Chapter 1

More than wolves

(Yoobie's POV)


I woke up to the sound of my dad’s car leaving the driveway. At first, I thought they were leaving for work, then I  realized that my parents and my best friend’s parents are leaving for a vacation overseas. “YES! I have the house to myself now.” Quickly, I sat up on my bed and grabbed my phone to text Soyeon.


    Me: OMG! come over right now! My parents are leaving.


     Soyeon: Yeah, so are mine. Omg we get the whole house to ourselves. My parents dropped me off. I’m in your driveway, open up.


    I sprinted down the stairs and opened the door. She was standing there in her pajamas. Her chauffeur carried in her bags, and to be precise, Soyeon had a load of luggage.


“Bye mom~!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.“Be safe!”


    I jogged back into the house and grabbed some eggs. “Do you want eggs for breakfast?!” I hollered at her from the kitchen.


“Yeah, sure. How ‘bout three servings of eggs, two servings of bacon, and a carton of orange juice would be nice!” She screamed back at me.


“You know, if you eat like that everyday, you’re gonna eat all of our supply of food.” I snorted, and started on the bacon.


    Soyeon easily gobbled down the food. I watched as she gulped down all of her orange juice. “Seriously, how do you never get fat?” She just giggled and burped.


    After breakfast, there wasn’t really much for us to do, so we sat on the couch browsing the internet while watching some TV.


“Yah, do you wanna go for a jog? You know, burn off those calories.” I felt like going for a night jog, outside was pretty warm.


She nodded, and we both changed into jogging clothes. There is a pretty huge river bank near my house, as well as a park with a forest behind it. I’m pretty adventurous, and tonight I decided, why not jog through the forest?


“Ya wanna go jog in the forest?”


“Well, I’m fine with going in there, but if you get mugged, it ain’t my fault.”


I chuckled, “Dude, Korea is one of the top safest countries.”


She shrugged her shoulders and reluctantly jogged along. I breathed in the fresh air. We decided to take a rest near the river, and gazed at the scenery. The moon was at its full stage. “woah… so pretty.” I looked up at the moon.


“Hey, it’s dark, let’s get back before we get mugged or something.” Soyeon suggested.


“Kay, but please stop talking about the mugging, you’re so nasty.” I replied to Soyeon’s remark. She laughed.


As we were jogging through the forest, we heard a loud howl somewhere in the woods.


    “What the hell was that? Wolfs?”


    “Wolfs in Korea?” I don’t ever recall seeing a wolf here.


    “Crap, what if it is wolfs?” She suddenly had a scared look on her face.


    “Shh, they’re gonna hear us.” I shushed her and slowly continued walking as quietly as we could.


“ What the hell? They smell you, not hear you, you idiot.” Soyeon whispered near my ear.


    “I said, be quiet!” I yelled, and quickly covered my mouth. “oops…”


    “You idiot!” Soyeon hissed in my ear.


Everything around us got quiet. I slowly started panicking. I heard a branch snap near us, and jumped. My vision was adjusted to the dark, so I could see very clear. Near a bush, I heard a slight growl.


    “Oh …”


Soyeon was brave enough walk near the bushes. She peered over.


    “Yoobie, come look at this! There is an injured wolf.”


I walked over to where she was. She was right, there is an injured wolf. The wolves didn’t seem to be hostile. One of them was looking at me as if to say, “help us.”


    I got over the bushes and so did Soyeon. Slowly, I walked over to the injured wolf. It’s legs seem to be broken.


    “U-uhm, is it okay if I take your friend to my house to treat him?” I felt ridiculous asking a wolf this. Surprisingly, one of the wolfs nodded.


    I was just about to sit down to look at the poor wolf’s injury,but then Soyeon pulled me to the side and sat down next to the wolf instead. Soyeon slowly let the injured wolf smell her hand and started petting it. She then took a closer look at the injury.


    “Hey buddy, I think we might have to take you back to my house to cure the injury.” Soyeon requested. Then for just a second, the wolf that was staring at me earlier suddenly seemed like his eyes were human.


    “Hey, dude come on, we’re gonna have to take his wolf back to your house. You think your parents would be ok with a pack of wolves in your house?” Soyeon asked. I have never seen Soyeon want to care for an animal so much, let alone a human.


    “Dude, they’re going to be gone for the whole summer, it’s not like they’re gonna stay at my house forever.”


    Soyeon some how managed to carry the wolf by herself. Maybe she had been going to the gym lately.





(we’re crazy)

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 11: Lol.they both so fierce.
ooakmlee #2
Bad news: this fanfiction will be put on hold for now, school's started as you all may know. Sorry.
ooakmlee #3
Sorry guys for the long wait, we were busy this weekend. Don't worry, we'll get back to writing asap!
PseudoKid #4
Chapter 11: I liked your plot and the characters so much, It's awesome if you updated.
flower99 #5
Chapter 9: they're going to party really hard!!! yeay!! more wolves ^O^
ooakmlee #6
Yay!!! We reached 100 views! Thank you guys!!!~~~
Stevonnie #7
Chapter 6: Nice story I love it
Chapter 5: I LOVE YOOBIE'S REACTIONS~ This was a good read, fast and simple. GJ~
Also, you can't end here. I wanna see where the relationships go >< PART 2 PLZ
Chapter 1: Chpt1: "’s not like they’re gonna stay at my house forever." HEHEHEHE I sense a foreshadow~
Please comment if you want part two. Thnx