Murder 14

Here Lies the Bride

You closed your eyes, waiting for the pain to hit you. Hearing a loud squelch, you took a deep breath in. You were safe.

The plan had gone ahead as expected.

You clutched your chest, breathing out heavily. "I really thought I was a goner this time, you're very good with timing." Smiling at the masked figure opposite you, you exhaled in relief. "Well, I've always done my job looking after you, haven't I?" He laughed, taking off his mask. "We can finally go home now. The cops should be here in a few hours, and we can tell them exactly what we planned to say. It really went well, and the security cameras and footage have been trashed." Picking up the shovel, he started digging a deep hole, as you watched him from the side.

Tossing his mask and knives in the hole, he covered it up. It'd been a few hours since the final murder, and you were eyeing Wonwoo's dead body. "It's really a pity, don't you think, Chan?" Your accomplice snorted, patting the grass upright, making the hole look as if it had never been there. "Enough, I had to watch you play with him until the very end. It was displeasing to my sight." Chan poured a small flask of water over the same patch of grass, letting the earth return to its former state.

"Don't be silly, Chan. I wasn't going to spare him, and besides. You're more than enough for me, don't you think?"

3 years ago

"Guys, I can't wait to introduce you to my fiancee!" Jun was excitedly flinging his arms around, and you couldn't help but laugh. "I guess doing your college studies back in China was a good decision, wasn't it?"  Mingyu smirked, teasing his hyung. "Yeah, and you won't even believe it! She's from our high school. I know you guys are all 'why didn't I introduce you to her earlier', but that's because I wanted to make sure she was the one." Jun sighed dreamily.

Chan rolled his eyes, and slung his arm around your shoulder. "He missed out on a great girl at home, anyway." You snorted, shoving him lightly. "Whatever, besides, when is she coming?" You weren't exactly fond of your high school days, where you were bullied for hanging out with the group of boys that surrounded you now. Fond was too.. Kind a word for how you felt about the whole thing. Having had an ugly bowl cut that your mom insisted you have, you were often bullied for being 'too ugly', or 'too plain'.

Besides, years had passed, what were the odds Jun would like her, right? He never knew about the whole bullying situation, in fact, none of them did. Only Chan, your precious best friend, who'd chased them off and protected you.

Jun looked up from his phone, nudging Wonwoo, who was sitting next to him. "She's here, she's here! Aren't you excited?" Jun practically ran to the cafe's door, and flung it open. Embracing the petite girl who stepped in, Jun smiled brightly. He brought her over to the group, and introduced her.

"This is my fiancee, and I can't wait for her to spend time with you guys!"

Chan nudged you, as your eyes widened. It was her. The one who'd tortured you throughout your years in high school, who'd told the football players she was messing around with to beat you up. Gritting your teeth, you stood up. "It's been nice and all, but I really do have to go. My mom's not feeling well. Sorry Jun, I'll take a raincheck."

You swore you heard her curse softly, but ignored it. Perhaps she recognized you, even after you'd changed so much. Too bad Jun liked her. You could think of many ways you'd like to get rid of her existance.

7 days after meeting her again

"Why don't you hang out with us anymore, you're no fun." Soonyoung snorted, shoving the girl opposite him. "I just have other priorities, that's all." Clutching your novel to your chest, you sighed. "She was right, you are a loser. Whatever then." He stomped off, leaving you frowning. Was she really badmouthing you again? Had she not grown up at all?

Making your way back to your house, you decided to brush it off as Soonyoung being immature.

That wasn't the case.

14 days after meeting her again

Chan was slouching on your couch next to you, hugging your arm tightly. "Noona, the hyungs are acting strange recently." You raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, strange?" He breathed in deeply, before telling you what he needed to. "It's her again.. She's been spreading lies to Seungcheol hyung, Jihoon hyung, and Soonyoung hyung. She's said nothing to Jun hyung, I'm assuming she isn't going to either. She just wants to take them away from you." You ruffled his hair, smiling at him.

"I don't have to worry about them, you're enough."

You decided not to tell him about Minghao and Jeonghan cancelling on you for her.

108 days after meeting her again

"Noona, I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect you this time." Chan crouched down next to you, rubbing circles on your back. Your face was once again bruised, beaten, and bloody. It was a horrible nightmare that reoccurred, except this time, in reality. Some of the people you considered your closest friends and loved ones had turned their backs on you, even calling you names, and slamming their fists into your stomach.

They way they brought back memories of you breaking that kid's legs, long ago, when you still did rugby. That's why she hated you after all, in her eyes, you were worthless. Your high school had a reputation for rugby, and the fact that you were good, but didn't want to play, pissed her off. It got worse as she started using you as a punching bag for her anger, a release for her pent up aggression.

They brought those back, the stuff you'd been trying to hide for years.

Seungcheol. Jihoon. Soonyoung.

You'd remember this.

Just like how you'd remember how Seokmin stood there, doing nothing.

740 days after meeting her again

After a year and six months, the beating stopped. You finally moved out and away from them, deciding that a more secluded neighbourhood would be a better option to live in. You also quit your job, applying for ones nearer your new home. The less they knew of your location, the better. Only Chan knew of about you moving, and the address of your new place.

When Chan showed up at your doorstep with the wedding invite, you were shocked. "Chan, just.. Why? Why would they do this after all the hurt I've been through?" The younger shook his head. "Noona, Jun hyung insisted. He has no clue about what has happened in the past year or so. Just join us, please?" You bit your lower lip, unsure of whether to accept it or not. "I guess I'll go, Chan. But I really don't want to see any of them. Not at all." Chan reached out for your hand. "Wonwoo hyung, and Mingyu hyung. They talk about you sometimes, and how they miss you. Seungcheol hyung prevented them from seeing you, with whatever ways he could."

Smiling, Chan patted your head. "It's not just me who misses having you around. I'll promise I'll protect you from them this time. I'll be a man of my word, noona, you can count on that."

"They didn't.. Follow you here, did they?" He shook his head once more, "I told them I was visiting my grandmother." A sly smile came across your face.

"Would you like to play a game with me, Chan?"

2 days before the wedding

"Is everything set up, and ready to go?" You threw a random shirt in your luggage. "It's all complete. I've prepared the door lockdown, and gotten rid of the security cameras." Chan smiled, sliding his arms around your waist. Smacking him lightly, you reached for a pair of pants. "I can't believe you actually managed to get Jun to change his wedding dinner venue. You're amazing." He laughed, and hugged you tightly.

"I'd do anything for you, and you know that."

Present day

"Miss, please let me get this straight. Jeon Wonwoo seemed to have a personal vendetta towards Mr. Wen and his wife, and planned this entire conspiracy?" You nodded, and continued, "I was only lucky that Lee Chan came and saved me in time. He nearly killed me, with that shovel." The policeman nodded, writing this all down. Indeed, the evidence was pointing to Wonwoo's direction. Chan and you were more than clever enough to realise that was necessary. "If that's all, you and Mr. Lee may leave now. Thank you for your time."

You stood up, bowed, then left.

In the comfort of your own home, you sighed out. "It's really just a pity the rest of them had to be.. Removed. Hansol hyung, Seungkwan hyung, Jisoo hyung. Especially Mingyu hyung." Chan shrugged. "I didn't even touch Mingyu hyung, and neither did you." You headed upstairs, to start packing some of your things. "What was the most unbelievable was that they didn't even suspect me, right until when Soonyoung was killed. I suppose Wonwoo realised, but by then, it was too late." Saying your piece, you slowly made your way up.

"Noona, I can't wait to start a new life with you."

You smiled, closing the door behind you.

Day of the wedding

Fake smiles directed towards you, all around. How terrible, oh my. Cringing when Soonyoung pulled you up and linked arms with you, you did your best not to push him away. Did he really not remember all the hurt he'd caused you? Well, it mattered not. Even if it was only you who remembered, you would make sure you got your revenge, fair and square. You couldn't wait to finish them off.

It was only a matter of time.

Soon enough, all the boys had filed out except Chan. You patted his head. "If you're scared, you can stay here. I'm going by myself too." Chan shook his head. "I'll go look for Minghao hyung too."

He wanted to prove himself worthy to you.

Victim 3: Lee Chan

He was never dead, only pretending. You promised yourself to give him credit for his amazing acting.

"I'm so sorry.. I know you cared about Chan a lot."

It hurt to see him lying there like that, even if it was fake.

"Well then, that's why you're losing it now." The one holding the knife smiled, a smile of one who had lost too many important people. A smile of someone who had lost not just friends, but his mind. "It'll all over now, we can go home." A laugh escaped his mouth.

Chan was nearly laughed, giving away his hiding spot. If only the fool knew.

"The rest of the hyungs.. They deserve to die."

He loved you more than enough to wish death on them.

As you tossed some of your old photobooks into a box, you couldn't help but open one of them to look through. You stopped short at a picture of the fourteen of you, on your high school graduation day. They'd come back to celebrate you, Seungkwan, and Hansol graduating, and things couldn't have been better then. Smiling to yourself, you the face of the man you'd last had a hand in killing

"You deserved it the least, Wonwoo."

Closing the photo album and putting it the box, you turned and left the room.

It was time for your new life to begin, and nothing was going to stand in your way this time.

Murder 14: Jeon Wonwoo

[A/N: We've been on a long journey together my dears. :') It's kind of bittersweet to end this story, but I'm very happy to present to you the truth and the ending! If there's any confusion, just let me know, and I'll get back to you ASAP. There'll be some bonus chapters which should address some of the more gray areas in the story. Other than that, there's just the winners list, Q&A chapter, and that's about it. I hope you'll stick around to catch more of my writing, and continue supporting me as an author!

If there are any questions left, please drop them in the comment box too.

Thank you for reading until the end of this story! You guys are the best.

P.S I'm sorry I'm a day late. I was busy with more stuff. : ( ]

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Chapter 20: I just read this in one go and I'm so shookt first I thought Wonwoo was the killer because if the bride lol but as the story developed I thought it must have been Jun or Seungcheol and stuck with them. Lol I made a joke and thought that it was the reader as in us but I shook that thought off haha also I thought if a character of faking their death but I didn't think so. Eventually I kept with Seungcheol until he died lol and BOOM! It was mind-blowing at the end!!! And I was so speechless and heated haha but overall this was a great murder story!!! :)
Chapter 20: WOW I can't believe I finished all this in a day, its 3:21 am and I have school soon '~' ...Tysm for this ff, it was good enough to be published as a drama haha! ♥ Also, eventhough I knew that ____ was the murderer, you never failed to surprise/scare me on each chapter. 

I feel so bad for Minghao doe, he didn't have a lot of role and was the first to die after the bride :((
Damn I was so excited to about this then I ruined it for myself after stupidly reading the comments section loool~

btw, I thought Seungcheol killed Mingyu at first hahaha. But damn, Mingyu killed himself. that was so insane :---((

And Joshua died horribly :---(( that was so sad :--((

And I actually felt Vernon's fear haha I actually felt scared while reading this cause damn this is so scary af. hahaha

Thank you for a good fanfic authornim ♡♡
fluffyburger #5
JKRigid #6
Chapter 15: I had suspicions that (blank) is the killer, but I quickly forgot about it hahaha. This got me on the edge of my seat. XD
Chapter 20: oh my i can't believe i did finish this in a day haha XD it's indeed an interesting fic to read. just imagine your boys got killed one by one oh god :O
i have something which i can't understand, and it's from chapter 4, the sentence "there was more than one sound coming from the toilet", what was it referring to? it sounds creepy for me XD
also, the murder list really sent me to tears ;_; i didn't expect mingyu and jisoo to die that way *cries a river*
btw is chan your bias? :D
Ruineveene #8
Chapter 20: I love this! These kinds of plot twists are the best!
qinyin1023 #9
At first I sensed that OC did it. I could imagine that the girl that was bullied was her. Buttt, I didn't expect Chan joining her in murdering them. I thought it was OC and Wonwoo 'cause OC looked like having a special relationship with Wonwoo. I was so sad that Mingyu decided to suicide :(
BTW, THIS STORY IS REALLY AWESOME. Good job, author-nim ^^