Chapter 3 - Deal

The red apple that should have stayed green

One day, two days passed and still no news of the teacher and our Kimmie was so tensed and in her thoughts, that each time someone was calling her name she was jumping from her chair. When lunch time arrived she went to take her lunch box but because she was out of her mind this morning she forgot it on the table in the kitchen. She sighed. Her friends worried looked at each other.

“Is something wrong Kim ? - asked Hanna

No answer. Kim was still think of what she was gonna eat for today.

-Kimmie ? Kimmie are you alright ? - said Eun Bi worried

-Hum ? What did you said ? - said Kim realizing they were talking to her.

-Are you okay ? You seemed so out these days. - repeated Hanna

-Ah yes don't worry – she answered with her usual fake smile.

As she is always hiding her feeling deep inside Kim made a fake smile she trained in front her mirror to make it look good. And so she is faking happy feelings, she can't make people worried around her.

-Okay, if you say so – said Eun Bi with a little voice.

-Hey girls, I'm gonna buy some food in the cafeteria wanna come with me ? - she told then to stop talking about this.

-Oh you don't have food today ? Is your mom sick ? - Hanna claimed her

-No no I just forgot in – she laughed a bit – so coming ?

-Yes I am, you too Bi ?

-I'm coming yes.”

The trio went to the cafeteria together to choose Kim a meal, her crepe for tonight will be lost in this meal. She was regretting her cold lunch on the table. She took a bread, a sausage, and  banana milk for desert. When she was about to pay her friends went to the toilets, urgent needs. She took her purse in her pocket and gave the money to the kitchen woman but one coin felt on the floor. She bent to pick it up when she saw a hand over it.

“Hey it's my coin ! - She almost screamed

-I know, but I'll keep it. If you want it back come to the crepe shop. Here's another one. Use it but give me the money back”

It was Lee Jinki Teacher who was smiling and proud about what he did.

She stayed still there, mouth open, for so much time that everyone were screaming at her to hurry up. She paid her lunch while her friends came back.

“What did Lee Jinki teacher wanted ? - ask Hanna

-You saw it ? - answer Kim worried

Yes, what happened ? Why did he talked to you ? What did he gave you ?

-Nothing … well … he just picked up my coin that fell. - she said showing it to Hanna – Where is Eun Bi ? - she tried to change the subject – Why isn't she with you ?

-Still there, there are so much girls in the restrooms at this hour.

-I see.”

Time had fly so slowly, she saw minutes after minutes ... she thought the day will never end. What happened at noon was bothering Kim. Should she go ? After all she was able to pay her lunch, and the money left was so small. And she spent her crepe in lunch. Let's just not go tonight.

Ring Ring Ring !! End of school !! She almost jump out of her chair and run out without waiting for her friends. She wanted to be home as fast as possible. To pass by the crepe shop before Lee Jinki, to avoid him. Because what if she pass by and he saw her not coming in ? What will he think of her ? Better avoiding. Avoiding is easier.

She is a bad runner so she just walked fast to be home faster as usual. Passed by the river, and by the crepe shop. There she stopped a bit to take a look, to be sure HE wasn't there. But HE was ! She could see only his back but it was him ! So before he turned she ran out of sight. Her heart was racing a marathon. How did he get there so fast ? Did he saw me ? No he didn't … He couldn't have right ? So much questions running through her mind, while taking back her way home. Passed on the little bridge, and finally home. Home sweet home right. She felt safe only when the door closed behind her, and with her mom saying “Oh, Chups, welcome back !”. She sighed of relief and smiled. “Hi mom, I'm hungry”

She ate her mom's snacks, and got in her bedroom. Let's do homework. Then suddenly something went in her mind. An if HE wanted to see her at the crepe shop to be discrete about her homework ?What has been in her mind. She was thinking she was stupid, how can she thought that HE could be interest in her. Stupid little girl. He wanted to checked the translation. She took her small hand back with some money inside and rushed out, saying to her mom she'll be back soon. She had only small hopes that he could still be there, almost 3hours has passed already. Plus she was in casual clothes. Oh … Casual clothes ? How was she dressed ? She forgot to check before rushing. She couldn't be too colorful or too extravagant … She had her skinny jeans and a old but okay pullover under her black winter coat. She was okay … she couldn't run anymore so she just walked until the shop. And of course no teacher. He left … Of course he will … What did I do ? She came back home and started her works for tomorrow.  She went to sleep hoping HE would be there tomorrow …

The next day she ran again to the shop after school waiting there for hours but no sign of the teacher. She did this for 3 days and still no teacher. Will he never come again ? Did I lost my chance  ? But I need to give him back the money. She left the place empty handed again.

The 4th day she didn't ran and even take the road with her friends, asking her why she was running for 3 days. She made up a nice lie as always and they trusted it. They separated at the same cross and she was alone to her way home again. She passed by the shop sighing when something pulled her backpack. She turned and saw HIM.

“-Where are you going little girl ?- he said

-Eh ? Uh …”

Her mind was empty but her face was displaying a so pretty smile. She was so happy, HE came, HE was there, looking at her, talking to her … wait … why was she so happy to see a teacher out of school ?

“Why you smiling ? - he laughed - Let's go in and eat, I have some things to tell you, little girl – he grumbled

-Okay, bananas-strawberries crepe right ? - she answered

-Yes, of course”

They sat at the same table than last time. And started talking.

“-I asked you to come here to ask you something …

-Ah Lee Jinki Teacher wait, here is your money, I kept it there to give it back to you.

-Hum ? Ah yes, you can keep it I don't need it.

-But but, you told me to give it back.

-It was for you to come. So, I read your homework and to be honest it was awful. How can you be so bad in English when I saw all your teacher so proud of you and your work ?

-I don't know – she answered harshly, irritated by his trap – I just can't learn, how hard
I tried.

-I see. How many time did you tried to learn ?  How did you tried ?

-Well like every student, with my book in my room on my desk.

-Okay, never tried with some else ?

She was lost. Where was he heading to ? Why asking when she in fact didn't want his help at first ? Will he scold her ? She don't like being scold when she know she did something wrong. She already scold herself enough.

-No, my mom isn't good in English and my father is always away for work. Then my little sister is too young. Why all these questions ?

-I want to propose you something. Would you be okay if I give you personal lessons ? Like your level is so low that it makes me sad – he sighed – So let's do some lessons at my place to increase it ?”

What to answer ? She was lost. What ? Private lesson with HIM ? How will it turn out ? And what f school knows it ? What will happened. She was thinkng of all the bad side of this project but then he smiled. Why did his smile erased all her worries, why suddenly she was feeling safe ? Her brain was boiling with so many thoughts and suddenly something popped out. The cost, how many will it cost her family to pay for ? The reason she was learning by herself was because her family wasn't earning enough to pay her after school lessons. They were saving for her studies after high school. But he was there full of hope for her and looking into her eyes. She was feeling like if he was perforating her heart. She couldn't say no but yes neither. What to do ?


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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 21: So much much happen but a very good ending love it.
Hope you do a squeal of her sister and her saving her.
But anyways great story:)
Chapter 21: waaa its over. Sorry for the stupid questions. I love what you did with the time....exciting...and the sweet ending....but WHat abpout the poor sisteR?! Omg...her dad is crazy
Chapter 21: happy ending.... no sequel?
Chapter 20: jinki's baaaaaaccckkk... yeeeaaayyyyyy....
herejusttoread #5
Chapter 20: This is so good.i like that suspension and mysterious. Good job
Chapter 20: hum so Jinki is back or maybe her dad or Key? I wonder....
that gif...T_T
herejusttoread #7
Chapter 19: Omg so intense. It's getting so good. Hope they are safe. Wonder what a gonna happen next cause this was unexpected lol
Chapter 18: her mother? i bet it was her dad.....T__T and why?! this makes things more complicated!
Chapter 18: first, kibum is here.. second, y police officer, jo in sung. how dare you.. third, i want jinki saying "i will protect your smile" to me too.. fourth, i hope they dont catch jinki.. fifth, good job authornim ^^
herejusttoread #10
Chapter 17: Eh it was getting good til I realize there's no more chapter lol... wonder what's gonna happen next?