Medicham's Mulberry Town Triumph


Medicham's Mulberry Town Triumph


“I’m about to go on – how am I looking?” Sungjong spins around in front of his friends. Now that he’s had time to plan for this contest, his ensemble is much more high-end. His pink dress shirt compliments his white dress pants. His yellow bowtie accents his entire outfit and he feels proud of it.

“You look like a champ!” Sungyeol says reassuringly. “You’re going to kill it out there with Medicham!”

“Mulberry town won’t know what hit them!” Myungsoo agrees excitedly. “We’re going to go get some good seats in the audience so that you can hear us especially when we cheer!”

“Thanks so much for always coming out to support me!” Sungjong replies, hugging them both. “Now go get those seats before some other losers take it!”

“Okay,” Sungyeol laughs, “we’re off! Make sure to feed your Medicham some great poffins to maximize its beauty and intelligence! You’ll win your second ribbon for sure!”

Sungjong’s Medicham pops open from his Pokéball and tugs at Sungjong’s sleeve at the mention of poffins.





Myungsoo’s Umbreon is sitting in Sungyeol’s lap, nuzzling her head into Sungyeol’s stomach and Sungyeol’s Plusle is nestled on Myungsoo’s shoulder. A few contestants have already performed their grand entrance and they both feel unimpressed. Maybe it’s because they know Sungjong’s routine is going to kick . They’re kind of bored in their seats at the moment, despite all the excitement in the air. They’re petting each other’s Pokémon mindlessly, chewing on some gummies that the hot dog vendor was passing out earlier.

Sungyeol laughs. “Look, this gummy is shaped like a Staryu – that’s funny.”

“Or it could just be a star,” Myungsoo points out, popping a brightly colored candy into his mouth.

“Maybe it is just a star, who knows?” Sungyeol chuckles to himself, popping the star into his mouth. “When is Sungjong coming on, I feel like we’ve been watching these other novices for hours.”

“There have only been four contestants up so far,” Myungsoo replies, laughing. He feeds a gummy to Plusle who coos in happiness.

“Yeah, but their routines feel like they’re taking forever.” Sungyeol sighs and pets Umbreon’s fur. “No one will ever be as good as our Sungjong,” he says decisively.

Myungsoo chuckles to himself. “Whatever you say, babe.”

He goes back to chewing on gummies and scanning around the stadium when he suddenly spots someone he probably shouldn’t have. He chokes on his star shaped gummies as his eyes start bulging. Covering his choking with his hand, he starts smacking Sungyeol.

“Yeol!” he coughs. “Yeol, Yeol!”

“Ow, what was that for?” Sungyeol smacks his arm away, going back to criticizing all the contestants who aren’t Sungjong. “Calm down, babe – Sungjong isn’t even on stage yet.”

“Yeol,” Myungsoo hisses, pointing a finger discreetly at a person in the stadium. “Is that my butler?!”

Sungyeol glances over. “Oh, what do you know, it is. I wonder what he’s doing here.”

“What is he doing here?!” Myungsoo shrieks under his breath. “I don’t remember what days my parents gave him off but it can’t possibly be today… could it?”

“Is he that butler that just stands around with cheese and crackers all the time?”

“Yeah, that’s him.”

“Then I’m sure he must have a lot of days off. Not everyone is in the mood for cheese and crackers, you know.”

“I know, but what is he doing here?!”

“To watch the Pokémon contest, what else?” Sungyeol says, relaxed.

Myungsoo shakes his head. “You have no idea how weird this is for me, I didn’t even realize any of my butlers had lives outside of the mansion.”

“Don’t be such a downer, Soo, it’s bad for your health– OH! Look, Sungjong is on! Sungjong is on!”

Sungjong walked onto stage elegantly, bowing to the audience first. Then he throws up his Pokéball and Medicham pops out in a flurry of sparkles.

“All right, Medicham!” Sungjong calls out, “Use light screen!”

Medicham is surrounded by screens of light, forming a solid box around him as he sits in the air.

“Now use confusion!”

Purple waves start filling up the light screen box and the audience looks captivated by the glowing spectacle.

“And finally – use zen headbutt on the light screen!”

As soon as Medicham does, the whole thing explodes and streaks from his confusion attack go streaming in the air as shatters of the light screen fall down in a fluttering shower.

Sungyeol immediately hops up onto his seat and starts cheering like a crazy person and Myungsoo wants to also but feels uncomfortable the minute he sees his butler stand up and start cheering also.

This is so awkward, what is he to do?





Sungjong jumps into Sungyeol’s arms ecstatically. “I won!” he shrieks in excitement. “Now I only need one more ribbon to participate in the Grand Festival. This is so exciting!”

“You bet it is!” Sungyeol exclaims. “You and your Medicham did great out there – didn’t even miss a beat! And might I say, you totally smoked that other contestant in the battle stage.”

“I did!” Sungjong agrees. “Thanks for teaching me those battle strategies!”

“It’s not a problem!”

Sungjong turns towards Myungsoo and his eyes light up. Myungsoo wants to be more excited but he’s still feeling slightly uncomfortable. But he it up when Sungjong comes running… past him?

“Wait, what?”

Babe you made it!”

Myungsoo turns around and almost faints because Sungjong is leaping into the arms of his butler. The butler that does nothing but hold a tray of cheese and crackers all day is apparently known as babe to Sungjong.

Myungsoo is about to go into cardiac arrest when he sees Sungjong kissing his butler.

“What, what, what – when did this happen?!” he shouts.

His butler looks beyond embarrassed as his cheeks flush red. The Wooper on his shoulder laughs at him. “Boss! Fancy seeing you here…”

“I’ll say,” Myungsoo huffs, still confused as ever. “When did all this romance happen between you two?”

Sungjong raises his eyebrow. “Don’t you know? We started dating a couple weeks after we met at your mansion. He’s really cute.”

Myungsoo turns around and clings onto Sungyeol for his dear, dear life. “Babe, save me – one of my best friends is dating my butler. When did this happen? Why did this happen? I don’t understand, all he does is carry around cheese and crackers…!”

Sungyeol laughs and kisses his forehead. “It’s all right, babe. Love happens in mysterious ways.”

“Someone get me my Umbreon, I need to hug her before I have a breakdown.”



a.n. --

something really random and fun bc i wanted another sungjong update for my birthday (i turned 18 by the way xD dec 6!!!)  
also it looks like sungjong's got a butler amiright loooool 

who do you think the butler is? more importantly, what do you think he looks like? (cause i have yet to decide lmaO)

pokemon referenced

medicham -- umbreon -- plusle -- wooper

-- quinnie -- || twitter


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Chapter 14: This is so cute!!!
Chapter 16: kei aka my bae
Chapter 15: how does sungjong survive with myungyeol all the time, a true saint
Chapter 13: ghosts, dongwoo stay away
also hoya saving the day l o l
//flashbacks to ranking king
Chapter 12: who is this butler
Chapter 11: sungjong forever the evil genius
Chapter 10: just realized myungyeoljong are traveling as a trio, let the ship fan wars commence (jk pls dont)
Chapter 9: squinty eyes im cryinnnnn
Chapter 8: ing pokemon, im done