A Tear-jerking Summer School Fare

Not Everything is About Summer

A week of chasing after his boyfriend passed, with a big smile on his face, Chanyeol is holding Min's hand again while listening to their club advisor's lecture. His legs are dangling in happiness while he and Min are sitting on top of the table.

Shen, their club’s manager, is with their advisor in the front and doing some secret gestures to stop the couple from being lovey-dovey. But Chanyeol only cares less, he misses his boyfriend so much, so he teases his friend more by laying his head on Min’s shoulder.

“Excuse us.” The door suddenly opens, causing Chanyeol to sit up straight. Kris and some student body members enter the room and both parties exchange bow to each other.

Kris’ eyes point to Chanyeol’s direction then swiftly change looking at everyone. Chanyeol does not feel good to be in one room with his childhood friend.

After that, Kris speaks with their advisor and Chanyeol cannot hear what they are even talking about. The other members of the student council scatter and examining every corner and every taekwondo club member. One of them with glasses formally offer a cute looking envelope to Chanyeol, but with Shen’s monster speed in snatching the letter from the girl’s hand, broke the girl’s poor heart. She runs away from their clubroom like a defeated anime character.

Minutes later, Kris is done the conversation with Chanyeol’s club advisor. He bows and says, “Thanks for your cooperation,” and leaves with the rest of his student council fellows.

“What was that?” Min is calm, but Chanyeol hears the faint hiss from his question since he is right beside him.

“Oh,” their middle-aged-bald advisor seems not done with his astounded reaction from Kris and his crew’s sudden visit. He simply blinks, “they’re conducting a major inspection for the upcoming cultural festival.” Everyone looks at each other. “And speaking of that, he is also asking about our presentation so they can include us to the line-up.”

The club members start giving their opinions, and since Min is the captain, he stands and joins the discussion. Silently observing them, Chanyeol hears a crumpling sound of a paper and finds where it is coming from — only to see Shen already throws the letter she obtained earlier to the trash bin.

“Shen, that’s my letter!”




The whole Four Seasons Academy begins to prepare for their annual school fare and each class has a thorough meeting about what they are going to present for the said event. There is a prize for whichever class or club will display something unique and will please the judge, that’s no other than the Student Council.

Class 2-1 (Yeorum’s Extortionists Class) decides to not join the festival’s contest since they are the busiest lads due to their respective club or organization activities. They have the highest numbers of people that belong to the popular crowd.


With that said…


“NNNOOOOOOOOOOO! We should join too!”

Kris’ morning is destroyed once again by his favorite (ironically speaking) person, who’s no other than Shen. He tries to read the book in his hand and ignore the wailing whale, sorry, girl behind him.

“Chanyeol, I never gone to overseas before and Japan is a cool~ place! Chanyeol!”

“Shen, calm down.” Chanyeol’s tone from Kris’ ears sounds pitiful.

“But, I can’t!” The girl whimpers loudly. “I CAAAAAANNNN’T!”

“Shen Yeorum.” The ugly cries are stopped by a familiar voice. Kris knows that the owner of it is the one he silenced a week ago — literally — he buried her body.

It is still vivid from his memory of how the girl cried awfully while her head was exposed and all of the students who passed in front of their school building, where her body was concealed, laughed at her.

How did she manage to be free and all clean?


After looking the freshman, Kris rolls his eyes and focus on the book he is reading. He hears footstep coming closer not to him but to Chanyeol and Shen’s spot.

“As the leader of the Yeorum’s Extortionists,”

“Who said I’m the leader?” Shen automatically whines.

“I want to know how it was form.”

“It was not even form.”

“How did you manage to gather the finest people, including our President Wu?” Kris cannot help but to glance at them again when he heard his name.

Son Seungwan senses the cold and scary stare that he is giving, looking at his direction and she instantly freezes in terror.

“H-he-he-he is here?” Kris can see from his view that the girl is trembling.

“Of course, are you so dumb not to know?” Shen rudely asks. “And, in fact, I’m not sure of who’s your source for that out~rageous name you’re giving us.”

“I was there at the café myself and heard it.” Kris sees how Shen curses the girl under her breath.

Shen brushes it off, composing her posture and clears . “Whatever,” she crosses her arms to her chest, “It will be better if you call us from now on as Yeorum’s Tugs.” Kris releases an uncontrollable snort which Shen detects. “And that guy,” she points her finger to the clueless president, “he is not part of our group.”

“Excuse me.” Kris rises from his seat and timing to the arrival of their homeroom teacher.

The freshman hurriedly flees and the whole class sits, except Kris, Chanyeol and Shen. Before the president sits on his own desk, he and Shen have a glaring battle.

“Is everyone here?” Their teacher asks.

“No, Choi Min is missing.” One of their classmates informs.

“Oh, the principal calls him with his coach.” Hearing that from their teacher, Kris cannot help but to glance at Chanyeol. The boy seems sadden.

He wonders what’s with the unexpected summon.




The week of school festival comes and no one from the Four Season Academy is slacking off. The entire population of student and staffs cooperate in making the week-long event successful. There are variety of booths for foods and games and all the classrooms are used and become a cafés, host clubs, horror house, sci-fi rooms etc.

Kris, as the President of the Student Council, roams the whole school like he always does and checks if everything is working smoothly even in the last day. He stops at the taekwondo club’s presentation at the school ground. They are doing an exhibition of their techniques and Kris still cannot believe Chanyeol is a part of this group and doing the same stuff like this.

But, Chanyeol is not there.

“Ppuing!” Kris is a little surprise of the person who pokes his back and forces him to turn his head. Is he dreaming? It’s Summer.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” Kris slightly puts his arm around Summer because they are surrounded by a mass of people. They are noisy from cheering but it does not stop him from asking the girl more. “I thought… I thought you return to Germany a month or weeks ago.”

“I did,” her voice almost inaudible anymore so they decide going somewhere that has a lesser crowd, “but I forgot my umbrella in the hotel.”

She shows a pink folding umbrella. “Are you kidding me?”

She simply chuckles to Kris puzzled reaction and they then walk farther.

“It’s my flight today and before I go, I want to experience this kind of festival again.” She says with nostalgic expression. “I knew this is so fun.”

Kris lets Summer leads their way inside the building while he pulls his phone from his pocket and makes a call.

“Please patrol the school for me.” Summer turns around and sweetly waves her hand to Kris. Seeing the view forms a smile on the president’s face. “I have a guest to accommodate.”




Kris guides Summer around the school, giving her a pamphlet for the activities for today. The girl in the baby blue dress is like a little kid who is getting excited of even a small thing and Kris enjoys watching her.

They are like a couple dating in the fare and it is impossible for someone not to notice them. Kris senses the curious eyes that are looking at him and Summer, so he tries to be discreet as he can. He does not want to involve Summer from his infamous profile as a playboy.


The pair ends up standing inside the hall along a bundle of students and outsiders. Kris is not a fan of music, especially rock, and at this moment, he is aware they are going to listen to such genre.

The place darkens to pitch black then comes a sound of a beating drum. When the guitars join the combo, the colorful blinking lights turns on and Summer awes on it. There is a group of boys performing on the stage, Kris turns his head to them and…

“Chanyeol!” Summer enthusiastically squeals.

And yes, Chanyeol is one of them and playing the lead guitar. He transforms to someone else again, someone who is dazzling. He is wearing eyeliner and his hair is straight and beautiful. Chanyeol’s skin glows with his tee and skinny jeans which are all in black and his long fingers are like caressing the strings of his red Gibson guitar.

Both Kris and Summer grin in astonishment to the person, whom they used to play with in the playground, performing currently in front of them.

Chanyeol is not only working on the quitar, he also helps with vocals and BAM! Fireworks booms inside Kris’ mind.

After the song, they sing once more that basically breaks everyone’s nerves in a wonderful way. Boys and girls are screaming, particularly the girls. In their bursting emotion, they capture every seconds of Chanyeol’s movement, decimating the guitarist’s eyes.

Kris remembers the day when Chanyeol and his friends talking about his freshly healed eyes from the Lasik surgery.

Chanyeol’s eyes with manliner flutter in panic and Kris unconsciously wants to save him from the flash attack, about to go forward the stage if the man wearing a taekwondo uniform does not block his view from his friend. Kris is aware of who owns that broad back so he withdraws instead.

Min brings the guitarist to the backstage and the pair is replaced by Shen, who fires a water gun to the troublemakers.

Kris feels a pull of his sleeve that draws his eyes away from the occurrence.

Summer leans up to him and whispers, “Will you send me to the airport?”

The president looks at the stage once more before nodding to his friend’s request. “Sure.”




The taxi ride is silent. Kris wants to know what Summer is thinking after what happen at the school earlier. She is still from her seat, gazing straight to the road.

At the time they arrive at the airport, Summer gives him a last message.

“Please take care of Chanyeol for me.” Kris nods and Summer then leaves.


Kris is uncertain if that will be the last time Summer will appear in their lives. She is an enigma from the day she left. Kris used to like her — and that adoration stayed only within their childhood.




After the performance, Chanyeol reverts to his school uniform. He is kept and sitting at the bleachers of a basketball court, still shocked of situation he had earlier.

“We used to watch the basketball games here together.” Min offers a canned juice and sits beside him. “I wonder why we’re not doing it anymore.”

Chanyeol answers him with a shrug, chugging the drink that he gave.

The silence envelopes around them and Chanyeol senses that something heavy is coming.

“Chanchan.” He pays his attention to his boyfriend with a peaceful curve on his lips while humming in response.


“I want to tell you something.”


The can Chanyeol is holding drops on to the floor, juice carelessly coming out from it. The tears from his eyes started falling from his eyes as well and he knows how pathetic he looks right now.


“Why?” Chanyeol sobs. “Why now?”

Min remains quiet but he tries to pull the other into an embrace. Chanyeol rejects it by pushing him away though.


“Chan, listen.”

“No! How could you?” Chanyeol’s voice cracks from the hurt he feels.

“Chanyeol, you know how much I want to be a part of the national team — to join the Olympics.”

“But Min, you’re not a swimmer! You should be in taekwondo!”

“But, this is my chance.” Chanyeol’s chest is heaving from breathing, confused of why he falls for this kind of guy.

“You know I’ll support you to your dreams,” he snivels, “but, why do you need to break up with me?”

“Because when I become famous, I don’t want to involve you to any complication of my life. Just seeing how fragile you are right now pinches my heart.”

Chanyeol gets calmer so Min approaches him and wipes the tears from his face with his thumb.

“If things are lighter, I’ll get you back, okay?” Chanyeol firmly holds the hands that touching him and places it on his lap.

“If you’re thinking of getting me back, why don’t you use another term and like… cooling off or something?” Min sighs heavily, forcing Chanyeol to pull the collar of his uniform. “Please don’t break up with me. I-I-I’ll do anything!”

“Anything?” Chanyeol is scared of what he said without having a second but he nods anyways.

Min pulls him closer by the back of his head and kisses him deeply, ravishing his lips while his hand starts ing Chanyeol’s shirt. The other male is alarm of what he is planning to do that he pushes him off. Unsuccessfully, the taller wins and worsens the circumstance by holding both of Chanyeol’s wrists.

Chanyeol screams in the attack and as Min every inch of his neck. He cannot take it anymore, triggering him to kick the other male’s gut and run away.


“Chanyeol!” His boyfriend hollers.


But the weeping Chanyeol seems not to hear it…


His mind is blank right now.


To be continued…



This is the update of your zombie writer and I hope you like it. Be thankful that I'm tired because I'm planning to wipe some ghosts here if I'm not. Please unsubscribe if you think my work does not worth your time.  See you next week.

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Nikita_trivedi #1
Chapter 35: Ok so I'm sorry I tend to give comments at the last... ? first of all..... really unique story! I loved how u showed the relation between kris and yeol as frenemies and then slowly turning them to friends. And then to lovers. The progress was slow and right. Summer was actually too good to be true at first and at that moment itself I realized that she is going to be the villain since only those kind of people turn out like this. I absolutely loved those romantic moments between kris and yeol, how kris always attacks the poor boy and corners him. And also how chanyeol puts his entire trust in him unconditionally. I admit that I found shen's character more irritating. Okay admitted that her nature is of protective type towards yeol but she is too loud and doesn't know her place. Always interfering with krisyeol and following him around. I found that really annoying. The story was interesting till the school part where u perfectly depict Ted students lives and their school fun but it actually turned angsty after the turn of events. Like when the family part actually started. I kinda miss the school fun! Overall the story is going really well! I'm a hardcore krisyeol shipper. I don't know why this story has so less views but nevertheless keep going!! ? you are doing a great job!!!
Chapter 34: Glad that Kris is back. Hope that they can get revenge on younghwa and get the parents blessing though it seems difficult. Thanks Ten for this special update..
Please love love love! We can’t spread our love with KrisYeol without Ten! Aren’t you happy that Kris is back?
Chapter 33: I always look forward to your update. they should stop hurting my baby yeol, where is Kris, Channie needs him now the most.
thanks for the update Authornim.
Chapter 31: Things are getting interesting here.
I'll be looking forward to what is going to happen next and when Kris will appear again. ^_^
pinkyeorrie #6
Chapter 28: Owh noooooo...please dont stop writing about krisyeol, please...
It'so hard to see them separate ways in real life. There are a lot of baekyeol fans out there, but i'm still kriayeol shipper.
Dont give up, keep fighting, we-your readers will wait for your krisyeol stories...
Chapter 28: iyeeeaaaayyy an update! thank you so much for staying in this krisyeol ship and writing this story! i owe you my happiness
Chapter 28: This wendy is me, i'll help krisyeol too if they need me to get them elope at NYK.

Ten, you does make me cry
Shen's kiss is the new Judah's kiss. SPOILER: the dreams they both have will be in the later chapters, isn't it? I knew that if the scene was so perfect something bad would came out.
Chapter 27: Test 123. Thank you for this update Ten. I dont know whats wrong with this comment box TT. My comment get cut short. It's me chaa of krisyeolcola