Murder 9

Here Lies the Bride

"Hey, where's Seungkwan?" You awoke to the sound of Vernon's voice, and sat up. "Seungkwan..?" You rubbed your eyes, barely listening. "Where's Seungkwan?" Vernon repeated slowly, and your eyes widened. "He.. Didn't come back?" "What do you mean 'he didn't come back?' Where did he go!" Vernon threw his hands up in the air, exasperated. You looked down, then bit your lip. "Seungkwan.. He.. It's better if you read it yourself." You picked up the letter by your side, and Vernon snatched it away. He read through it carefully, yet as quickly as he possibly could.

"And you let him go, and die?!" Vernon started screaming at you, and this woke Wonwoo up. "It was either him or all of you!" Your lower lip trembled, and Vernon ran his hand through his hair. "Seungkwan.." He sat down on the edge of the bed, face buried in his hands. Wonwoo yawned, not understanding what was going on. "What.. Happened?" "Seungkwan, Seungkwan is dead." Vernon was sniffling, clearly trying his best not to let out a sob. Wonwoo hugged the younger boy, in an attempt to comfort him.

"I.. Don't want to become like Seungcheol and Soonyoung hyung.." Vernon blurted out, and you rubbed his back. "I don't want to lose my mind and become crazy." Vernon started trembling, and you wrapped a blanket around him. He had enough hurt for today. "You two stay here, I'll go out and look for.. Well, just stay here." "You can't go, you just can't!" Vernon pushed himself out the blanket and clung to your leg.

"No more, please. I can't lose anyone else."

Several hours later, Vernon had gone to sleep, and Wonwoo sighed. "Do you really have to go out?" You nodded, "I have to go find Joshua, even if that means I have to go by myself. I have to look for Seungkwan too." "Can't you.. just stay here with us? I don't want to lose you too.." Wonwoo reached out and gripped your hand. You shook your head and pushed his hand off. "If I don't, no one else will." Wonwoo frowned, "We have enough supplies for now, please. Staying here would be better for all three of us." You sighed and sat down next to him. "Alright, I won't go." He beamed, hugging you tightly.

"Thank you."

Meanwhile, on the first floor, Soonyoung and Seungcheol were sitting at opposite ends of the ballroom. "I don't know about you, but I highly doubt you're the one." Soonyoung locked eyes with Seungcheol. "I want to propose an alliance." Seungcheol perked up, eyes lit with curiosity.

"We kill. Starting from one person, we kill until the killing stops. Ironic, isn't it?" The corners of Soonyoung's mouth tilted up in a smirk, and Seungcheol's features mimicked Soonyoung's. "So, we kill someone, and wait. When other people stop dying, we know who the killer is."

"But my dear Soonyoung, what if the killer's you?"

"You'll have to wait and see, won't you?"

Seungcheol's knife was stored in a sloppy looking holder he made from whatever cloth he could find. "So, any suspects, Soonyoung?" Seungcheol spoke, turning to see the other holding a large knife, presumably taken from the kitchen. "I have one in mind." Soonyoung smiled, a smile that made Seungcheol glad he and Soonyoung were working together.

"Alright, let's go for it."

Joshua was sitting on his deck chair, tilting his book at an angle so he could read it. He was trying to read, but he couldn't get Seungkwan's words out of his mind. Seungkwan had met him when the two were walking around alone the previous night.

"Protect them for me, please. I can't tell you why, but I need your help."

He shook his head then, and shook it once more now. This time, it was to clear his thoughts. I need to look out for myself, Joshua sighed mentally. "How to kill a Killer," Joshua read the book title out loud, letting a small smile cross his lips. "Ironic, but perhaps it could work.."

He had plans to make, ones that involved the help of three people currently huddled up in a room together. Joshua felt a chill cross his spine, and headed down the other, slightly hidden staircase. He had a feeling someone was coming from the one he usually used, and that that someone did not have good intentions.

Arriving outside the room, Joshua knocked on the door. "Fronting." Seungkwan had entrusted him with the room number and password of the room the group of four used. The group would now have four people again. The door was opened and he was pulled in.

"I swore I saw him come down this way." A voice hissed from outside, and Joshua thanked God he was safe. He looked up and locked eyes with a furious Vernon. "Who gave you the password?" "It was.. Seungkwan. He told me to come and help, and I have a couple of ideas.."

The group was a bit skeptical at first, but gave in. There weren't many options left, and Joshua was pretty much their last hope.

It was turning dark, and Joshua said he wanted to go get some supplies. You offered to go with him, but he shook his head. "It would be better for you to stay here, with Vernon and Wonwoo." "Joshua, two people out there are better than one." He sighed heavily, and relented. "Okay, let's go."

You managed to gather enough supplies, water, canned food, and strangely enough, a portable stove with canned gas. Joshua smiled, and told you to go to sleep. Vernon and Wonwoo had already cuddled up together in the bed, asleep. You frowned, "As if, you're going to run off somewhere." Joshua gave you a quick hug. "You're better off without me. I'll see you later, maybe?" You grabbed his leg, a desperate attempt to stop him from leaving. Shaking his head, Joshua gently pushed you off, and ran away. Poking your head out the door, Joshua had disappeared from sight.

It was for the best, anyway.

"It's your time to go, Hong. You've been alive long enough, don't you think?"

Joshua tilted his head up, and said his own silent prayer.

He could only pray that his Lord would protect the three he left behind in his place.

Murder 9: Joshua Hong

[A/N: Joshua died! A lot of you guys are suspecting Coups/Jun as the killers, so hopefully you got that right. I've been crazy busy during the holidays, and I'll be back to school next week. I may not have as much time to update as I used to, sorry. :--(

So, who killed Joshua?
Who's next?

As usual, comment your answers down in the comment box below and stay tuned for the next update!]

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Chapter 20: I just read this in one go and I'm so shookt first I thought Wonwoo was the killer because if the bride lol but as the story developed I thought it must have been Jun or Seungcheol and stuck with them. Lol I made a joke and thought that it was the reader as in us but I shook that thought off haha also I thought if a character of faking their death but I didn't think so. Eventually I kept with Seungcheol until he died lol and BOOM! It was mind-blowing at the end!!! And I was so speechless and heated haha but overall this was a great murder story!!! :)
Chapter 20: WOW I can't believe I finished all this in a day, its 3:21 am and I have school soon '~' ...Tysm for this ff, it was good enough to be published as a drama haha! ♥ Also, eventhough I knew that ____ was the murderer, you never failed to surprise/scare me on each chapter. 

I feel so bad for Minghao doe, he didn't have a lot of role and was the first to die after the bride :((
Damn I was so excited to about this then I ruined it for myself after stupidly reading the comments section loool~

btw, I thought Seungcheol killed Mingyu at first hahaha. But damn, Mingyu killed himself. that was so insane :---((

And Joshua died horribly :---(( that was so sad :--((

And I actually felt Vernon's fear haha I actually felt scared while reading this cause damn this is so scary af. hahaha

Thank you for a good fanfic authornim ♡♡
fluffyburger #5
JKRigid #6
Chapter 15: I had suspicions that (blank) is the killer, but I quickly forgot about it hahaha. This got me on the edge of my seat. XD
Chapter 20: oh my i can't believe i did finish this in a day haha XD it's indeed an interesting fic to read. just imagine your boys got killed one by one oh god :O
i have something which i can't understand, and it's from chapter 4, the sentence "there was more than one sound coming from the toilet", what was it referring to? it sounds creepy for me XD
also, the murder list really sent me to tears ;_; i didn't expect mingyu and jisoo to die that way *cries a river*
btw is chan your bias? :D
Ruineveene #8
Chapter 20: I love this! These kinds of plot twists are the best!
qinyin1023 #9
At first I sensed that OC did it. I could imagine that the girl that was bullied was her. Buttt, I didn't expect Chan joining her in murdering them. I thought it was OC and Wonwoo 'cause OC looked like having a special relationship with Wonwoo. I was so sad that Mingyu decided to suicide :(
BTW, THIS STORY IS REALLY AWESOME. Good job, author-nim ^^