Coffee Shop

Kim Kibum: Relationship Destroyer
----MINJI'S POV----- GAAAHHHHHHHHH IM FUMING MAD AT KEY!!!! VIOLENCE IS NOT THE FREAKING ANSWER SO STOP BEING SO VIOLENT, KEY!!! GAHHHHHNUEVFRHYURGRNKUYEUGRTYEHYURTEHGIKUYRHVETYHUKETGRBYUKVERTUHYKFYUKFETYUGIDFYGUGERDJYGUITERGYURTIGEUYIGJETFRDDJFTREGYIURFTEUTYIJIJUQINUISKOXMJINFVRNKJ!!!!! I walked into the Coffee shop and sat down at my usual two seater table in the corner of the place. I sat there and a really tall girl waiter came up to me. "What would you like to drink," she asked me as I looked up at her. She saw the expression on my face and tears forming into my eyes. She sat down next to me and asked what had happened. "Lots of stuff," I told her, "It all starte a long time ago when everyday I would eat my lunch by a lake near my house....." I told her the whole story up to now and over time her smile faded off to a frown. ". . . . . . . . . . . And just a few minutes ago my boyfriend beat up my childhood best friend and brother, Kim Jong Hyun." I started crying as I finished off my last sentence and the waiter came over to my side of the table and hugged me. I could see tears forming in her eyes too. Just then, you-know-who walked in. you if you are thinking of Voldemort.... I think you should go to a doctor because thats not who walked in. It was my boyfriend. Kim Ki Bum. He saw me and avoided my eyes. I glared at the back of his head as he took a seat across the room. See what he does to me, you ? Isnt this absurd! I think he should apologize! "I think you should break up with him. You may love him but if he beats up your best friend, then he's not right for you. Beating up your best friend even if he was drunk was uncalled for," the waitress gave me words of wisdom. Well, I guess I should. I thanked the waitress and got up and walked over to Key. "Key," I said picking up his coffee, "This relationship isn't going to work. I'm breaking up with you. What you did was uncalled for." Then I poured the coffee on his head. I looked back at the waitress and she have me a warm, approving smile. "WAEE," Key shouted. "You just aren't the one," I said fuming mad, "Now excuse me, I have a schedule to go to." I left the coffee shop and turned around to see Keys heads in his hands and he muttered, "Where did I go wrong?" Psh you were always wrong. I called my manager saying I was going to be a bit late. I have rehersal today. I think my manager is going to be surprised at my performance today. I'm going to be on fire.
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Aika0330 #1
I finally caught up!! ^^
keeeey~ staaaaaawp eeeet
Hahahamiga #3
Please update soon!!! It's so exciting!!>~<
TheGermCafe #4
cutiekoala #5
Psh, Key is a playboy, huh?
After he saw Nikki, he likes her...

Jonghyun and Minji! <3
Btw, nice poster! ;)
shineecoco #6
what bout key?
Oh not jjongie!where is key?! My umma has gone missing >ㅁ<
Minholove #8
Ikr I love the poster
Sad chappie :"( I love the poster
xDDDDDDDDD but you knew that!