Chapter 2


Taehyung had always known Jungkook would try to ease his way out of their friendship. Being friends with someone your whole life must be-- for the lack of a better word-- monotonous. 

No matter the constant reassurance from Jungkook that they would always be friends;  the notion still pained him and constantly stuck with him as he desperately tried to cling to his best friend and love. 
But the process had already begun, the first blow off by Jungkook had created a domino effect that would keep going until the very end. 
It was Friday. 
Jungkook and Taehyung had finally made it through their first week of high school, unscathed. Getting accustomed to their new schedule was always tough but overall their experience was great so far. 
The one thing that troubled Taehyung, however, was Jungkook's new friends. 
The deep voice they had encountered the other day was a fellow named Namjoon. While particularly pleasant towards Jungkook and--at times-- Jimin, the blonde was never fond of Taehyung. Taehyung, through years of sensing the moods of people, he could, without a doubt, tell that Namjoon did not want him there. Anytime the raven haired boy was interacting with the other friends, he could feel Namjoon's glare on him, silently telling him to leave. 
Unfortunately for Namjoon, Taehyung wasn't going to give up his life long friend so easily. 
But back to Jungkook's other friends. Jin, the oldest, was way nicer to Taehyung but seeing his close relationship with Namjoon, Taehyung choose to stay away from him. 
Yoongi, a lazy peer, had taken a liking to Jimin. Constantly hanging around him and looking for his attention, always cutting into Jimin and Taehyung's conversion, pushing the latter out. Due to this overwhelming amount of attention seeking, Taehyung had also felt his relationship with the elder of the trio slowly disappearing. And he was quite shocked about that. Jimin had always been there no matter what but it seemed as if he too was getting sick and tired of him. 
In the mist of all of this, Taehyung had made one new friend within the group of boys trying to take away his two best friends. His name was Hoseok. He was bright and cheerful, always trying to include Taehyung in conversations where he was clearly not wanted. 
Taehyung had honestly tried his best to get along with all of them but with Namjoon's constant glares, Seokjin's, as Taehyung believed, 'fake caring', and Yoongi's indifference; Taehyung knew he didn't belong with the group. 
Once the bell rang signaling the end of the day, Taehyung jumped up. Today was sleep over/movie night or as Taehyung secretly called it "date night" for Jungkook and himself. 
This "date night" commenced in the 6th grade because Taehyung had confessed his feelings that Jungkook was drifting away from him. So in order to combat that, movie night happened every Friday. It was so sacred that every Friday since then had never been missed.
Seeing as he had day dreamed thinking back on his beloved movie night, he sees that Jungkook has already left along with Jimin. Smile and mood slightly deflating, he optimistically thought, "He must've gone to get snacks from his house!" and with that Taehyung run excitedly to his home, ignoring the whispers and looks he was getting from students exiting the school. 
Being as it was Taehyung's turn to host the movie, he quickly set up the pillow fort along with the multitudes of junk food he had bought for the occasion. 
Once everything was set up, Taehyung plopped down on the couch next to the fort, completely exhausted but happy. His parents weren't home and Taehyung and Jungkook would have the house to themselves, effectively turning up and blasting the movie, maybe even a popcorn fight. 
It was 6:02 and movie night had always started at six on the dot. Jungkook was usually always fashionably late but never this late for movie night. It was sacred for god's sake! 
Growing slightly worried for his best friend, Taehyung moved to the window and saw Jungkook walking down his driveway. Taehyung grinned and was ready to reprimand his friend for being late until he saw that that said friend was climbing into a car, more specifically, Namjoon's car. 
Confused and alarmed, Taehyung quickly took out his phone and dialed his friend. The call quickly came through but Taehyung almost wished it hadn't. 
"Why are you even answering that freak?" a voice, most likely Namjoon's, cuts through. 
"Honestly that kid is so attached to you it's a really annoying.." this time another voice adds, Yoongi, Taehyung believes. 
"Shh. Shut up. It'll be over in a second and he won't bother us anymore" That voice belongs to Taehyung's beloved, who was hastily trying to block the other side of line from hearing, but failing miserably as Taehyung had heard every single word. 
"Hey TaeTae!" The voice called, completely different from the tone he had just heard a minute ago. Snickers were heard in the background, slightly shattering Taehyung's heart. 
"Hey Kookie!" Taehyung tried to say cheerfully as he stared across the street, watching the car and the whole scene, unfold. 
"So Tae.. what did you need?" The other side questioned, a tone of annoyance in his voice, a tone that Taehyung didn't fail to pick up. 
Taehyung's heart, now cracking into pieces asks, "Did you forget about movie night?" Hopeful that this is just a mistake, that Jungkook will climb out of that car and come over to him. If so, Taehyung won't scold him, or even ask why he's late but be content that the boy chose him over them. 
Laughter ringing full blown in the background Jungkook responds, slightly surprised, "Oh.. um Tae, I'm so sorry but I'm helping my mom right now around the house. You know, cleaning and stuff... and she wants to take me out for dinner afterwards..." lies, Taehyung knew that both their mothers worked in the same place and were in the middle of their shifts right now; further in the commotion happening in the background he hears a yell, " Just tell him the truth! You don't wanna hang with him and neither does Jimin!" clearly the words were heard even as Jungkook struggled to cover them up. 
Taehyung's whole body goes numb. He couldn't imagine this separation happening so soon, he wanted some good moment before he knew the inevitable would occur but both of his friends? Was life completely cruel to him?
"Right... That Kookie! Um I guess next week right? This is the first time we've missed.. but that's fine.." Taehyung tries to say enthusiastically but fails at the end. 
The other side, letting out a relieved sigh thinking Taehyung had bought it merely lets out a quick "Yeah, yeah.. Next week! Bye Tae!" before suddenly hanging up. 
Taehyung watches stunned as the car across the street drove away. 
"Why?" he simply states, the only thing he can amass as tears begin dripping down his face. Ugly sobs following soon after. 
But nothing was as somber as the shattered state of Taehyung's heart. 
holy crap what did I just write. sorry if this turned out bad.. i also really weird on using hyung and stuff but ill try later. gah i hate making Tae suffer ;-; but ive had this idea stuck in my head so long. thank you for reading and comment below ^^
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Sorry! The story might be finished by that time, but it's unlikely.


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Chapter 16: You're so stong! In every Chapter I read I was not only looking forward to the story but also how you are doing! It's impressive that your writting kind of mirrored your own life/ your own experiences, that you digest everything with your writting, just wow!

I really love this story, I cried in literally every Chapter, it's so emotional. I hope you're doing well and that there will be a update to this story someday! Fighting!❤
johan96 #2
Chapter 16: You deserve it jk , you deserve to be forgotten (>y<)
Daisuke98 #3
Chapter 16: Omg, I just started reading this and I'm so hooked. Omg, I cried, so much angst, I love it. Then that cliffhanger! "Who are you?" Omg, please! Do continue
brookesteiner4 #4
little_rayne #5
Chapter 16: In each chapter I cried because of the pain Taehyung went through and just having the thought of you going through this yourself without having anyone behind your back hurts even more. It hurts to know that you are going through this Hell people calls it Life... Tbh, I am just going to open up, I have been through depression before... Everyday I feel like carving my arms and legs but when I thought about the rough times my mom went through to bring me to this world and my dad who tried to protect his whole family and also my brothers who likes to tease me.... I realized that... I should not be doing this. Its wrong. I am putting their effort to waste. I know its a little late for me to send this message but us, readers, will always be here for whether you know it or not. I got through this tough situation I call a 'war' and I made it. I win as I like to put it. And if I can win then so can you Author-nim <3 I really hope you will feel better after reading this <3 We will all be there for you with every obstacle you take <3 <3
Yoongiislifuee #6
Chapter 16: You know, I started reading things like that because I am struggling with depression myself. And I understand it very well. Its just like your entire being depends on cutting. Every day before I go to sleep I tell myself I won't cut. Then I wake up in the middle of the night and tell myself just one. Then I can't stop till my whole hand bleeds. I don't have a place without a scar on my hands. Actually while reading your work I cut myself.
I just want it to stop!
18Reuse #7
Chapter 16: OMG you for sure will get a good mark for narrative essay in my country's exam with this skill....keep up the good work hwaiting <3
xVBTSx #8
Chapter 16: I can't wait for an update I hope your doing well and you have someone to talk to c;
Hazalpanda #9
Chapter 16: i've read every chapter and my heart ached with taehyung's sadness , anyway i've saw your notes about situation ,
i've never been into this state but a dear friend was , and she almost commited suicide but thank god she was saved ,
try to connect yourself with a good vibes , just shut down the bad one like i do x) , i've had too many fake friends , too many stabs in the back that i became emotionless , i never initialet or started a friendship before , but people come to me first , anyway i just don't let people take care of me in fact i do it so when i break a friendship they say they lost a big part but i don't feel like i did , cuz i nvr let my emotions to drown !
i hope u a better state and a life full of joy <3 waitin' for updates
Chapter 16: Oh my gosh, I was about to flip, when I read the end!!!!!! Thank goodness it was just a joke. And I'm also glad that you are doing better. Just remember, we are all rooting for you. This story is amazing by the way.