

We walked to my home and chatted a bit.

“Minwoo, don’t you think my parents will act awkward when they see you?”, I asked Minwoo worried.

“You worry too much. I can handle that”, Minwoo said.

I nodded.

“Well, I think I should tell you how my work is like. It’s like that: We fairies live in a secret place. I am also not allowed to tell YOU. So, learn everything that a fairy should know and can. After 6 years of learning our boss searches a person for us to take care of. He searches people like you. People who really cant live like that anymore, who need help and someone who just need someone”, Minwoo explained.

“I understand”, I said and nodded.

We reached my apartment and I opened the door and got shock. Everywhere were boxes and our apartment was half-empty. My parents put fast our things in the boxes.

As they noticed us my mom came to us and hugged me.

“Oh, Soo Min you will never believe what happened. We found a wonderful house and its really cheap. But we have to hurry now to get it. The owner won’t wait for us forever”, she said with a big smile.

“Mom, that is so great! We should help you packing the things”, I said

“We?”, my mom asked and noticed Minwoo.

She greeted him friendly.

“Hello, you seem to be a “Friend” of her”, my mom said and put double quotes at the word friend.

“Why double quotes?”, I asked her with a glare.

My mom seemed to ignore me and still talked to Miwoo.

“Yes, I am No Minwoo. I can help you with packing. I don’t have school today”, he said.

My mom smiled and Minwoo started to help my dad with packing things.

“Mom, what did you mean with these double quotes?”, I asked her.

“It was time that you get a boyfriend. He is really nice”, my mom said and winked at me.

“He is not my boyfriend!”, I said a way too old so my dad and Minwoo looked at us. After some seconds of awkwardness they continued working.

“Oh, and I think you should stop working. We have enough money and it breaks my heart to see you working hard like this”, she said.

“Yes mom. I will think about it”, I said and looked away. I shouldn’t tell her that I shouted at my own boss and just quit. That was not really the right time. I thought that I wouldn’t tell it her anyway.


After 20 minutes of rushed packing we put the things in our car. I went a last time in my room. It was fully empty.

"I spent much time in here. I cried here alot. But it was a safe place. I will miss you old room. I hope you will get a nice owner now", I said and a single tear left my eye.

"Goodbye old room. Goodbye old life", I said and left the apartment with a smile.

I got into the car and sat next to Minwoo.

We drove about 30 minutes and reached a beautiful house. The region also looked very good and nice.

This is the house:

At the house the owner waved already at us. We walked to him and he let us in the house.

But then I shocked. I couldn´t believe that that was true.

The enty:

The owner and my parents walked into the kitchen to sign the comtract and get the keys.

"So the house is now yours! Take good care of it", the man said and left the house.

As he closed the door my mom and I started to bounce up and down out of happiness.

We hugged each other.

" I am soooo happy now", I said.

"I am also very happy", she said.

Then we started to explore our new house and screamed out of hyteric.

Minwoo and dad just laughed at us.

I knew that now everything would be better.


Oh, what a cheeful chapter! I really wanted to do it.^^

I wanted to update yesterday but when I was finished with my chapter, my computer just crashed down! And I had no choice to save the chapter! Now I could finally update because yesterday I was too angry to do itXD


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kathleensiew #1
Aw such a great story ^^
Awwwww so cute
Wonderful story!!!It soooo sweet!!<br />
Omo.. I love this story.. SWEET! <3 loving Minwoo so much
forever_a_shawol #5
Everything happened so fast. I cant believe you just made a wonderful story in just 12 chapters!! YOUR AMAZING!!!! i really love this story!! i hope you consider making a sequel?? ireallyhopeso!! <3 you and your story!! =))
love your story.. new reader here :))
mello_marshmallow #7
update soon<br />
its so good
MaxZy23 #8
i love your story~~ <3<br />
please update soon! ^^
korean_girl #9
me like the story<br />
do update fast i want to know more :)
Penguin_Panda16 #10
Update =)