Chapter 3

More than wolves

(Yoobie's POV)


I woke up, hearing Soyeon’s loud snoring. No one else was woken up by it though, but I am a pretty light sleeper so I shrugged it off. I got off and trudged to the

kitchen for a drink of water. I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I just finished watching a horror movie, so being the only one awake was pretty damn scary. I turned around and found a yawning Baekhyun.


    “Give me some water too.” He tried to grab the glass from my hands. Grinning, I splashed the water on his face.


    “YAH! What was that for?!” He rubbed his eyes. I was laughing too hard to answer.


He playfully pushed me around. All of the sudden, he slipped onto the ground, dragging me down with him. I landed right smack on top of his body. Our faces met, and soon our eyes. I felt my face turn red, and I got off right away. It was really awkward. Baekhyun didn’t say anything and left the room.


I grabbed a snack from the cabinet and went back to the living room. Everyone else was still asleep. I sat right next to Chanyeol. I looked at his sleeping face, and for a moment he actually looked really cute. I shook my head; what are you thinking?


Soon, everyone was waking up one by one. It was getting pretty late as well. I guess we’re not sleeping tonight. Suho asked if anyone wanted dinner, and we all agreed. Me and Baekhyun's eyes met again, and he immediately looked away, his face red.


Suho made steak dinner for all of us. I didn’t even realize how much meat we had; it’s good that we had some use for them now. Fourteen people in one house; pretty large number. The dinner table was loud tonight, everyone was talking except for me. I didn’t feel like socializing. I felt really awkward. Though Soyeon was socializing a lot, especially to Sehun. I bet she likes him, they would make a cute couple. I totally forgot for a second that they were wolves. I laughed to myself, how could I forget?

Dinner was over pretty fast. I still felt iffy about them being in this place,I mean, would you want twelve random guys sleeping in your house? I sighed and put away my dish.

Walking back upstairs, I went to the bathroom to get ready for the night. Someone was already in there though.


“Hey! Hurry up! I need to brush my teeth.” I yelled through the door.


“Hold on! I’m almost done!” It was Baekhyun’s voice. My face reddens. Ugh, why does it have to be him? I heard the toilet flush and him fidgeting with the door. It opened.


“There, the bathroom’s free-” He stopped mid sentence when he saw me. I pushed him out of the way and got in.


After brushing my teeth, I went back to my room. Soyeon was already situated on the couch.


“Hey Soyeon, how about you go tell the guys where to sleep tonight,” I suggested.


“But i’m so tired…” She wines. I rolled my eyes.


“Shut up, you were spitting up conversations earlier.”


She reluctantly gets up and out of my room.


I plopped on my bed and pulled the covers up to my face. I couldn’t sleep. Frustrated, I shuffled around in my bed. Soyeon came back. She proceeded to jump on to the couch and pull the blankets over her.


“Yah! You forgot to turn off the lights!” I yelled. She groaned and got back up and turned off the lights.


I woke up and felt refreshed. I sat up and stretched, and looked over to where Soyeon was sleeping. She’s still asleep. I sighed and was about to get out of bed when I felt something next to me.


Looking over, I saw something under the sheets. It looked really large. I flipped over the blankets...and there was Baekhyun.


Shocked, I immediately threw him off the bed. “YAH! WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?” I screamed.


He shot up from the ground, rubbing his eyes and yawning. “Good mor-” He paused, and looked around. His eyes grew large when he saw me. “Oh my- what am I doing here?! YAH YOOBIE, DID YOU BRING ME HERE?” He yelled. I was so surprised.


“OMO- WHAT IN THE HEAVENS! WHY WOULD I BRING YOU TO MY ROOM?! GET OUT! NOW!” I screamed. He got up and ran out of the room. Soyeon was half awake. “Whaz going on?” She said groggily.


“Baekhyun slept in MY bed last night.” I was boiling.


“Omo- really?! HA! I knew that would happen.” She started laughing.


“Oh my god, just shut up!” I got out of my bed and ran down the long hallway. I took a peak in every room to find Baekhyun. I found him in the smallest guest room with Chanyeol. He was hiding under the covers. Chanyeol was already awake, and he looked really confused.


“Huh? Yoobie, what are you doing here?” Chanyeol asked.


“YOUR roommate, Baekhyun, slept in MY room last night.” I yelled as quietly as I could.


Chanyeol looked surprised. “Really?! Wow, Baekhyun, didn’t know you would do that.”

    “NO! I didn’t sleep in her room! I swear! She probably brought me over there somehow!” He yelled from under the covers.


    I was angry. “i cannot believe you! Why in the world would I bring you over to my room!”


I ran out of there and downstairs. “Aish!

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 11: Lol.they both so fierce.
ooakmlee #2
Bad news: this fanfiction will be put on hold for now, school's started as you all may know. Sorry.
ooakmlee #3
Sorry guys for the long wait, we were busy this weekend. Don't worry, we'll get back to writing asap!
PseudoKid #4
Chapter 11: I liked your plot and the characters so much, It's awesome if you updated.
flower99 #5
Chapter 9: they're going to party really hard!!! yeay!! more wolves ^O^
ooakmlee #6
Yay!!! We reached 100 views! Thank you guys!!!~~~
Stevonnie #7
Chapter 6: Nice story I love it
Chapter 5: I LOVE YOOBIE'S REACTIONS~ This was a good read, fast and simple. GJ~
Also, you can't end here. I wanna see where the relationships go >< PART 2 PLZ
Chapter 1: Chpt1: "’s not like they’re gonna stay at my house forever." HEHEHEHE I sense a foreshadow~
Please comment if you want part two. Thnx