Chapter 8

More than wolves

(Soyeon's POV)


I layed in bed, trying to remember what happened. I’m so stupid, why did I attack him? ugh. I got up to go get a night snack.


I was walking out the door going through my phone when I looked up and saw a pair of eyes 1 and a half inches away from mine. Wait...who’s eyes are these? Wtf? Why am I so close? Wait...why are my lips touching Kyungsoo? WTF I’M KISSING KYUNGSOO!! I backed away quickly and gawked at him, standing there with his eyes wide, motionless.


    “OMFG I’M SO FREAKING SORRY KYUNGSOO. OMG SORRY I DIDN’T SEE YOU. OMG.” I apologized while bowing a billion times. I awkwardly ran downstairs while Kyungsoo was still standing there in shock.


    “Yah, Soyeon.” A hand grabbed me out of nowhere and pulled me into the crook at the bottom of the stairs.


    “Ooooooh gurrrrrl. I saw you kiss hyung~ Oooo~ Ima tell everybody.” The hand that grabbed me was Sehun, who’s happily teasing me.


    “Nooooooooo, DON’T YOU DARE. I WILL KILL YOU OH SEHUN!”I screeched at his face.


    “Ha, too bad.” He teased as he skipped happily down the hall.


    “Soyeon.” A voice said.


Oh great. Another person who probably saw me kissing Kyungsoo.


    “Soyeon, what were you screaming about? Because of you I couldn’t sleep.”


    “Who tf…” I was just about to go off when I noticed the voice belonged to Yoobie.


    “Oh, hey Yoobie.”


    “Dude, what happened? Oh my gord, you’re so freaking loud,” She whined.


    “I’ll tell you in our room,” I suggested.


We both tiptoed as quietly as we could upstairs into our room. I didn’t notice at first, but after I walked in a few steps, I noticed that all the guys were in our room playing cards.


“Wtf are you guys doing in here? I need to tell Yoobie something,” I said.


Sehun spoke up, “Tell Yoobie what, that you kissed Kyungsoo hyung?”



When Sehun spilled the beans, I could hear Yoobie gasp.


    “Omo- really? Wow Soyeon, and you’ve only known him for a couple of days, I’m disappointed in you.” Yoobie shook her head.


Kyungsoo turned bright red. “Actually, you guys would look cute together!” Tao teased, and for a split second, Sehun turned to glare at him.


“Yah, aren’t you only 17? Thats too young,” Lay said. Yoobie started snickering, punching me in the shoulder.


“Actually, I think that’s an appropriate age for dating.” Chen spoke, scrolling through his phone.    


    “OMG- SO FRUSTRATING!” I shriek. I jumped onto my bed and pulled the covers over my head.





The next morning, Suho and Kris left for Griffith. Yoobie and I decided to chill out on the patio since it was a sunny day.The rest of guys came out to and monkeyed around on the huge playground by the pool.


    “Ugh, I’m gonna get too dark.” Yoobie scrambled to find her sunscreen and rubbed it on. She was already in her blue polka dot two-piece.


    “Where’d you get that swimsuit from? Wal-mart?” Tao snorted . “Yah!” She slapped his back, and he fell body slamming into the pool.


    I went inside and changed into my swim short and shirt.


“Should I swim? I don’t feel like showering.” I stood there deciding whether I should swim or not when Sehun suddenly came up to me and pushed me into the pool.


I have mad reflexes so I pulled him in with me. He wrapped his arm around my torso as we fell into the water. I tried screaming, “Yah, wtf you doing!?” but my voice was muffled as we hit the water. He was still holding on to me super tight when we hit the bottom of the pool. I nudged him with my arm, but he didn’t budge. His eyes were shut tight. I thought he was playing a prank, but then his arms went limp, and he started sinking. I put my arm around his abdomen and swam him up. Good thing I’m a good swimmer. We reached the surface and I gasped for air.


“Guys! Sehun’s out! Help me get him up!”


Chanyeol jumped in and helped me carry Sehun onto the ledge of the pool.


“Omo Chanyeol! You’re a hero~” Yoobie said, her eyes twinkling. Baekhyun gave her a nasty glare.


Lay came over to check if sehun was still breathing.


“Someone needs to do mouth-to-mouth on Sehun guys!” Lay felt for a pulse.


I always had an instinct to save someone in danger, so I leaned in and did mouth to mouth to Sehun. In the corner of my eye, I saw Kyungsoo walk away. After a few breaths, Sehun coughed up some water. He opened his eyes and stared at me.


“Sehun! I thought you were dead! You bish.” I yelled at him, almost punching him in the face.


Sehun didn’t reply to me but only stared up at me. He stood up and kept staring at me until he said, “Soyeon, did you really just kiss me?! OMG!” He chirped happily. I only glared at him and jumped back into the pool to swim some laps.





In the afternoon, Yoobie and I were chilling on the couch watching TV, while the guys were doing their own thing. We were in the middle of watching when Kyungsoo suddenly walked up to me.


“Soyeon, can we talk?” He asked.


Yoobie and I looked at each other. She raised an eyebrow, as if to say you better not do anything nasty with him!


“Uhm...sure I guess.” I replied as I got up and followed him. He led me into a room. Kyungsoo grabbed my shoulders and pressed me against a wall.


“W-what are you doing?” I questioned him when he suddenly leaned in and…….





Soo, this got interesting. Don't worry, we'll keep this PG-13~

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 11: Lol.they both so fierce.
ooakmlee #2
Bad news: this fanfiction will be put on hold for now, school's started as you all may know. Sorry.
ooakmlee #3
Sorry guys for the long wait, we were busy this weekend. Don't worry, we'll get back to writing asap!
PseudoKid #4
Chapter 11: I liked your plot and the characters so much, It's awesome if you updated.
flower99 #5
Chapter 9: they're going to party really hard!!! yeay!! more wolves ^O^
ooakmlee #6
Yay!!! We reached 100 views! Thank you guys!!!~~~
Stevonnie #7
Chapter 6: Nice story I love it
Chapter 5: I LOVE YOOBIE'S REACTIONS~ This was a good read, fast and simple. GJ~
Also, you can't end here. I wanna see where the relationships go >< PART 2 PLZ
Chapter 1: Chpt1: "’s not like they’re gonna stay at my house forever." HEHEHEHE I sense a foreshadow~
Please comment if you want part two. Thnx