Chapter 7 - Friend

The red apple that should have stayed green

"Kim, I really hope you'll open this >_<. 

What happened ? Why did you cry ? What is bothering you so much these days ? 

I told you, you can talk to me ! I told you, you could count on me ! Hold on me ...

Why are you telling nothing ? Why are you hiding everything with a smile ? 

Why are you acting like if I am nothing and lemme out of your life ? I'm hurt Kim.

When you are hurt I'm hurt ! When you smile I smile ! This is what friendship means no ? 

Please, stop hiding everything ... Where was you too ? I went to the infirmary, where the Teacher

brought you, but you weren't there ! I looked everywhere and you were missing ! Do you know how I was worried ? Idiot  ! How can you disappear in a moment like this ! I swear if you ever runaway AGAIN ! I ... I force you to eat raw onions ! 

... Please Kimmie, talk to me ...  I hate seeing you like this ... 


Kim folded it back and had mixed feels. What was that ? Does it means Hanna still wanted to be her friend ? She wasn't hating her ? And what with raw onions ? That part made Kim draw a little smile. She looked for Hanna with her eyes in the class, and crossed her eyes. She was watching her with a sad expression, Kim answered by the same smile. They talked by signs, and agreed to meet next to the old tree in front of the gymnasium. 

End of morning, and end of school week. The Saturdays, school was only in the morning. She got out of class really fast to avoid every questions from any classmates. She went downstairs, passed by the teachers room, the secretary and head teacher offices, turned left at the end of the corridor and entered inside the gymnasium. Someone was playing basketball and he was really good. She admired the boy playing and was fascinated by him. She kept walking in to reach the door at the other side to go to the old tree. She walked half of the big room, and saw the face of the boy playing. It wasn't a boy but a man. It was HIM playing heavenly. Even his drops of sweat where shining in the light. She couldn't stop looking. HE was so handsome, but so much in his game that he did saw her. She went out and reached the old tree, Hanna wasn't there. Was it a trap to make fun of her, and throw her some balloons full of water while laughing so much ? She wanted to go back in the gymnasium, she was feeling so good next to Lee Jinki, like if he could protect her from any attack. She was feeling like she knew him for since ever, and that she could trust him without hesitation.

3 min passed and no traces of Hanna, she was the more and more uncomfortable and wanted to escape. But she wanted to trust Hanna ... she started walking around the tree, counting how many footstep needed to go all around. Walked back a bit to look inside the room, but the Teacher left and she felt even more alone, went back to the tree and sat down against its trunk and waited again. 2 more minutes passed and still no friend. 5 min already ...  She gave up, stood up and walked. 

"Wait !! Kimmie, wait ! I'm here, I'm here - Hanna yelled to her out of breath - Don't go ! I'm sorry I had to walked Eun Bi home and come back. I ran all the way back. I'm sorry. Aaaah I hate running ! I'm dead ! - She sat against tree.

-Why did you brought Bi home ? - Kim asked with a little voice. She didn't know how to be with her anymore

-Why ? Because she don't know we are together. She would kill me.

-Ah ... I see.

-Hum ? Ah no ! She was so worried that she faint and if she knows we are here she wouldn't take a rest. She was in one state ! I never saw her that way ! She was first so angry after you, because you are so broke and didn't told us. And then she turned reversed when you weren't in the room the English teach' brought you, that was so heroic by the way, and when you were nowhere, she even faint ! I swear I never saw that way. - Her friend was narrating with her eyes wide open showing her surprise

-I'm... sorry. - Kim answered. But something bothered her. The hand, the so nice hand, the so caring voice was Lee Jinki ? Why ...

-Ya ! What is happening with you ! Why is your voice so shy ? You can be natural with me - she winked

-Mmh, yes. -"Be natural" this resonated in Kim's head. What does it mean being natural ? She was so another her that being natural was erased from Kim being - Hanna, can I ask you something ? 

-What is it ? - She looked straight in Kim's eyes

-Ah, uh ... - she looked away- if I act different from what I was before ... if I was good in math and ... if I wasn't that strong and started to complain about some ...

- ... You'll be human - Hanna ended- I've waited for the day you'll become a human and not a machine. I've waited for the day you'll trust me/us, and open. I'll be the most happy friend Kimmie."

Kim didn't knew how to react. Did they know she was lying ? Did they saw her true side hidden behind Kim 2 ? She was there looking at Hanna, discovered and . What to do ? Did they found out for her feelings over HIM ? She'll gonna hide it harder. She felt suddenly so weak, so little in front of her strong friend. When suddenly Hanna hugged her. "It's okay we are with you Kim, you're not alone, we'll protect you."She hugged her back and cried a bit. She was so happy to have friends like Han and Bi.

They walked back hand in hand, smiling at each others. She took her way home and ate lunch. This afternoon was her first private lesson with HIM. She couldn't go there in her uniforms, so she chose her favorite clothes. Her navy blue skirt with pretty flowers growing from bottom to top, a pink T-shirt with withe flowers and a black vest. Tied up her hair in a cute bun and smiled in her mirror. She took the paper with HIS address and went out. 

She needed about 20 min of walk to reach the teacher's district, and it took her 10 min to find the house. Next time she'll know and it won't be that long. The house was actually bigger that she thought. It was a modern style house, white, with big windows, and a brown door. It even had a little garden, with some trees and flowers. She was loving this place. Before reaching the door she needed to pass by the garden. She was standing here, in front of the wicket, and her heart started to bounce inside her heart. She opened the little gate passed by bloomed bushes, and arrived in front the door. Her breath became heavier, "Now we're here Kim, we can't run away" she thought to herself, and knocked the door.  

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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 21: So much much happen but a very good ending love it.
Hope you do a squeal of her sister and her saving her.
But anyways great story:)
Chapter 21: waaa its over. Sorry for the stupid questions. I love what you did with the time....exciting...and the sweet ending....but WHat abpout the poor sisteR?! Omg...her dad is crazy
Chapter 21: happy ending.... no sequel?
Chapter 20: jinki's baaaaaaccckkk... yeeeaaayyyyyy....
herejusttoread #5
Chapter 20: This is so good.i like that suspension and mysterious. Good job
Chapter 20: hum so Jinki is back or maybe her dad or Key? I wonder....
that gif...T_T
herejusttoread #7
Chapter 19: Omg so intense. It's getting so good. Hope they are safe. Wonder what a gonna happen next cause this was unexpected lol
Chapter 18: her mother? i bet it was her dad.....T__T and why?! this makes things more complicated!
Chapter 18: first, kibum is here.. second, y police officer, jo in sung. how dare you.. third, i want jinki saying "i will protect your smile" to me too.. fourth, i hope they dont catch jinki.. fifth, good job authornim ^^
herejusttoread #10
Chapter 17: Eh it was getting good til I realize there's no more chapter lol... wonder what's gonna happen next?