Chapter 2 - New feeling ?

The red apple that should have stayed green

He looked at her and smiled while sitting on the chair in front of her. 
“I can sit right ? 
-Yes yes. - She said unbelieving.
She even talked in her head saying “Why are you asking if you are already sitting ?” 
-Why aren't you home already ? 
-Why are you asking ?
-I'm doing my teacher job- He smiled – But actually I understand you, this shop does delicious crepes, my favorite”
He winked and left saying “bye bye” and that he enjoyed talking with her. He had already end his crepe while she was just starting. “What talk ?”, she thought, “we didn't talk at all”. 
She ended her snack and took her way home. Five minutes later she was home. Her mom welcomed her and ask if she wanted something to eat. She answer that she already ate and that she was going in her room. Once in her room she threw her bag across the room next to her desk. She changed her clothes from uniform to casual clothes. She took a denim short and a white sweater with baby pink flowers and took black long socks that were up to her knees. She ran till her bed and jumped on it. “Let's nap a bit” she put her alarm on and closed her eyes. 
Alone in a classroom going in the quiet corridor, no sound all cover of white, back hug, soft voice, warm feeling, soft skin,  cuddling a bit, soft kisses on her neck and then a whisper in her ear “I prefer smiles”. She jumped and woke up. “Oh my god ? What was this dream ? Why Lee Jinki Teacher ?” She rushed on her desk. “Homework let's do homework” she said while her heart was still racing like it wanted to come out of her chest. She took Math first because it's the one which need the more concentration. But when the exercises done her mind flew in her dream memory again. Korean next, the poem was easy to analyzed today. And she liked it. But the name of the poetry “Close to you” took her thought back to her dream. “No I can't” she said. Next homework, Biology “NO !”, Chemistry “Neither !”, English homework. “I … no …”. Everything was taking her back in thoughts of this dream. She closed her books and went out of her room. 
“Mom what time is it ? - She asked randomly from the top of the stairs
-Eh ? It's 6 pm. Why your clock isn't working ? - Her mom answer in front of the stairs
-No no, I was just lost in my homework and I needed your voice to refresh me – she lied
-It's okay chups – she smiled – you should walk out a bit maybe.”
Chups is the nickname her mom gave her when she was little because she was eating lollipops all the time. 
“Yes you're right, mommy” - She said while going downstairs.
She put her coat on choose her favorite sneakers and went out. 
“Don't stay out too mush you'll take a cold and dinner is almost done, okay ?
-Yes, mom, don't worry.”

She walked for about 3min when she felt something cold falling on her neck. She turned up faster than she thought scared of who are what it could be. Noting behind her, her dream was hunting her too much. Then another on her cheek, on her leg, she looked up at the sky. It was snowing, the white rain was so beautiful in the dark sky of the night. She start smiling an end up laughing at her paranoid reaction. “What did I thought, I'm so stupid”. She was laughing hard so she opened up her arms and started turning on herself. One, two, five turns and she stopped all dizzy but so happy, because snow made her worries away. “I really love snow” came on her mind. She went till this little bridge done her street and scream “I love you snow !”. A woman who were passing at this moment looked at her strangely, so Kim reaches the middle of the bridge really fast and almost run to her house hiding her head of embarrassment in her coat. But when she faced her home door, what Lee Jinki said came up in her mind. She remembered that he knew about the snow. And of course the dream came back but she wasn't afraid this time and even smiled a bit. “What am I ? - she thought - I need to stop thinking about that stupid dream.” 

She took her dinner with her parents and her little sister and went back to her room. Her homework won't be done by their own. She got Biology and Chemistry done easily. But English was bothersome. “Oh dear, translation”, she was hoping that this homework won't be taken by the Teacher because translation was her worst talent. It took her an hour and still a bad result, she could felt it. Never mind it was already 9pm and she needed to sleep, too much emotions for tonight.

November 2nd.

Another day started and the same routine again. The day went like the previous ones. Fortunately, there was no English today replace by History. End of day, she was walking in the corridor happy that she didn't saw Lee Jinki Teacher almost relieved from her heavy feeling. She suddenly stopped, she had talked too fast, here he was in front of her again with that smile stuck on his face. He blinked, like shocked by her reaction and just passed by to continue is walk to a classroom. Her heart was beating like crazy in her chest, and she couldn't blink, her hands were trembling and her bag fell on the floor. She turn around and yelled “Teacher !” and covered right away. “What did I do ?” she thought. Lee Jinki turn to face her and ask her what did she wanted. She had to find something … an idea …  fast ! When something came up in her mind, her only option for not being weird ! 
“Could you take a look on my translation please ? I'm really not sure of it. - She said while taking her homework from her bag.
-Yes of course, give me your paper. - he smiled – I'll looked at it and tell you what I think about and help you to correct it. I have to go now, sorry
-Yes, thank you Teacher. Ah yes go, sorry for the disturb.”
She stayed here until he enter in the room with a last look at her. She bowed and took her way back. 
“What did I do ? Why did I do that ? I know it's awful, what to do ?” were the thoughts that accompanied her on the road. She even passed the crepe shop without seeing it. Arrived at home she did not even said a word, she just went to her room and laid on her bed empty of everything but full of worries.  

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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 21: So much much happen but a very good ending love it.
Hope you do a squeal of her sister and her saving her.
But anyways great story:)
Chapter 21: waaa its over. Sorry for the stupid questions. I love what you did with the time....exciting...and the sweet ending....but WHat abpout the poor sisteR?! Omg...her dad is crazy
Chapter 21: happy ending.... no sequel?
Chapter 20: jinki's baaaaaaccckkk... yeeeaaayyyyyy....
herejusttoread #5
Chapter 20: This is so good.i like that suspension and mysterious. Good job
Chapter 20: hum so Jinki is back or maybe her dad or Key? I wonder....
that gif...T_T
herejusttoread #7
Chapter 19: Omg so intense. It's getting so good. Hope they are safe. Wonder what a gonna happen next cause this was unexpected lol
Chapter 18: her mother? i bet it was her dad.....T__T and why?! this makes things more complicated!
Chapter 18: first, kibum is here.. second, y police officer, jo in sung. how dare you.. third, i want jinki saying "i will protect your smile" to me too.. fourth, i hope they dont catch jinki.. fifth, good job authornim ^^
herejusttoread #10
Chapter 17: Eh it was getting good til I realize there's no more chapter lol... wonder what's gonna happen next?