Murder 2

Here Lies the Bride

The ballroom was thrown into chaos. You immediately stood up, running towards Jun. Your friends were way ahead of you, they had pulled Jun off the stage, and away from his dead bride. He was in total shock, and Soonyoung slapped him a couple of times. Everyone else had made a beeline for the door, and ran out of the hotel. "I.. I can't believe it." Jun crumpled to the floor, holding his head in his hands. Minghao shook his head, and Chan burst into tears. You were still gripping onto Mingyu's hand, and his teeth were gritted in anger.

"Poor noona.. Even if she told us our choreography was terrible.. I didn't want her to die.." Chan sobbed into Jeonghan's arms, and Jeonghan hugged him tightly. Soonyoung's face was dark. "That chandelier crushed her. Joshua hyung, go check the rope holding it up." Joshua nodded, and ran off. "I'll go and check the doors, Seokmin, come on!" Jihoon pulled Seokmin out the room, and ran to the front doors of the hotel. Joshua came back after a short while, hands in his pockets, back slouched. "It's been cut. This was no accident. The lines.. They were clean." Jihoon and Seokmin ran in, panting. "The doors are locked shut, we can't open them at all. It's been chained up from outside, I think." Seokmin looked ready to burst into tears.

Seungkwan looked at the faces of all the members, and he gasped. "Guys.. What if the killers is one of us?" "It could very well be you, Seungkwan!" Minghao yelled. "Oh yeah? She never did anything to piss me off! Unlike you, who was so mad about the choreo earlier!" Seungcheol pushed them apart. "Shut it, boys. We have a murder on our hands and all you can think about is blaming each other?"

"We've been friends for years, ever since high school. How old are we now? We're all working, we need to all shut up and figure out what happened." "Stop trying to play hero, hyung! I've had enough, I'm out. I- I just can't take it." Vernon walked out the ballroom, and Seungkwan followed suit. "We can't let them go there knowing a murderer might be here!" "Hyung, what choice do we have? Hansol and Seungkwan are both stubborn!"

"I'll go talk to them. Guys, stay here. I'll be fine!" Minghao ran out, and you bit your lip. Minghao.. Everyone was worried, but sat down to discuss. Seungcheol looked down, "I've failed as a leader. I.." You hugged Seungcheol tightly, "You tried your best, Cheol. It can't be helped that they didn't want to listen."

Just as you said that, Vernon and Seungkwan rushed back in. "Hyung, I'm sorry! I got so scared that one of you might have hurt noona that I.. I couldn't take it. Seungkwan had to convince me to come back, I was so scared.." He practically leapt into Seungcheol's arms, and the two hugged. "It's okay, lil' bro. If all of us stay together, we have a fighting chance." "Guys.. Where's Minghao hyung?" Chan's voice was quivering, and you gasped. "Did you both see Minghao?" You shook Seungkwan by his shoulders.

"Minghao hyung? We never saw him! Did he- No. Not him!" Seungkwan nearly burst into tears, and Joshua patted his head. "I'm afraid.. What if we split up to look for him, and most of us end up dead?" Seokmin hugged himself, and you nodded. "Cheol.. This is a bad idea." "What I'm afraid of is that.. If we don't split up, Minghao will be dead before we even find him."

"We have to split up." Mingyu stood up. "If we don't, Minghao's chances decrease. Right now, his chances are already decreasing. We.. Have to start now." Jeonghan sighed. "If one of us is the killer, I reckon it's better if we split up. If we go in pairs, someone is screwed. Even in threes, maybe." "It's decided then. If you're scared, you can risk going in pairs. I'm going to look for Minghao." Seungcheol stood up and left the room.

Soon enough, all the boys had filed out except Chan. You patted his head. "If you're scared, you can stay here. I'm going by myself too." Chan shook his head. "I'll go look for Minghao hyung too." "Thanks for being brave, Chan. Good luck!" You hugged him tightly, and ran out the room.

After twenty minutes, there was still no sign of Minghao. No one yelled across the corridors, no calls, nothing. Until, a loud shriek came from the back of the hotel.

Everyone ran towards the source of the scream.

Jeonghan was sobbing next to a body, holding it to his chest.

On the high walls nearby were these words,

"You have been trapped.
I have been planning this for a long time,
If you try to escape.. There is no escape.

And all murders are intentional.
The murderer is among us.
If you play my game right,
Maybe you'll survive.
Till then, good luck."

Victim 2: Xu Minghao


"Please, stop!" The person lying on the floor was trying their best not to cry in front of the bully who tormented them for many weeks. "Why should I, wimp?" The bully, a very beautiful girl, sniggered. "This.. Isn't right. Someone so beautiful should not be so cruel!" The victim cried out. "I'm glad you know your place, you ugly wimp. But I guess.. When you're graced with beauty like mine, you should pay a price." The girl let a smile cross her face, one of cruelty. "Make sure this wimp.. Gets beaten up so well, I won't have to see its face again."

No one paid attention to those cries, not a single person. The bully was the queen bee, and what she said, went. No one dared oppose her.

Her face would be burned into the mind of the victim forever.

The face of Wen Junhui's bride.

[A/N: So, our first question. Who killed Minghao? Include your reason. Leave your guesses down in the comment box below, and the winner gets a prize. Of course, the winners will only be revealed at the end. Don't forget, one guess per person! Also, you don't have to guess the reason right to win. Good luck, everyone!]

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Chapter 20: I just read this in one go and I'm so shookt first I thought Wonwoo was the killer because if the bride lol but as the story developed I thought it must have been Jun or Seungcheol and stuck with them. Lol I made a joke and thought that it was the reader as in us but I shook that thought off haha also I thought if a character of faking their death but I didn't think so. Eventually I kept with Seungcheol until he died lol and BOOM! It was mind-blowing at the end!!! And I was so speechless and heated haha but overall this was a great murder story!!! :)
Chapter 20: WOW I can't believe I finished all this in a day, its 3:21 am and I have school soon '~' ...Tysm for this ff, it was good enough to be published as a drama haha! ♥ Also, eventhough I knew that ____ was the murderer, you never failed to surprise/scare me on each chapter. 

I feel so bad for Minghao doe, he didn't have a lot of role and was the first to die after the bride :((
Damn I was so excited to about this then I ruined it for myself after stupidly reading the comments section loool~

btw, I thought Seungcheol killed Mingyu at first hahaha. But damn, Mingyu killed himself. that was so insane :---((

And Joshua died horribly :---(( that was so sad :--((

And I actually felt Vernon's fear haha I actually felt scared while reading this cause damn this is so scary af. hahaha

Thank you for a good fanfic authornim ♡♡
fluffyburger #5
JKRigid #6
Chapter 15: I had suspicions that (blank) is the killer, but I quickly forgot about it hahaha. This got me on the edge of my seat. XD
Chapter 20: oh my i can't believe i did finish this in a day haha XD it's indeed an interesting fic to read. just imagine your boys got killed one by one oh god :O
i have something which i can't understand, and it's from chapter 4, the sentence "there was more than one sound coming from the toilet", what was it referring to? it sounds creepy for me XD
also, the murder list really sent me to tears ;_; i didn't expect mingyu and jisoo to die that way *cries a river*
btw is chan your bias? :D
Ruineveene #8
Chapter 20: I love this! These kinds of plot twists are the best!
qinyin1023 #9
At first I sensed that OC did it. I could imagine that the girl that was bullied was her. Buttt, I didn't expect Chan joining her in murdering them. I thought it was OC and Wonwoo 'cause OC looked like having a special relationship with Wonwoo. I was so sad that Mingyu decided to suicide :(
BTW, THIS STORY IS REALLY AWESOME. Good job, author-nim ^^