Chapter 2

More than wolves

(Soyeon's POV)


After about half an hour of walking through the woods, we finally reached Yoobie’s house. We walked into the giant living room and set the wolf down.


    “Yoobie, get the medical kit, hurry.” I told her calmly. Yoobie hurried back, and I tended the wolf.


    We didn’t know what to do with the wolves, so we decided to let them stay with us for a bit. As Yoobie and I were walking upstairs, the pack of wolves followed us.


    “Alright, time to hit the sack,” Yoobie yawned and jumped on the bed. As we were falling asleep, the injured wolf and another wolf jumped onto the bed with me. There were also two wolves on either side of Yoobie’s bed. We were so tired that we just let the wolves be and fell asleep.


    I woke up when the sun was high in the sky. I spreaded my arms out to feel for the soft fur of the wolves, but instead, I felt something smooth, and, human. I sat up quicker than I wanted to and banged my head on the wall. I looked around me and saw men all over the room.


    “Um, Yoobie, get up, I think we got mugged last night.” I said.


    Yoobie woke up, and yawned. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. “Where are the wolves?” She asked sluggishly. She looked around the room and her eyes got big. She screamed.


    “HOLY , OH MY GOD DID WE ACTUALLY GET MUGGED?! I CAN’T GET PREGNANT, NOT NOW, I’M NOT READY!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. She scrambled out of bed, waking up the two guys that were sleeping. “WHERE ARE THE GOD DARN WOLVES?”


    I was just about to tell her to shut up when the guy on my right that was supposed to be the injured wolf grabbed my waist and pulled me down, wrapping his legs around me in the process. I screamed and punched the guy in his face, then kicked both guys off my bed. The other guys in our room started waking up, after hearing the guy that grabbed me hit the floor with a thud.


    One of the guys yawned and stretched his arms out. “ahhh~ morning guys!”


    “What the hell?! You erts, where did you come from!” I yelled, and jumped off the bed.


    “Oh my god, oh my god, I can’t believe this, why are there guys in my house, did we take drugs last night!?”


    “Calm down ladies, we’re the wolfs from last night. I’m this pack’s leader, Suho.” The guy named Suho said.


    “Wait... hyung, did we change?” One of the guys asked.


    “ Apparently we did, Kyungsoo.” said the Suho guy.


    “What the ? I demand an explanation right now! How can a bunch of wolves turn into guys!?” I demanded.


Yoobie was still freaking out, “DID THEY TAKE DRUGS TOO? OH MY GOD!”


    “Woah, calm down, let me explain.” Suho replied.


    So, Suho explained to us about what happened. I still couldn’t believe at all what he was saying. Either Yoobie and I went to a club last night and found a bunch of guys and got drunk with them, or we’re all on drugs. He told us all the names of the “wolves that turned into guys”.


    Yoobie slumped down on the bed, still in disbelief. “What if i’m pregnant…”  


“I’m pretty sure that none of us mated with you,” Suho was blushing. “Anyways, we got in a fight with another group of wolves as I had explained earlier, and they’ll probably try and hunt us down because we injured one of their wolves. So, can we stay with you?”


“Uhm, heck to the no!” Yoobie yelled at him.


“Wait, Yoobie, you have a bunch of guest rooms in your house, let them stay, okay?I don’t know why i’m believing this, but just let them stay.” It is true, she had a gazillion rooms in this house.


“Fine,” She hissed and glared at everyone in the room and stomped downstairs.


Everyone went downstairs, and helped me make breakfast. Yoobie clearly didn’t want to do anything with them and sat in the living room, constantly staring at all of the guys. I was still sceptical, and who wouldn’t be?


Suho had good cooking skills, and made us some lunch.


We all went to the living room and I sat with Yoobie, making the wolves/guys sit on the carpet.


“Yoobie, give ‘em a break will ya? don’t be a or I’m going to hurt you. I can tell you like one of them,” I teased. Yoobie’s cheeks got red and she pushed me.


    She finally gave in and grabbed a bowl. She gobbled up all the kimchi, leaving the kimchi dish spotless.


    “Yah! Why’d you eat all the kimchi?” Baekhyun, one of the guys, complained.


“This is my food!” She stuck her tongue out at him childishly. He did the same back, and I caught a little smile from him. I could already tell that things were about to get spicy in this house.


The wolves ate pretty fast, I could tell they were really hungry. Yoobie finished and went back to her corner.


“Alright, I have rules here in this house. First; no stealing obviously, don’t be a or i’ll punch yours right off.”


Tao, one of the guys, chuckled. "like you can,"


“Try me.” I said blankly.


    “Ooooooh.” The other guys teased Tao, bursting into laughter.


The guys roamed around the house for a while, exploring. Yoobie kept glaring at Baekhyun, and he would always reply with, “What did I do?”


They all got really bored eventually. “Hey, why don’t we watch a movie?” Suho suggested.


“Yeah, lets watch a movie! I’m getting really bored,” Chanyeol puckered his lips out.

“Then what movie do you guys want to watch? How about horror?” Yoobie finally spoke up. She looked at me and gave me an evil smile. I guess she said that because she knew I was a when it comes to horror movies. I was pretty pissed at that point, but I decided to watch with them anyway.


“I want some popcorn, you guys got popcorn here?” Sehun spoke up. He was pretty quiet.


“I’ll go pop some,” I got up and went to the kitchen.


Going back to the living room, they had already started the movie without me. I sat down next to Sehun and Tao. Yoobie was sitting by Baekhyun and Chanyeol, with Baekhyun constantly teasing her and Chanyeol trying to shush the two of them.


The movie was getting scarier, and a sudden jump-scare flashed on the screen. I screamed, and so did Yoobie. I hopped right on to Tao’s body, his face turning red. “Y-yah! Get off of me!” I cleared my throat and got off, while the others were chuckling. Yoobie was clinging onto Chanyeols arms, though he didn’t really seem to mind. Baekhyun looked really jealous, because his lips were sticking out and he was frowning. Aigoo, so cute.


The movie was over soon and everyone was asleep. I started feeling my eyes shut.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 11: Lol.they both so fierce.
ooakmlee #2
Bad news: this fanfiction will be put on hold for now, school's started as you all may know. Sorry.
ooakmlee #3
Sorry guys for the long wait, we were busy this weekend. Don't worry, we'll get back to writing asap!
PseudoKid #4
Chapter 11: I liked your plot and the characters so much, It's awesome if you updated.
flower99 #5
Chapter 9: they're going to party really hard!!! yeay!! more wolves ^O^
ooakmlee #6
Yay!!! We reached 100 views! Thank you guys!!!~~~
Stevonnie #7
Chapter 6: Nice story I love it
Chapter 5: I LOVE YOOBIE'S REACTIONS~ This was a good read, fast and simple. GJ~
Also, you can't end here. I wanna see where the relationships go >< PART 2 PLZ
Chapter 1: Chpt1: "’s not like they’re gonna stay at my house forever." HEHEHEHE I sense a foreshadow~
Please comment if you want part two. Thnx