Finally understanding

Kim Kibum: Relationship Destroyer
I managed to keep it together until we got out of the building, but as soon and Jonghyun and I stepped foot outside I broke down. I collapsed on the ground, face in hands, and cried. Jonghyun kneeled down beside me and put his arms around me to give me some comfort. "W-Why... Why does h-he do these things?" I asked myself, not wanting an answer. "Let me tell you about his childhood, and then maybe you can understand," Jonghyun said, pulling me up to my feet and walking me to an unknown place. I didn't really want to hear about Key's childhood but I have no choice, Jonghyun will force me to listen anyways. He took me to a department store, to the very back so no one could hear me cry. Even thought most people heard me on the way there. Once we were there, Jonghyun told me a story. "A while ago there was this boy. His name was Key. Key was an un happy boy. His parents had abandoned him when he was 7. They didn't want him anymore. When he was 8 he was adopted by a 'Loving' single mother. This lady also had 2 other kids of her own. Both boys, one was 15 and one was 17. Key was good friends with them at first but as time went on, the boys started to dislike eachother more and more. The two older boys started bullying Key, and his 'Mom' was always out getting drunk. When the mom would come back the older boys would make up a story to get Key in trouble and the drunk mom would beat him until he passed out. His 'mom' also used to hook up with a lot of guys. 'A different one each night' Key said to me once. That's probably why he is like this. He is becoming like his abusive family.. We just have to stop him from becoming like them" Finally I understood, and stopped crying. "That's why he's so violent.." I suddenly became determined. "I'm not going to let him stay like this. I won't let him hurt anyone else." Jonghyun looked at me like I was weird. "Uh... Okay.. I'll help you." ----------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay! I finally updated! My subscribers, I am truly sorry. I really didn't know what to put next and I got distractedw by personal things <- I'm not gonna tell you all so hush. I'm only telling close friends. >.> <.< >.< <.> Okay. Well I will really try to bring more chapters in all my fics and I hope you like this chapter! Ciao!
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Aika0330 #1
I finally caught up!! ^^
keeeey~ staaaaaawp eeeet
Hahahamiga #3
Please update soon!!! It's so exciting!!>~<
TheGermCafe #4
cutiekoala #5
Psh, Key is a playboy, huh?
After he saw Nikki, he likes her...

Jonghyun and Minji! <3
Btw, nice poster! ;)
shineecoco #6
what bout key?
Oh not jjongie!where is key?! My umma has gone missing >ㅁ<
Minholove #8
Ikr I love the poster
Sad chappie :"( I love the poster
xDDDDDDDDD but you knew that!