
Kim Kibum: Relationship Destroyer
---MINJI'S POV----- I arrive at the practice room fifteen minutes later. I got out of the cab and instantly breathed in the fresh air. My lungs welcomed it. It smelled like garbage in there. I ducked my head into the cab window and payed the driver then walked into the studio. I found studio D to be filled with the other G4M member (A/N: I'm changing the band name to G4M which stands for Girls 4 Music. Aquastar kind of and I didn't like the name. I just couldn't think of anything. But now i did. So yea. It's going to be G4M for now) Their names are Rina, Mio, Amber, and Nikki. Rinai is my favorite. She my best friend out of all of them. Each of us are Specail in our own ways. Rina, is the best rapper out of us all. She has long hair that is dyed a light blonde. She is also very short and is the oldest of the group. Mio is the second youngest and the best dancer out of everyone. She had a lot dance training as a kid. She has medium length hair and it's a dirty blonde color. Next is Amber. There's not much to say about Amber though except she is the tallest and REALLY bratty. Then we have the leader, Nikki. She isn't the oldest but she's a great leader.she has a great fashion sense too. She's always picking out our clothing. Last but not least, me. I am the best singer of the group. >:D My sweet voice is no match for the others. Plus, I'm the youngest. The cute Maknae XD. "Why are you late!??!? You wasted my time," Amber whined. Gahh Amber just shut up. "Amber, look, can't you see that Minji was crying? Be sensitive, gosh," Rina said coming up so hug me. "Haha, Rina, I'm okay. I'm fine. Let's just practice," I replied faking a smile. My anger is too great to smile. I think Rina saw right through me though. We started dancing and singing. We stopped for a break after two songs and my manager kept telling me this was my best practice yet. "Haha thanks," I told him half heartedly. I'm still mad, so what? We started up again and we were halfway through our next song and someone burst through the door. Amber screamed. HAHAHAHHA AMBER YOURE SUCH A BABYY HAHAHAH then I realized who was at the door. You guessed it. Key. If that isn't who you guess then go read chapter 31. Lol. Rina and Nikki stood there gaping at Key. "Oh. My. Gosh," said Nikki. "It's Key! From SHINee," Rina said getting excited. "I didn't come here to see you.i came here to see her," Key said coldly pointing at me. "What do you want," I asked. "I want you to pay for my clothes you ruined," Key said starting to give me an evil glare. "I don't now what you're taking about," I said smirking. "YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT," Key yelled running up to me and grabbing the collar of my shirt. he lifted me up into the air and I started kicking at him. "PAY FOR THEM!" "NO! YOU DESERVE IT!!!" I kept kicking him but I didn't seem to hurt him, Key's face softened and then looked down. I saw tears dripping onto the floor. Key is a crybaby? Hah. "Please take me back? I know what I did was wrong and I won't do it ever again," Key said honestly. Well too bad for him because I don't want to take him back. "No. I can't trust you," I said then stormed out of the room. key, go get a life. As I left I looked back and saw Amber shaking on the floor and Key was standing there crying while looking at me as I left. Rina, Nikki, and Mio were all gawking at Key. Weirdos. Psh. Shouldn't they support me? Gah, let them gawk at Key all they want.
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Aika0330 #1
I finally caught up!! ^^
keeeey~ staaaaaawp eeeet
Hahahamiga #3
Please update soon!!! It's so exciting!!>~<
TheGermCafe #4
cutiekoala #5
Psh, Key is a playboy, huh?
After he saw Nikki, he likes her...

Jonghyun and Minji! <3
Btw, nice poster! ;)
shineecoco #6
what bout key?
Oh not jjongie!where is key?! My umma has gone missing >ㅁ<
Minholove #8
Ikr I love the poster
Sad chappie :"( I love the poster
xDDDDDDDDD but you knew that!