Chapter 11


Taehyung wasn't able to sleep much the night before. 

He was glad that his big secret, was no longer a secret to the two people who cared about him a lot. He felt apart of his burden lifted, albeit not all, but a big part of it. The boy felt more hopeful, a feeling he had felt very little throughout the past few days. 
Even though school starts at 8:15, Taehyung had been up since 6. There was no real reason other then he couldn't sleep. He decided to stop lying in pity and get ready for school. He made some breakfast, well toast was all he could come up with. Usually Jungkook was the cook whenever Taehyung's parents were gone, which was quite often. Slightly saddening at the thought, he continued to munch on his bread until he heard the doorbell. 
He slowly walks over to the door while check the time, it wasn't even 7:30 yet and it only takes him 10 minutes to get to school, Jungkook was out of the question so who was at his door? 
Opening the door, Taehyung is met with a ball of sunshine and shorter ball of sunshine. The two he could ultimately rely on at this time, Hoseok and Jimin. 
Taehyung was grateful to the duo, but it just wasn't the same. The lifelong friendship with Jungkook was special. Taehyung couldn't describe it but it was something only them two had. 
"TaeTae!" yelled Hoseok, before embracing him in his arms. Taehyung slightly flinches, both at the nickname and the tenderness on his arms. 
Jimin, noticing Taehyung's discomfort, pats Hoseok on the back to get him to let go. "Tae, we came to take you to school!"
"Just you two?"
"Um.. Yeah" Hoseok replies, patting Taehyung's head as he lets go, giving him a small smile. 
"Oh, okay" Taehyung responds, half heartedly, he knew he was being selfish, that the boys just wanted the best for him and here he was taking it for granted. He didn't want to feel like that but when the other boy was always on his mind, it was hard not to bring him up. 
"So.. let's go then!" Jimin says, trying to cut the tension. He grabs Taehyung's hand and proceeds to pull him. 
"Wait Jimin! I still haven't finished eating or brushing my teeth!" 
"Jeez Tae you're so slow," Jimin chuckles and let's him go, "Hurry up or we're gonna be late!!"
As Taehyung runs off, Hoseok turns to Jimin, "I'm worried Jimin."
"About what?" 
"Taehyung still seems out of it... Is Jungkook and his friendship that important? I don't wanna be rude but is it that valuable that Taehyung would break down?"
"Well, I think to him it is. Jungkook was Taehyung's first friend. They went through everything together, tough times, good times and everything in between. They know more about each other than their parents probably do. Taehyung's parents are good but honestly aren't around much, he's always been closer to his grandfather when he used to live here but moved out two years ago. So when he was lonely, Jungkook was there."
"But we're here.." Hoseok says. He doesn't want to seem mad but it did frustrate him that they were there but he still wants to go to the person that makes him cry. Hoseok hopes it won't be that way soon. 
"It's just different. Even though we are all best friends, nothing can replace their bond. I'm not jealous of it, but it's unexplainable. I just hope Jungkook will come to his senses and change."
"How is that gonna happen if Taehyung won't let us talk to him? He's killing him Jimin. Over what? Popularity? He doesn't deserve Tae."
"I guess part of Taehyung wants to know if Jungkook truly realizes what he's done to him. Not that he finally noticed when someone tells him."
"What are we gonna do then? Just hope and pray that he'll notice before Taehyung goes over the edge? I'm not sure if he or I can last that long." snaps Hoseok, he's angry. Not at Taehyung but at the whole situation.
"Well I do know that they'll be hanging out on Friday so we'll have to wait for two days. Hopefully that's going to knock some sense into him. If not, I might just tell him. Tae is too precious for this to happen to him." Jimin says optimistically. 
"Taehyung is strong. I know he can do it" he adds in. 
Hoseok, still doubtful, just nods his head in response. I really hope so. 
Just then Taehyung stumbles back to the front of the door, hair tousled everywhere. "Alright alright let's go!" he say cheerfully a wide grin on his face. 
Hoseok, cheering up after seeing that beautiful smile, grabs his hand and pulls him outside towards school, with Jimin following behind. He sees their intertwined hands and slightly smiles, Jungkook, if you don't change your ways soon, someone's ready and willing to take your spot. 
Walking into school, Taehyung immediately set his sights on the ground, unable to face any other students. That is until he sees both of his friends feet suddenly stop. Taehyung lifts his gaze to meet another pair of brown eyes. 
Taehyung just looks at the other male with confusion and apprehension. He never trusted him, in fact he strongly disliked the older male. He had tried to not only take away Jungkook and Jimin but insulted him in the process of doing it.  
"Yo. Taehyung. Let me talk to you for a second."
Before he could respond, Jimin steps in and says, "If you're going to say anything to him, you can say it to us too. I won't let you hurt him Yoongi."
Taehyung turns and stares at Jimin in shock. He was in disbelief that the boy would stand up against Yoongi for him. Jimin liked him for heavens sake. The boy felt his heart warm a bit at the situation. Jimin was a true friend to Taehyung and he had began to realize it. He was grateful. 
"Hm. Alright then. Taehyung," he turns to stare him in the eyes, "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry for judging you before I even knew you. I'm not gonna say it twice. So... that's it. I'll see ya around." and with that, Yoongi spins on his heels and walks away. 
Jimin looks towards a perplexed Taehyung and grins. Thank you Yoongi. 
After the episode with Yoongi, Hoseok dropped off Jimin and Taehyung at their classroom before saying goodbye and heading to his class. 
Taehyung looked towards the trio of desks before letting out a sigh of relief that Jungkook had not arrived. He walked toward them before Jimin walked a bit ahead and sat in the middle seat. 
"Um Jiminie, that's my seat.." he said, towards the slightly older male. 
"Nope you sit right here." He replied as he pat the chair to the left of him. Jimin took the middle seat so Taehyung could avoid any unnecessary contact with the Jungkook. 
"Thank you" he whispers and takes his seat. He was nervous at what was going to occur if Jungkook was next to him. He hadn't see the boy since the episode at the restaurant and with his phone still turned off, currently sitting in his drawer at home, he was unaware if his best friend was worried for him. 
A few minutes pass by as Jimin and Taehyung talk about the homework Taehyung had to make up. They were so engaged in their conversation that they failed to notice a figure walk into class and head in their direction. 
Suddenly, Taehyung felt a hand placed upon his and he slowly peered above at the towering figure looming over him. 
"Hey Tae, are you okay?" Jungkook asked. 
Taehyung just stares at the boy at a loss for words. He really wasn't prepared for a conversation. He had believed the boy would pass another note to speak after class but this wasn't the case. 
"Yeah Jungkook, he's fine, he just felt a little sick yesterday so he stayed home but he's still got a bit of a sore throat so he doesn't really feel like talking too much." Jimin interjected. 
It was partially true. Taehyung didn't really want to say anything, rather he didn't know how to act around the younger boy. 
Jungkook stares at Jimin curiously before turning his attention back to Taehyung. "Well, Tae I wanted to ask about what happened Mon-"
The bell rang to signal the start of class and before he could finish his sentence, the teacher stated "Everyone please go to your seats."
Jungkook looked a little surprised when he notice Jimin was in the middle of their trio of desks only to get a nod to sit down from him.  Jungkook didn't know what was going on, oblivious to the now nervous wreak of Taehyung, who was trying to claw at his wrapped arms only for Jimin to grab his hands and pull them to his lap, giving him an unpleasant stare. Taehyung gives him an anxious expression until Jimin intertwines their fingers and rubs circles onto Taehyung's hand with his thumb to comfort him. Also whispering, "It's okay Taehyungie, I'm here."
Jungkook, not hearing the whisper, glares in jealousy at their tangled hands. Yes, jealousy. Jungkook was astonished at the feeling but put it to the back of his mind as he tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. 
When the bell chimed for lunch break, Hoseok came tumbling into the freshman classroom. 
"TaeTae! Jiminie!" he greeted before pulling  Taehyung into a bear hug. 
Taehyung lets out a slight giggle and doesn't pay attention to the scowl etched on Jungkook's face. Jimin notices however and chuckles at the scene before him. 
"Hi Hoseok. What brings you here?" Jimin asks. 
"I just wanted to see my favorite freshmen so we can go eat!" he said, ruffling Taehyung and Jimin's hair, ignoring Jungkook's dirty look. 
"Let's go then, I'm starving!" Jimin says, pulling Taehyung behind him. He was purposely doing this to make sure his friend wouldn't be hurt by the other. He knows they'll have to talk at some point, but Taehyung was extremely jumpy and anxious currently, so any conversation between the best friends could lead to some disastrous results. 
Jungkook stood there as they walked away with mixed feelings. He wanted to go after them, eat with his best friend, ask what happened to him that day but at the same time, popularity was calling his name. It's sad. The boy was lost. Jungkook just wants everyone to like him. He wants to be important, surrounded by people who liked him. But why couldn't he figure out that he already had that in Taehyung? Taehyung thought he was important and didn't just like him but loved him. Blind to this fact and the unknown feelings swirling within him, Jungkook grabbed his lunch to go sit with his 'friends' in the cafeteria. 
Hello beautiful readers! <3 I'm so happy right now! And it's all due to you guys, thank you so so so so much for the birthday wishes. I've never been told happy birthday so much in my life, it honestly made me cry when you guys had commented such nice things, I never thought people cared so much for someone like me. It was probably the best birthday I've experienced in these past 17 years of mine. I didn't feel lonely and I felt loved. I'm really grateful. I tried to make this long and I tried to post on Christmas but it just slipped past me. Sorry everyone! I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for everything, I don't know where I would be without all of you. I'll try to post later! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! (^ω^)
PS- I read all your comments and whenever someone suggests/hopes for something to happen, it usually makes it into the story in some way shape or form :3 or it sparks my mind for a future event soooo yeah ^^
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Sorry! The story might be finished by that time, but it's unlikely.


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Chapter 16: You're so stong! In every Chapter I read I was not only looking forward to the story but also how you are doing! It's impressive that your writting kind of mirrored your own life/ your own experiences, that you digest everything with your writting, just wow!

I really love this story, I cried in literally every Chapter, it's so emotional. I hope you're doing well and that there will be a update to this story someday! Fighting!❤
johan96 #2
Chapter 16: You deserve it jk , you deserve to be forgotten (>y<)
Daisuke98 #3
Chapter 16: Omg, I just started reading this and I'm so hooked. Omg, I cried, so much angst, I love it. Then that cliffhanger! "Who are you?" Omg, please! Do continue
brookesteiner4 #4
little_rayne #5
Chapter 16: In each chapter I cried because of the pain Taehyung went through and just having the thought of you going through this yourself without having anyone behind your back hurts even more. It hurts to know that you are going through this Hell people calls it Life... Tbh, I am just going to open up, I have been through depression before... Everyday I feel like carving my arms and legs but when I thought about the rough times my mom went through to bring me to this world and my dad who tried to protect his whole family and also my brothers who likes to tease me.... I realized that... I should not be doing this. Its wrong. I am putting their effort to waste. I know its a little late for me to send this message but us, readers, will always be here for whether you know it or not. I got through this tough situation I call a 'war' and I made it. I win as I like to put it. And if I can win then so can you Author-nim <3 I really hope you will feel better after reading this <3 We will all be there for you with every obstacle you take <3 <3
Yoongiislifuee #6
Chapter 16: You know, I started reading things like that because I am struggling with depression myself. And I understand it very well. Its just like your entire being depends on cutting. Every day before I go to sleep I tell myself I won't cut. Then I wake up in the middle of the night and tell myself just one. Then I can't stop till my whole hand bleeds. I don't have a place without a scar on my hands. Actually while reading your work I cut myself.
I just want it to stop!
18Reuse #7
Chapter 16: OMG you for sure will get a good mark for narrative essay in my country's exam with this skill....keep up the good work hwaiting <3
xVBTSx #8
Chapter 16: I can't wait for an update I hope your doing well and you have someone to talk to c;
Hazalpanda #9
Chapter 16: i've read every chapter and my heart ached with taehyung's sadness , anyway i've saw your notes about situation ,
i've never been into this state but a dear friend was , and she almost commited suicide but thank god she was saved ,
try to connect yourself with a good vibes , just shut down the bad one like i do x) , i've had too many fake friends , too many stabs in the back that i became emotionless , i never initialet or started a friendship before , but people come to me first , anyway i just don't let people take care of me in fact i do it so when i break a friendship they say they lost a big part but i don't feel like i did , cuz i nvr let my emotions to drown !
i hope u a better state and a life full of joy <3 waitin' for updates
Chapter 16: Oh my gosh, I was about to flip, when I read the end!!!!!! Thank goodness it was just a joke. And I'm also glad that you are doing better. Just remember, we are all rooting for you. This story is amazing by the way.