing away at his crush, he couldn't. He would win over Taehyung the right way, make him feel better about himself. He knew it would take time for that to happen, but it was worth it. 
Taehyung was worth it. 
Once Taehyung was left alone in tears due to to his best friend, Hoseok had had enough. 
So, trying to muster up as much happiness as he could in his furious state, he yells, "TAE!!!!"
Said figure turns around, confused and quickly trying to get rid of his tears; once noticing it was Hoseok, his face brightened. 
Sure, the end to his day had turned out pretty ty, but Hoseok was definitely the light in his now bleak life. 
He waited until the elder finished walking over to him only to have him lift him up by the waist and spin him around. 
"H-Hoseok!! What are yo- EPP" he yells out, squealing as Hoseok lightly throws him into the air. 
"HOSEOK!" chuckling now, Hoseok places Taehyung on the ground but Taehyung, terrified he was to be dropped, had latched his arms around Hoseok's neck and buried his head into his neck. 
"Hey Taetae!" he says, giddy to the young boy in his arms. 
Taehyung, head still buried in Hoseok's neck, now slightly blushing at the situation, responds with a meek "Hi Hoseok..."
Hoseok merely pats Taehyung's back as a response before letting go. However, Taehyung won't let go, the reason being was because he had shed a few tears while the embrace occurred, still upset at what had just occurred with Jungkook. 
Realizing Taehyung hadn't let go, partially feeling some tear drops on his neck, he lets out a quiet, "Tae... what's wrong?"
The reason Hoseok had feigned innocence was simple, he wanted Taehyung's trust. If Taehyung was comfortable to tell him how he felt, he would listen. If not, he wouldn't rush it. He would wait to gain his trust.
"Aish- it's these stupid allergies again... sorry Hoseok.." 
But Hoseok knew. And he decided to leave it be. Once Taehyung trusted him he would've d, so there was no need to rush it. 
"Alright TaeTae!" a slightly flinch from Taehyung, Jungkook had called him that all the time.
"Do you wanna get some ice cream?" Hoseok asks sweetly, separating them. 
"Let's go get some ice cream yeah?" 
"You know what," Taehyung states, now realizing he wanted happiness, he wanted to be happy. 
"Let's go!!!" he yells, grabbing the elders hand and starting to run, laughing. 
"Woah TaeTae!!!" chuckling, Hoseok began to keep up, heart filling with joy.  
Hello everyone!! Sorry for the really late update, this past week of school has been absolute hell. I ended up cutting again for the first time in a while, I really tried to listen to all of you and not do it but I just couldn't. I failed. I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry. Thank you for reading, I love you all, and I'm sorry. Comment below!!
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Sorry! The story might be finished by that time, but it's unlikely.


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Chapter 16: You're so stong! In every Chapter I read I was not only looking forward to the story but also how you are doing! It's impressive that your writting kind of mirrored your own life/ your own experiences, that you digest everything with your writting, just wow!

I really love this story, I cried in literally every Chapter, it's so emotional. I hope you're doing well and that there will be a update to this story someday! Fighting!❤
johan96 #2
Chapter 16: You deserve it jk , you deserve to be forgotten (>y<)
Daisuke98 #3
Chapter 16: Omg, I just started reading this and I'm so hooked. Omg, I cried, so much angst, I love it. Then that cliffhanger! "Who are you?" Omg, please! Do continue
brookesteiner4 #4
little_rayne #5
Chapter 16: In each chapter I cried because of the pain Taehyung went through and just having the thought of you going through this yourself without having anyone behind your back hurts even more. It hurts to know that you are going through this Hell people calls it Life... Tbh, I am just going to open up, I have been through depression before... Everyday I feel like carving my arms and legs but when I thought about the rough times my mom went through to bring me to this world and my dad who tried to protect his whole family and also my brothers who likes to tease me.... I realized that... I should not be doing this. Its wrong. I am putting their effort to waste. I know its a little late for me to send this message but us, readers, will always be here for whether you know it or not. I got through this tough situation I call a 'war' and I made it. I win as I like to put it. And if I can win then so can you Author-nim <3 I really hope you will feel better after reading this <3 We will all be there for you with every obstacle you take <3 <3
Yoongiislifuee #6
Chapter 16: You know, I started reading things like that because I am struggling with depression myself. And I understand it very well. Its just like your entire being depends on cutting. Every day before I go to sleep I tell myself I won't cut. Then I wake up in the middle of the night and tell myself just one. Then I can't stop till my whole hand bleeds. I don't have a place without a scar on my hands. Actually while reading your work I cut myself.
I just want it to stop!
18Reuse #7
Chapter 16: OMG you for sure will get a good mark for narrative essay in my country's exam with this skill....keep up the good work hwaiting <3
xVBTSx #8
Chapter 16: I can't wait for an update I hope your doing well and you have someone to talk to c;
Hazalpanda #9
Chapter 16: i've read every chapter and my heart ached with taehyung's sadness , anyway i've saw your notes about situation ,
i've never been into this state but a dear friend was , and she almost commited suicide but thank god she was saved ,
try to connect yourself with a good vibes , just shut down the bad one like i do x) , i've had too many fake friends , too many stabs in the back that i became emotionless , i never initialet or started a friendship before , but people come to me first , anyway i just don't let people take care of me in fact i do it so when i break a friendship they say they lost a big part but i don't feel like i did , cuz i nvr let my emotions to drown !
i hope u a better state and a life full of joy <3 waitin' for updates
Chapter 16: Oh my gosh, I was about to flip, when I read the end!!!!!! Thank goodness it was just a joke. And I'm also glad that you are doing better. Just remember, we are all rooting for you. This story is amazing by the way.