What Can You Do?

A Monster I am Called, A Monster I......

    Sorry for the long break...ummm contains blood and violence that involves weapons. Do I even have to say this anymore? I think every chapter will have this......

What can you do when you can't remember much? I don't really know. One moment we were in the woods then the next we were at a car parking lot. The lights blinded all of us. I remember turning around everywhere to see where the lights were coming from. Then I felt a thing that people have long ago exaggerated and also lied about. A pain that instantly took over my shoulder that had launched forward. Was it really necessary for those people to shoot me? I don't know. Was I a threat? I can't remember. Then more screams started to sound. First that one that I heard so much, Mark. Then one that I could never imagine could be made, Kyungsoo. The last one sounded like an unnatural being was making that sound, Taemin. Did I scream? I don't know. The screams seemed to stop as the thumps of four bodies hitting the ground. I remember that number exactly because I wasn't the fourth body that hit the ground.

    It was warmer then. It felt like things were getting better. Only if I knew. I think I made that frantic phone call after I saw all of the blood. It seemed like it was years before a soothing voice answered the phone. "Hello?" That voice. I broke down crying as he realized who I had called. The person that I was thing about the whole time. "Hello who is this?" Asked Jinyoung. 
My tears just kept coming down my face. "Who is this?" Asked Jinyoung. It took me awhile to  answer I think. "H-hyung." I whispered into the cold metal object. I think then he cried. Both our tears could be heard. By then I think that that person was behind me. I felt another metal object against my tattered shirt. I sharply took in a breath and looked. That face scared me so much. How can she ever do that. I can't remember when I screamed but soon I was. Along with the frantic voice of my hyung I heard the voice of that person. "How could you Gongchan. I thought that you only loved me. How can you love Jinyoung if you loved me first?" That was when the line got cut. I screamed even louder as she lifted the metal object. I remember thinking again that this must be the end.

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Chapter 13: is Mark dead now or is he in the states?? I loved the chapter a lot, I wanna know whats gonna happen next so~ bad. AHHH, stress~ I cant wait for the next update!!!
Chapter 2: Omo! What did they do to Mark actually? Who was the fan? (And I don't know why I keep thinking of you as the fan, authornim hehehe ) What's with the blood? Were the idols being tortured?