




My alarm clock made the same annoying noise like every morning. I turned it off and got of my bed. It was exactly 4am. That is pretty early but I had much to do.

The daily routine started:

-taking a shower

-getting dressed

-eating something

-delivering the papers in the town

-returning home

-studying a bit

-cleaning the apartment


“Uh”, I sighed, “Everything is done! Now I have to go to school.”

I hated going to school. Everyone will make jokes about me, like every day! Only because I am poor. My parents don’t have much money, but they love me. That is enough for me! But because I can’t dress like other girls, everyone bullies me.


I studied very hard to get a good job in the future. I helped my parents wherever I could. My dad lost his job a year ago and my mom helped out in a restaurant. We only had a small apartment. We just had enough money for food and clothes. But we had each other.


“Goodbye mom and dad! I’ll be home after school”, I said to my parents as I left the apartment.

“Wait, don’t forget your money for lunch!”, my mom shouted to make me stop.

“Oh, no I don’t need lunch. I can eat when I am home again. We need to save the money”, I said and smiled weakly.

She only smiled and took my hand. She put the money in my hand and made me hold it.

“You are too skinny to skip meals”, my mom said.

I smiled back and left.


The way to my school was short so I didn’t need to take the bus.

Like every day I was afraid how the other students will treat me. As I entered the school I heard the others whisper to each other.

Look! There she is. The nerd entered the school!

Why does she never do something with her hair!

She wears the same clothes as yesterday! How gross!


I was used to these sentences do it didn’t bothered me too much. I hoped  they will just make fun of me! I hoped that they don’t beat me up like other days so I just kept silent.

Every time I answered a question which the teacher asked us in class, the others laughed and called me nerd. I tried to clam down:

Just calm down. You do that for your parents! Just be quiet.


The hours went by and it was lunch time. I went to the cafeteria as some girls suddenly appeared in front of me.

“So, Soo Min, you ugly duck! Look at you just once”, one of the girls said and held a little mirror in front of my face. I saw myself and looked away after some seconds.

The girls laughed.

“Haha, you see how ugly and nerdy you are, right? Why do you don’t change! Oh right because your parents are too stupid to get a good job, haha! So you are too poor!”, one of them teased me.

“Don’t even dare to talk about my parents like that! You are not better than me or my parents!”, I shouted at them.

Than one of them graped my hair and pulled it back and forth. The other students started to look at us.

“Don’t talk to me like that you stupid, ugly ”, she said.

“P-please l-let go of my h-hair. I b-beg you”, I said in pain.

She let go. The girls left me on the ground and laughed. The other students also laughed at me.

I ran to the bathroom and lock myself in a cabin. I cried and tried to calm myself down. After a while a calmed down and left the cabin and stared at me at the mirror in the bathroom.

“Why am I like this? I try everything but nothing works! I wish there were someone who could help me but this happens only in movies or dramas! I have to endure it only for some more years! You can do it, Soo Min!, I tried to cheer myself up. I wasn’t hungry anymore so I went to the classroom and waited till the next lesson would start…


Yes, the first chapter... I know its sad but, like I said, that will change.

I hope you enjoy it and comment and subscribe if you like the chapter and story!^^

Oh, and I wanted to ask you something...I know that will sound cheap but can someone of you make a poster(picture) for the story because I am really bad at this! I just wanted to dont have to...

But I will update soon mabe tomorrow :) See you^^ 

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kathleensiew #1
Aw such a great story ^^
Awwwww so cute
Wonderful story!!!It soooo sweet!!<br />
Omo.. I love this story.. SWEET! <3 loving Minwoo so much
forever_a_shawol #5
Everything happened so fast. I cant believe you just made a wonderful story in just 12 chapters!! YOUR AMAZING!!!! i really love this story!! i hope you consider making a sequel?? ireallyhopeso!! <3 you and your story!! =))
love your story.. new reader here :))
mello_marshmallow #7
update soon<br />
its so good
MaxZy23 #8
i love your story~~ <3<br />
please update soon! ^^
korean_girl #9
me like the story<br />
do update fast i want to know more :)
Penguin_Panda16 #10
Update =)