Murder 13 [Updated 11 March 2016]

Here Lies the Bride

"Hey, hey! Wake up, Vernon is gone!" You found yourself being shaken awake by a frantic Wonwoo. "Hold up, what? I swore he was here last night." Hoisting yourself off the bed, you flung the unlocked door open. Hearing a gasp from behind you, you reached out to cover Wonwoo's eyes. "Don't look, it's already as bad as it is." Wonwoo pulled your hands away from his face, and made a motion to reach out for Vernon's body.

"I'm going to kill him."

Wonwoo grabbed Vernon's hand, and clutched it tightly. "I swear, I'm going to kill him. I won't let him go this time." Letting go of Vernon's hand, Wonwoo stood up. "I'm going after Soonyoung, and nothing can stop me this time." He marched down the hall, leaving you behind. You chased after him, not wanting him to face Soonyoung alone. "Wait for me!"

Taking out your knife, you offered it to Wonwoo. "I won't stop you, Wonwoo." He shook his head, "Keep it for now. I'll take it from you when we see him." You shoved the knife back into its makeshift holder, and handed the holder to Wonwoo. "You won't have time to react, now, let's go." Grabbing your hand, Wonwoo pulled you as he walked.

"I don't want you to get hurt, not again."

Wonwoo stopped short in front of an open door. Hushing you, he peeked inside and motioned for you to hand him the knife. It was finally his turn to lose it, and he was more than prepared to murder the man in the room.

They'd known each other since their high school days, yet they were ready to betray each other in the face of fear and anger. It was interesting, really. Slipping the holder into Wonwoo's hand, you watched him unsheath it, and holding in an offensive position. You watched him dive into the room, and winced at the screams that emitted from it.

It seems like Soonyoung was anticipating this 'sneak attack', and the two men were soon sprawled on the ground, knives lying on the floor, forgotten in their frenzy. Wonwoo had managed to get a good stab at Soonyoung, the blood leaking from his shirt was more than enough proof of that. Standing in the doorway, you watched the two fight for their lives.

Soon enough, Wonwoo had pinned Soonyoung down, and gripped his hands around Soonyoung's neck, tightening it as the seconds flew by. Letting out a strangled yelp, Soonyoung clawed at Wonwoo, only to be left grasping at the air. Soonyoung's arms soon flopped down next to his sides, and his eyes drooped shut. Wonwoo still refused to let go, until you grabbed his shoulder. "That's enough, he's already dead."

Dropping Soonyoung's body onto the floor, Wonwoo stood up and left the room, dragging you along with him. "If that door refuses to open, I'm going to break it with my bare hands."

But had you really caught the killer?

Moments later, you were standing behind Wonwoo as he pounded on the hotel's door. "It's been days, why won't you open!" Wonwoo was crying out in agony. He was tired, tired from everything. You grimaced, before tugging at his shirt. "You're getting no where, Wonwoo. Let's go find a tool that can help us open the door, shall we?" He let his arms drop to his sides, an action that reminded you of the way Soonyoung had slumped to his death.

It was like he'd lost his soul, and you really couldn't blame him. Taking him by the wrist, you pulled him towards the garden at the back. Perhaps a shovel or crowbar would actually pry the door open. Why hadn't anyone thought of that before? Maybe because there was a crazed killer running around, kidnapping and murdering people even in broad daylight. If that wasn't enough, your friends had become twice as crazy as the killer, even killing each other out of spite.

Once you'd reached the garden, you searched around. Wonwoo had picked up a shovel, and you smiled at him. "It's finally over, we can go home now." The smile Wonwoo gave you didn't reach his eyes, as he raised the shovel up. "I'm afraid we won't be going home. At least, not you."

Letting out a shrill scream, you regretted giving him your knife earlier.

Was this really the end for you?

Murder 13: Kwon Soonyoung

[A/N: Woohoo, we're finally down to the last chapter left to go! Alright, send in your final guesses. The first person to answer each question correctly will win a prize, namely, an exclusive oneshot written for just you, with you and your SVT bias in any scenario/AU! (except dear Lord) I'm assuming you all love SVT so we'll go with that as the group you can pick your bias from. Answer these questions to stand a chance to win!

Who's the real mastermind behind the whole killing spree?
Who's the real accomplice?
Can you figure out why Jun's bride and the rest were killed?
How many times did the mastermind actually kill a person?

Answers these within the next two weeks! I'll be checking back on 24th March with the results, and the winners of the previous chapters! The person who answers any one of the questions first wins! I'll pick 4 winners, one for each question. Also, if you have any questions, I will be doing a Q&A chapter, and also bonus behind the scene chapters for you guys to understand what was really going on. So comment down both your answers, and any questions! It's not over yet, guys!

To make things more clear, please comment what you're answering! E.g The mastermind is ___. The real accomplice is ____. The reason why Jun's bride and the rest were killed is ____. The mastermind actually killed ___ person/people.

Also, please note that I won't accept your answers unless they're in this format. This is to check that you've made it to this point. For those who sent in their guesses, I'll have to trouble you to send them in again! And no, no other characters except the ones who's names have been mentioned will be the culprit, like Doyoon, Samuel, etc.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour. : ) ]


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Chapter 20: I just read this in one go and I'm so shookt first I thought Wonwoo was the killer because if the bride lol but as the story developed I thought it must have been Jun or Seungcheol and stuck with them. Lol I made a joke and thought that it was the reader as in us but I shook that thought off haha also I thought if a character of faking their death but I didn't think so. Eventually I kept with Seungcheol until he died lol and BOOM! It was mind-blowing at the end!!! And I was so speechless and heated haha but overall this was a great murder story!!! :)
Chapter 20: WOW I can't believe I finished all this in a day, its 3:21 am and I have school soon '~' ...Tysm for this ff, it was good enough to be published as a drama haha! ♥ Also, eventhough I knew that ____ was the murderer, you never failed to surprise/scare me on each chapter. 

I feel so bad for Minghao doe, he didn't have a lot of role and was the first to die after the bride :((
Damn I was so excited to about this then I ruined it for myself after stupidly reading the comments section loool~

btw, I thought Seungcheol killed Mingyu at first hahaha. But damn, Mingyu killed himself. that was so insane :---((

And Joshua died horribly :---(( that was so sad :--((

And I actually felt Vernon's fear haha I actually felt scared while reading this cause damn this is so scary af. hahaha

Thank you for a good fanfic authornim ♡♡
fluffyburger #5
JKRigid #6
Chapter 15: I had suspicions that (blank) is the killer, but I quickly forgot about it hahaha. This got me on the edge of my seat. XD
Chapter 20: oh my i can't believe i did finish this in a day haha XD it's indeed an interesting fic to read. just imagine your boys got killed one by one oh god :O
i have something which i can't understand, and it's from chapter 4, the sentence "there was more than one sound coming from the toilet", what was it referring to? it sounds creepy for me XD
also, the murder list really sent me to tears ;_; i didn't expect mingyu and jisoo to die that way *cries a river*
btw is chan your bias? :D
Ruineveene #8
Chapter 20: I love this! These kinds of plot twists are the best!
qinyin1023 #9
At first I sensed that OC did it. I could imagine that the girl that was bullied was her. Buttt, I didn't expect Chan joining her in murdering them. I thought it was OC and Wonwoo 'cause OC looked like having a special relationship with Wonwoo. I was so sad that Mingyu decided to suicide :(
BTW, THIS STORY IS REALLY AWESOME. Good job, author-nim ^^