Murder 6

Here Lies the Bride

"Damn this, I'm out. I don't care who's the killer anymore. I.. Get lost." Seungcheol clenched his fist, and all of you backed up, even Joshua. "I said to get lost!" Seungcheol's eyes changed, reflecting his anger. You fled, the rest following behind. You knew Jeonghan's death would take a huge toll on Seungcheol, and you couldn't blame him. "Guys, this is bad, but I'm really hungry." Vernon groaned, clutching his stomach. Seungkwan nodded, as the group walked further back into the hotel. Wonwoo bit his lip, "We should look for food, the wedding dinner was never finished, right?" "Yeah, we should go to the kitchen." Mingyu looked around.

After finally finding the kitchen, the group began to search for food. Vernon was searching the fridge, and yelled in triumph when he found some acorn jelly. "It's sad, don't you think? He's happy about finding acorn jelly." Wonwoo smiled, hugging you from behind. "I guess we learned to appreciate stuff around us more, right?" You smiled back, clasping Wonwoo's hands in yours.

"I know I've learned to appreciate you more."

Seungkwan sat down on a chair, and he sighed. It had been at least half an hour since the group had started looking for some decent food. Joshua had decided to cook for the group, and you were all watching him. Vernon was slumped on a counter, still groaning in hunger. Wonwoo had clung to you, and you were sitting inbetween him and Mingyu. Mingyu was playing around with his phone. The group had established that there was no signal in the hotel, and the lines were all cut. There was no way to communicate with the outside world, and the police hadn't arrived yet. Was it really possible that no one called, or was there some sort of trick behind all this?

"Hey, is it just me, or does it look like something's missing from this kitchen?" You stared in Joshua's direction, and shrugged. "I think it's your imagination, Josh." "Maybe it's because there's only six of us. No Seungcheol hyung yelling for us to get out, or Jeonghan hyung cooking something disgusting. No phone for us to call to get take out, and no one left to hit us with his guitar."

Finally, Joshua was done and dished out servings for everyone. Vernon dug into his food, and you had gotten up to eat. It was heavenly, being able to eat after what seemed like forever. Joshua's cooking was amazing, and the group ate until they were stuffed full. Everything up to that moment felt like a bad nightmare, until Seungkwan started sobbing. "What are we doing here? Eating, and relishing food when our friends are dead." He covered his face with his hands, and you reached over to pat his back. "We have to do this for survival. We'll get to the bottom of this, Seungkwan." Mingyu shook the other's shoulders, and Seungkwan nodded.

"We're going to start thinking about who it really is. I'm going to go out on a leg and say it wasn't anyone from our previous group." Wonwoo tapped his chin with his forefinger, and Mingyu jotted down notes on his phone. "Nokia phone. They last forever." He shrugged, typing away furiously. "That doesn't rule out Joshua hyung." Vernon blinked, and hid behind you. Joshua shrugged, "I kinda expected that." "So, that leaves us with Seungcheol hyung, Jihoon hyung, and Jun hyung." Seungkwan had dried his eyes, and was contributing ideas. "Who would have thought, huh?" Mingyu's face held a bitter smile, and you patted his hand.

"What are we going to do when we find out who the killer is?" The question sparked thoughts into everyone's mind. Joshua sighed, continuing, "Would you really be able to kill your precious hyung? What, take revenge? Even if you do that, what good is it? You're stooping to their level." Everyone was silent, and Joshua walked out the kitchen, his words burning into everyone's minds. 

"That's why I'm sitting this out. I wouldn't be able to kill any of you. I.. would rather die."

The group had travelled back into the room and huddled for comfort. "I'm tired of this endless cycle where we see someone get killed, cry, and it happens all over again." Mingyu stood up, and headed towards the door. "Where do you think you're going?" Wonwoo grabbed his wrist, and Mingyu tugged his wrist away. "I'm done. Done with this. I'm out, and I'm sorry." He shook his head and left. "Mingyu!" Wonwoo tried to rush out after him, but Seungkwan and Vernon held him back.

"Hyung, you're all we have left. You can't leave us too.."

Only four of you were left, and you refused to budge from the room. "It'll all be over soon. We can just stay here, right? Nothing will happen to us then." Vernon locked the door, and moved to sit next to the bed. Seungkwan nodded, and Wonwoo patted his head. "We'll be okay together, I'm just.. worried for everyone else." "What else can we do? Everyone's hurt emotionally, we can't continue like this anymore." You buried your face in the covers of the bed. "I don't want to think about who's next, or who the killer is. I just want to be over."

"Even if it means I have to die."

In another room, someone was being backed up into a corner. "You-you can't do this!" That someone shrieked, trying not to cry. "You deserve it, you murderer! You killed.. all those people. You deserve to die!" The glint of the sharp knife could be seen clearly, and all Jihoon could think of was the irony. "I didn't do it, I swear on my life!" Jihoon was trapped, he had no way out. Except to beg for his life.

"Well then, that's why you're losing it now." The one holding the knife smiled, a smile of one who had lost too many important people. A smile of someone who had lost not just friends, but his mind. "It'll all over now, we can go home." A laugh escaped his mouth.

"Too bad you won't be joining us, eh?"

Victim 6: Lee Jihoon

The previous night

"Everything's going according to plan." A snicker was heard from a room further down in the hotel. "You're doing a perfectly good job, I have to say. Flawless, for someone who's inexperienced." "I learned from the best, of course." The same person who snickered smiled, leaning back. "They all deserve it, after what they did to you. I'll always protect you, like I promised. The rest of the hyungs.."

"They deserve to die."

[A/N: Alright, so that takes another suspect out the list. I know a lot of you who commented are suspecting Jihoon, but it's not him!

Exactly who was talking during the night?
Who killed Jihoon? Why?
Who's next?

As usual, leave your guesses in the comment box below! There are prizes to be won. :)

I pre-wrote this chapter and a couple of others so I can release them during my exam period! So, stay tuned!]

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Chapter 20: I just read this in one go and I'm so shookt first I thought Wonwoo was the killer because if the bride lol but as the story developed I thought it must have been Jun or Seungcheol and stuck with them. Lol I made a joke and thought that it was the reader as in us but I shook that thought off haha also I thought if a character of faking their death but I didn't think so. Eventually I kept with Seungcheol until he died lol and BOOM! It was mind-blowing at the end!!! And I was so speechless and heated haha but overall this was a great murder story!!! :)
Chapter 20: WOW I can't believe I finished all this in a day, its 3:21 am and I have school soon '~' ...Tysm for this ff, it was good enough to be published as a drama haha! ♥ Also, eventhough I knew that ____ was the murderer, you never failed to surprise/scare me on each chapter. 

I feel so bad for Minghao doe, he didn't have a lot of role and was the first to die after the bride :((
Damn I was so excited to about this then I ruined it for myself after stupidly reading the comments section loool~

btw, I thought Seungcheol killed Mingyu at first hahaha. But damn, Mingyu killed himself. that was so insane :---((

And Joshua died horribly :---(( that was so sad :--((

And I actually felt Vernon's fear haha I actually felt scared while reading this cause damn this is so scary af. hahaha

Thank you for a good fanfic authornim ♡♡
fluffyburger #5
JKRigid #6
Chapter 15: I had suspicions that (blank) is the killer, but I quickly forgot about it hahaha. This got me on the edge of my seat. XD
Chapter 20: oh my i can't believe i did finish this in a day haha XD it's indeed an interesting fic to read. just imagine your boys got killed one by one oh god :O
i have something which i can't understand, and it's from chapter 4, the sentence "there was more than one sound coming from the toilet", what was it referring to? it sounds creepy for me XD
also, the murder list really sent me to tears ;_; i didn't expect mingyu and jisoo to die that way *cries a river*
btw is chan your bias? :D
Ruineveene #8
Chapter 20: I love this! These kinds of plot twists are the best!
qinyin1023 #9
At first I sensed that OC did it. I could imagine that the girl that was bullied was her. Buttt, I didn't expect Chan joining her in murdering them. I thought it was OC and Wonwoo 'cause OC looked like having a special relationship with Wonwoo. I was so sad that Mingyu decided to suicide :(
BTW, THIS STORY IS REALLY AWESOME. Good job, author-nim ^^