Chapter 6


As Taehyung sat on the bench waiting for his best friend, thoughts were swirling in his head. 

'Is Jungkook going to apologize to me? Is he going to forgive me for being a burden and an annoyance?' He thinks, now fully believing that it was his fault that Jungkook decided to leave him.  
When in actuality, Taehyung had done nothing wrong. It's typical human nature to need reassurance, but thinking about the conversation he wasn't supposed to hear along with the voices in his head that wouldn't let up, Taehyung was convinced it was solely his fault. Therefore, he believed that Jungkook was in the right to leave him. But that was the furthest from the truth. 
As he heard footsteps coming in his direction, Taehyung lifts his head to greet the person arriving. "Kook-" when he abruptly stops. 
"Hey weirdo" 
Jungkook approaches Taehyung, however he does not see the second figure slip away silently, leaving the slightly older male by himself. 
"Taetae!" Jungkook shouts with enthusiasm, a nervous feeling settling in the pit of his stomach, afraid of how this conversation would go. 
Taehyung, slightly pale, looks up at Jungkook with red eyes and manages a quiet, "Hey Kookie.." 
Jungkook, now genuinely concerned for his long time friend quickly responds, "Tae, what happened? Are you okay?" Once reaching the boy he puts both hands on his shoulders, slightly shaking him. 
"Oh yeah, I'm totally fine Kookie!" Taehyung fakes, hoping he would buy it, "My allergies are just acting up!" 
"Lies" Jungkook thinks, "You've never had any type of allergies" but Jungkook, knowing his other half so well, decides not to press further. He knew that when Taehyung would shut down and refuse to talk, he wouldn't. Even with the hardest pressing from Jungkook, the elder would refuse to say anything and prefer to fake until he finally broke and told. Jungkook knew he would always do that so, to counter balance that, he would make sure to spend as much time as he could with him and be there when Taehyung needed him. 
But Jungkook was curious, why was his friend acting this way? Had someone hurt him? Ironically the answer was Jungkook himself, but the younger would never be able to see that. 
So, to continue as he knew he wouldn't be getting answered anytime soon he says, "I'm really sorry for not going to movie night last week.." He says awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Taehyung, trying to test his luck a bit asks, "Why did your mom wanna take you out on Friday? And make you clean? She knows Friday's our holy movie night..."
"Um, she, well,... she was supposed to be having friends over and she wanted me to help out and stuff. She was gonna take me out as a treat for helping her... I wanted to go over but... It was kinda late so she wouldn't let me." He replies, not being able to look in the others eyes. 
"Bull." Taehyung whispers, now frustrated at the situation. 
"W-What?" Jungkook stutters, not sure if he had heard correctly. 
"I said..." Voice slightly rising, "That's fine..." Taehyung then gives up as he remembers back to a conversation that had taken place with a certain someone a while ago, so, with shoulders slightly dropping, he gives up. 
"Oh... Look Tae, I'll definitely make it up to you this Friday, I promise! The second school ends that day, I'll be at your beck and call, no exceptions! It'll be just us and we'll do anything you want!"
"A-Are you serious?" Taehyung questions, eyes in disbelief, this had totally contradicted what he was just told a short time ago. 
"Of course I'm serious Taetae!"
"But... But what about the rest of the week?" Taehyung asks, boldly.
Jungkook, clearly not expecting, and most definitely not apart of his plan, comes up with a response as best as he can. "Um, we'll see, alright Tae? I think I might be able to hang out with you the rest of this week too!" But as soon as he says that, he regrets it. This wasn't supposed to happen, he was supposed to be hanging out with the rest of the group those days and not with Taehyung. He really didn't want to hear Namjoon scoldings again. He didn't have any intention of lugging around Taehyung either.
"Really?!" Taehyung's eyes, now red free, lit up, excitement rising. He could finally have his best friend back! He was going to win against those mean jerks, he would get his love back... And maybe more. Taehyung was on cloud nine right now. He then grabs Jungkook's hand and begins dragging him home.
"Alrighty then, let's hang out!" Taehyung yells and laughs, absolutely giddy. 
Jungkook, seemingly not seeing the joy on his friends face but rather the peculiar looks on students face as he was dragged along, yanks his hand from Taehyung's. 
"God Tae chill, please. We're in public." He scolds, ashamed at the other, but sees his face drop. 
"Agh, sorry Jungkook, it's just been a while..." Responds Taehyung, mood completely dropping to the floor.
"I also was planning to hang with Jin and Namjoon today... I wanted to ask you Taehyung.. Could we hang out just outside of school.. I really wanna meet other types of people, we've been friends so long, we should broaden our horizons ya know. But you'll always be number one to me! We will always be friends, I promise. No matter what if you need something, I'll drop everything for you."
"R-Right... That's fine I guess, well I'll see you later then..." Mutters Taehyung again, turning around to leave when suddenly Jungkook pulls him into a hug. 
"Thanks Tae, I love you man" and quickly lets go, running off in the other direction "See ya!!"
"Yeah.. See ya..." The elder murmurs, almost to the point of crying once again.
"TAE!!!!" A cheerful voice calls out. 
Happy virus, Hoseok. 
Hello beautiful readers ^^ I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Thank you for reading. And thank for commenting, you'll never understand how much it means to me . It completely makes my day and motivates me so much. I've been so down but you all manage to lift me up. And I will forever be grateful. Thanks so much for the upvotes and comments and subscriptions, it completely blows my mind! Until next time! <3
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Sorry! The story might be finished by that time, but it's unlikely.


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Chapter 16: You're so stong! In every Chapter I read I was not only looking forward to the story but also how you are doing! It's impressive that your writting kind of mirrored your own life/ your own experiences, that you digest everything with your writting, just wow!

I really love this story, I cried in literally every Chapter, it's so emotional. I hope you're doing well and that there will be a update to this story someday! Fighting!❤
johan96 #2
Chapter 16: You deserve it jk , you deserve to be forgotten (>y<)
Daisuke98 #3
Chapter 16: Omg, I just started reading this and I'm so hooked. Omg, I cried, so much angst, I love it. Then that cliffhanger! "Who are you?" Omg, please! Do continue
brookesteiner4 #4
little_rayne #5
Chapter 16: In each chapter I cried because of the pain Taehyung went through and just having the thought of you going through this yourself without having anyone behind your back hurts even more. It hurts to know that you are going through this Hell people calls it Life... Tbh, I am just going to open up, I have been through depression before... Everyday I feel like carving my arms and legs but when I thought about the rough times my mom went through to bring me to this world and my dad who tried to protect his whole family and also my brothers who likes to tease me.... I realized that... I should not be doing this. Its wrong. I am putting their effort to waste. I know its a little late for me to send this message but us, readers, will always be here for whether you know it or not. I got through this tough situation I call a 'war' and I made it. I win as I like to put it. And if I can win then so can you Author-nim <3 I really hope you will feel better after reading this <3 We will all be there for you with every obstacle you take <3 <3
Yoongiislifuee #6
Chapter 16: You know, I started reading things like that because I am struggling with depression myself. And I understand it very well. Its just like your entire being depends on cutting. Every day before I go to sleep I tell myself I won't cut. Then I wake up in the middle of the night and tell myself just one. Then I can't stop till my whole hand bleeds. I don't have a place without a scar on my hands. Actually while reading your work I cut myself.
I just want it to stop!
18Reuse #7
Chapter 16: OMG you for sure will get a good mark for narrative essay in my country's exam with this skill....keep up the good work hwaiting <3
xVBTSx #8
Chapter 16: I can't wait for an update I hope your doing well and you have someone to talk to c;
Hazalpanda #9
Chapter 16: i've read every chapter and my heart ached with taehyung's sadness , anyway i've saw your notes about situation ,
i've never been into this state but a dear friend was , and she almost commited suicide but thank god she was saved ,
try to connect yourself with a good vibes , just shut down the bad one like i do x) , i've had too many fake friends , too many stabs in the back that i became emotionless , i never initialet or started a friendship before , but people come to me first , anyway i just don't let people take care of me in fact i do it so when i break a friendship they say they lost a big part but i don't feel like i did , cuz i nvr let my emotions to drown !
i hope u a better state and a life full of joy <3 waitin' for updates
Chapter 16: Oh my gosh, I was about to flip, when I read the end!!!!!! Thank goodness it was just a joke. And I'm also glad that you are doing better. Just remember, we are all rooting for you. This story is amazing by the way.