Chapter 19 - Wait

The red apple that should have stayed green

song  :

"What are we doing here ?!" whispered Kim for the third time because Kibum wasn't giving her any answers. It was their old house, it was her neighbour house ! If there was a place to hide, this house would be the worst ! Kibum opened the small gate in front of the house pulling Kim in who was giving him some trouble. She didn't want to come here, it was dangerous ! "How can you enter in someone garden without permission" she murmured next to his face. All she got back were furious eyes, telling her to keep quiet and to follow him. They climbed the 3 stairs that were guiding to the entrance. The little brother knocked 3 times and a voice came from the inside. Her neighbour was coming out ! She will recognize me ! What if she takes me to my mom next door ? Kim wanted to run away but Kibum grip was really strong that she was just hurting her wrist trying. What the hell was he doing ? Did he hated her ? That why he took her there to get rid of her ? The door opened and an old woman appeared from behind. She smiled to the both kids and let them in. Kibum tear her in and made her sit on a chair in the kitchen. "Don't move from here ! I need to talk to this woman." Was that an order ? Why shouldn't she move ? Was this really a trap ? Where was Jinki by the way ? Was he fine ? Kim was missing him already. This unknown house was so big and she felt so lonely. She was freezing, her clothes and hair were soaked because of this heavy rain and she had no warm clothes to change the wet ones. She looked at the table and started making circles with her fingers. What will happen now ? Was it the end of everything ? Did society catches them up and will tear them apart ? Brr, Kim didn't want to think about that. She wanted to stay positive for once. Yes Jinki is fine, yes he will comeback for her, and they will be together at the end. First thing she really needed to get out of here ! She slowly got up from her chair and walked out of the kitchen, no one was guarding her. She ran quietly as possible to the door until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Someone caught her. 

"Don't run away you stupid ! - That was Kibum. 

-I'm not stupid ! And this is the worst place to be for me ! Let me go ! 

-Ya ! Stupid ! This is strategic ! No one sees what hides in front of their nose ! They will look everywhere but not here ! Now come back in the kitchen, sit on the chair and let me explain everything to you. Auntie gave me her words."

"Auntie ?" He knew that old woman ? Wait what ? She followed the flashy boy back to the kitchen where the woman was waiting for them. She was really small, with white hair, but her clothes were so colorful. Her eyes were still shining and her smile so warming. When Kim sat on her chair she could smell the vanilla perfume of the granny. They talked together for 1 hour. Kibum explained that when they left Korea his father couldn't bare to sell their house, so to keep it inside the family circle he rented it to the woman who raised him like his son. This woman was the second sister of Lee father's mother. When the mother passed away Lee father was placed in his aunt house, and that's how he became beholden to her. 

"Auntie promise me to treat you well and to hide you from the police. Wait here until Jinki comes back.

-Mmh. Wait ? Are you leaving too ? Are you leaving me alone here ? 

-I have to work. I have a room in a hotel reserved for me since 1 month. I wasn't supposed to sleep over. And it's better this way, I'm Jinki's brother, I will be a target for the police. Just stay here, be nice and quiet. Jinki will be back, and I'll try to come before I leave okay ?" 

Kim grabbed Kibum sleeve before he left for real. He looked at her sweetly, saying everything is going to be okay.  He pushed away Kim's hand and left in the night. 

"Call me Aunt Jun.  I know you are a nice girl always helping her mother. What happened for you to become homeless ?"

"Homeless", true she was homeless. Her parents sent her away and Jinki has disappeared too. She was a lost child in her own country. What was the purpose to stay here ?  Suddenly her trip to Switzerland was more than needing. She didn't even answered Jun, and just went back to the chair in the kitchen. That chair was her last refuge. The last thing that was linked to Jinki. She was so lonely, so soaked, so lost.  

"Go upstairs, there is a bathroom. Go take a warm bath you must be freezing.  I put some clothes of my niece on the table inside and a warm towel. Go child, don't catch a cold. "

Jun was nice but Kim didn't said a word, she just walked upstairs and took a long bath.  A bath where all her mind was eating darkness.  Kim was fighting again that darkness, she needed to be strong. Since she met Jinki she learned to be strong, she even told her mom her thoughts. But what was the purpose to fight is Jinki wasn't here anymore ? She was scared, so scared, so weak. After putting the little bit small niece's clothes, the pain of her chest revealed itself.  She couldn't stand anymore. Adrenaline was totally gone and all her wounds were screaming under her skin.  She looked for a bedroom to rest when she met the granny.

"Hey, are you okay ? What are you looking for ? Hey are you listening ? "

No Kim wasn't listening her ears weren't open anymore. The only thing she could hear where her pains.  Her heart was beating to strongly inside her broken chest. Se was broken, she was literally broken ..

Auntie Jun was really nice to Kim, she took care of her like a daughter. She gave Kim pain killer for days after she arrived. She took Kim to the hospital to take off the plaster of her arm. She gave her 3 meals a day, put her to bed, played with her, let her go out when her family was out. Yes Auntie Jun was nice, but Kim still couldn't say a word.  Two weeks had pass and still no news of Jinki. Kibum left Korea a week ago and has promised he came to say goodbye. Kim didn't even tried to hold him back. She didn't even looked at him, all she was looking at was the kitchen table, that table she saw the first day.  "Jinki had a mobile phone, why didn't he give her a call once ? Where was he ?" These questions she had on the first days she wasn't even asking herself now. She was giving up the more and more with the day flying away. Was she condamne to stay close in here forever ?

The days were a repetition of the previous one, and Kim soul was getting dryer and dryer until that day.  That day the door bell rang, but Kim didn't even care, it was probably only the food delivery of Auntie Jun. It wasn't, the delivery doesn't come this late. It wasn't, the voice of the delivery boy wasn't that hoarsely.  Yes the person behind the door wasn't that boy trying to pay his studies, it was Jo In Sung, the inspector.  He found her back ! He pushed  away the fragile Aunt Jun and ran inside the house. This is where he found Kim on that kitchen chair looking at the table.  He grabbed her arm fast and was prepared of some defence technique from Kim but surprisingly she didn't even fight back.  He took her with him without a word. He pull her inside a car and drive her to the police quarter in the most heavy silence.  Once arrived he sat the girl on a chair, "another chair" thought Kim,  and started asking questions. 

"I am Jo In Sung, I am the police inspector who is in charge of your case"

Stop talking as if I was a baby, I am a big girl.

"I will ask you several questions."

Wow, you are so original.

Where is Lee Jinki ? 

Don't talk about him with your dirty mouth.

"Did Lee Jinki take you away from you parents without you wanting to ?"

Don't talk about Lee Jinki, I said, it hurts ...  And NO !  My parents throw me away dude ! 

"Did he touched you somewhere you didn't want ? "

Stop talking about him !!  

"Did Lee Jinki hurt you ?"


This conversation was hurting Kim deeply, she tried hard the last days to erase HIM for her memory but that idiot was only talking about him. She was holding back her tears because she knew that if she cried they would understand the situation wrong.  Jo In Sung obviously gave up when he understood that Kim would stay mute.Then the worst that could happened, happened. Her mom rushed to the police station and ran inside to Kim. She was crying "my baby my baby". "Fake mother" Kim said. That was the first words since so many days so her voice was a bit low. 

"Fake Mother ! - She yelled -  Don't touch me ! Don't touch me ! I hate you ! You are the reason of this ! You are even worst than Father just go away I don't want to see you anymore ! Don't even come again crying "my baby" when you are the responsible of my nightmare ! You took away from me the person that I loved the most ! Even the man you have married GAVE UP ! Why can't you let me LIVE ! Why can't you just  accept that ! I AM NOT A BABY  ANYMORE ! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO ? You even lied to the police saying the worst thing ever about the sweetest ! You said he what kidnapped me ? WHO MADE OF ME A HOMELESS ? Who abandoned me on the street ! YOU DID ! I thought I could trust you ! I thought I could hold on you but you betrayed me ! And now I am alone, I am so alone ! I don't even have attached anywhere ! I homeless and you made of me a heartless !  Don't ever come back, don't ever try, or I would kill you. I'm not joking." 

Jo In sung just assit at this scene powerless, he tried to stop Kim form screaming but it was pointless, her voice was so strong and powerful.  

"Then you mister policeman !  Can't you do your job properly ?  How can you believe only one version ?!  Isn't you role to protect the innocents ? You aren't supposed to give them hell !! You aren't supposed to throw the pure soul to the devil  ! How could have you done everything wrong uh ?  Where is Jinki ?  I don't know !  Did he kidnap me ? NO ! I gave myself to him ! Did he touch me ? Yes he did and I was happy ! Did he hurt me ? NO ! YOU ALL DID ! Is it enough inspector ? Did I answered all you questions ? Are you satisfied ? Can I go now ? Auntie Jun must be in panic ! On this bye everyone !"

She ran out before anyone could react. She took her phone and called Jun saying she was okay, that she will be back soon. That phone call surprised the granny because it was the first time Kim was talking to her. 

Once at Jun's house she hugged her. She really needed a hug and the only person she could trust was the granny. Why was all Jinki's family so sweet, so nice to her when her own was only hurting her ? Why was she only comfortable in this house where she felt the worst ? Why was she finally crying after days and days holding in ? She felt the Auntie's rubbing her back softly to confort her, and they didn't move until Kim stopped crying. 

"They know this house now Kim, what will you do ? My poor child, love can be so hard sometimes.

-I don't want to leave. What if Jinki arrived and can't find me? 

-I see. I understand, I'll protect you Kim. I will do my best."

Why was she so nice ? It was warming Kim's heart so much. 

Another week passed with several visit of  Mister big inspector asking question to Kim, doing a real investigation, to find the truth, even if Kim was annoyed by him since she already told everything !

January 15th

That day everything was as usual, Kim went downtown with Eun Bi and Hanna to by cute hair accessories, then they went to the crepe shop. It was so fun to be with them both. It was like coming back in time where Jinki wasn't missing deadly. A day where the empty place of her heart wasn't beating hard because of a forbidden love. She then came back to what she called home now. That house where it had always a warm person waiting for her, that house where the food was so good. But that day when she came back, she saw someone she thought she wouldn't ever saw again .... 

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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 21: So much much happen but a very good ending love it.
Hope you do a squeal of her sister and her saving her.
But anyways great story:)
Chapter 21: waaa its over. Sorry for the stupid questions. I love what you did with the time....exciting...and the sweet ending....but WHat abpout the poor sisteR?! Omg...her dad is crazy
Chapter 21: happy ending.... no sequel?
Chapter 20: jinki's baaaaaaccckkk... yeeeaaayyyyyy....
herejusttoread #5
Chapter 20: This is so good.i like that suspension and mysterious. Good job
Chapter 20: hum so Jinki is back or maybe her dad or Key? I wonder....
that gif...T_T
herejusttoread #7
Chapter 19: Omg so intense. It's getting so good. Hope they are safe. Wonder what a gonna happen next cause this was unexpected lol
Chapter 18: her mother? i bet it was her dad.....T__T and why?! this makes things more complicated!
Chapter 18: first, kibum is here.. second, y police officer, jo in sung. how dare you.. third, i want jinki saying "i will protect your smile" to me too.. fourth, i hope they dont catch jinki.. fifth, good job authornim ^^
herejusttoread #10
Chapter 17: Eh it was getting good til I realize there's no more chapter lol... wonder what's gonna happen next?