Chapter 6

More than wolves

(Soyeon's POV)


After everyone cleaned, we all got ready for the night. Yoobie she said she needed some fresh air so she went outside. I got in bed and made myself comfortable and started scrolling through tumblr.


All of a sudden I heard a scream. Wait, is that Yoobie? I rushed downstairs, and was just about to open the door to where Yoobie was, but I stopped in my tracks. I saw something outside. Wolves? Are those more wolves? I noticed Yoobie standing against the wall, helpless.


I wasn’t sure what to do. Should I help Yoobie? The look on one of the wolves faces looked really atrocious. I started panicking. What if the wolves attacks Yoobie? I rushed upstairs to Suho’s room and kicked down his door.


  “Yah, Suho! There’s wolves outside and Yoobie’s in dangerous! Baili!”

Before he could say anything, I raced downstairs with him trying to catch up with me. We made it downstairs and before he could stop me, I opened the door screaming,"You bish, don't touch Yoobie!!!!" as I launched myself at the vicious looking wolf.


He lashed out at me with his vile claws. I dodged, but it barely missed me by 1 in. and ¾. I gathered all of my strength and sent a punch straight at his jaw. He staggered back, but pounced right back. I hit the wall with a loud thud. I looked at myself and saw a huge bloody gash on my right arm.


I couldn’t see very clearly, but out of nowhere, a tall figure jumped out and kicked the vicious wolf into a tree, where he fell unconscious. After that, everything went black.


“Is she still unconscious?” I heard a voice say.


“Oh, I think she’s waking up!” Another voice said.


“Yoobie? Where’s Yoobie?!?!?” I groaned.


I sat up but felt a piercing pain in my right arm.


“No, Soyeon lay back down, you’re hurt.” My vision slowly came back.


When I was fully conscious, I noticed Yoobie standing over me. Lay was also there, packing up the medical kit. Everyone else was in the background whispering to each other and taking glances at me once in a while.


“What’s going on here?” I croaked.


“Soyeon, you got hurt.” Yoobie replied. I could see some tears in her eyes but decided not to ask her about it.


Suho walked up beside me, “Soyeon, you got hurt when you got into a fight with that wolf Ken. I wanted to stop you, but it was too late. After a bit, Tao came out and kicked the wolf unconscious and they left.”


I thought for a moment and remembered getting into a fight with a wolf and out.


“So after that they just left?” I asked.


Suho didn’t say and i sat there confused as he walked away without saying a word.

(A/N) Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. It's to create suspense. We'll try to get out chapter 7 out ASAP. If you like it so far, feel free to upvote and comment. Thanks for reading!~
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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 11: Lol.they both so fierce.
ooakmlee #2
Bad news: this fanfiction will be put on hold for now, school's started as you all may know. Sorry.
ooakmlee #3
Sorry guys for the long wait, we were busy this weekend. Don't worry, we'll get back to writing asap!
PseudoKid #4
Chapter 11: I liked your plot and the characters so much, It's awesome if you updated.
flower99 #5
Chapter 9: they're going to party really hard!!! yeay!! more wolves ^O^
ooakmlee #6
Yay!!! We reached 100 views! Thank you guys!!!~~~
Stevonnie #7
Chapter 6: Nice story I love it
Chapter 5: I LOVE YOOBIE'S REACTIONS~ This was a good read, fast and simple. GJ~
Also, you can't end here. I wanna see where the relationships go >< PART 2 PLZ
Chapter 1: Chpt1: "’s not like they’re gonna stay at my house forever." HEHEHEHE I sense a foreshadow~
Please comment if you want part two. Thnx