Chapter 15 - Too late ?

The red apple that should have stayed green

One week passed and Kim still hadn't her answer. The past week was hell. A week of bullying, humiliation, bruises and scratches. She wanted to run, but she also wanted to stay here, to have her end of school diploma. It was hard, she hide herself in the toilets as often as she could. She ran to the sport room to eat her lunch each day. There she would always meet Jinki. They would eat and laugh together. She was able to survive this hell thanks to him. But each time she saw him, his question about running away would come to her mind. She really didn't want to give up schools one more time, she wanted to prove to her family that she could success at school even if dating her teacher. She didn't want to give her father a good reason for sending her away. Jinki was right though, she could see how students were mocking him during the lessons, how the others teachers would ignore him when he ask something. How low respect they would give him and yet he would smile so brightly to her when they meet. It was hurting her. The more she'll wait to give an answer the more he'll suffers. She was lost, she had no one to ask advice. Hanna and Eun Bi were no where to be found. She heard some rumours saying that their mothers  transferred them to an other school because of what her and Jinki were. If it was true she was feeling guilty and sorry for her friends. She really was so egoistic. She hurt all the people close to her, family , friends and even Jinki ... 

An other morning, an other day in hell. In the house the Japanese girl wasn't helping too. She was always complaining. She found all her clothes out of the bag last week. She had even trampled on. Kim didn't know what to do anymore. At home she was hate, at school too. Her life was becoming a maze without exit. Her only light was Jinki surrounding her with his arms. Maybe going to Switzerland wasn't a bad idea after all, she could maybe transfer to a school there ? The thing is what about Jinki's parents ? How will they react ? How can she land at there place like this ? Why was adult life so hard ?  She had decided to take a revenge on the room-mate. She went in the bathroom and emptied all her shampoo and body wash. She saw her make up and broke every lipsticks and powder boxes. She saw a cute colour lipstick. She tried it out, and kept it. It had a pink candy colour. She was wondering if Jinki would see it. She left the bathroom all happy of what she did and tried to avoid her until going out for school. Jinki prepared her lunch box and gave it to her before they both leave the house.

"Do you think I look different today ? - Kimmie said on the road

-Different ? - He looked at her and smiled a bit - No just like usual."

Song for part 2 :

Kim pout of disappointment. What was the point to put lipstick then. But then when they reach the school gate he leaned a bit to her "You should take of what you put on your lips, or either I eat you either you'll get scold by the teachers" She looked at him shocked. What ? Before she could even react he touched her lips with his thumb to remove it with a big smile. What the hell was he doing in front of school.Kim now wanted him to kiss her so much but he only winked and walked away. She hated him when he was teasing her soul. She was looking at him smiling like an idiot when someone grabbed her arm and dragged her away. It was boys, they took her inside the gym room. The floor was covered with mat and no one was in. They throw her on this floor. She didn't know what they wanted to do but they were really scary. Smiling and laughing at her. "Don't move little Kitten, someone will come to take care of you." one of them said giving her a smirk and touching her head. The other one kicked her bag far away from her reach. "You won't need it today. Oh and I take your phone, so your prince won't come to rescue you this time, little lost kitten." What was happening ? What was that ? She was forces to sit on the cold mat, getting kicked each time she'd move. The light were off so she couldn't even see well. She couldn't look at them either or they would push her head down. She was waiting, but waiting for what ? Her hand started to tremble when she saw light coming from the door. Who was it ? What would happened ? She got shocked when she could recognized that third boy's voice. She couldn't believe it. The head of the squad closed the door behind him and the dark came back. He was the boy of her class, that boy Hanna had a crush on. The kind and handsome boy of her class. He squat in front of her and took her face in his hand looking at her with a totally different face. His eyes were so dark and his smile was disgusting. 

"Poor little lost kitten. Oh wait no. You are a woman now. Oh ! You even put lipstick on today. Can I try it ? Why do I even ask if I can. I will steal them, I am going to steal all of you, all your body is gonna be mine."

Kim heart start to beat so fast. She didn't want, she wanted to run away but the door was too far from where she was. She tried to go away from his hand but he was too strong. 

"Wh... why ? I don't understand ... - some tears falling down her cheeks

-Ah .... - he slapped her and took her face in his hand again - I don't like girls who cries ! Don't even try or I'll kill you ! -he carressed her cheek - ok little kitten ? And why you ask ? Just because I want. No one will come to save you if you scream since you are a pariah. So I can play with you as long I want." - He said before linking her jaw then kissed her lips.

She couldn't stop her tears, she was so scared. He was right ! No one would come and she couldn't reach Jinki either. She bite his lips to blood, he was disgusting and if no one would come, she'd have to fight for herself alone.  She struggled the best she could against him but he was just so strong and all she was winning was punches and kicks all over her body. She didn't want to give up anyway. She didn't want him to touch her, she didn't want him to dirty that body which received so much love from Jinki. She didn't want to. She was so hit by him that she couldn't even stand anymore. When he asked her to give it up she answered never. "I'm never going to give up ! You are a head and I don't want some people from your race to touch me !" This got him even more mad, he took a wood stick that was leaning against a wall of the room and start to beat Kim with it. She could felt all the vibration of it in her bones. She even felt some of her bones broke and she could only scream because of the pain. But even, she won't ever give up, she won't ever let other than Jinki touch her.  Then suddenly he hit her head and before she fell unconscious she saw light from the door coming inside the room ...  

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herejusttoread #1
Chapter 21: So much much happen but a very good ending love it.
Hope you do a squeal of her sister and her saving her.
But anyways great story:)
Chapter 21: waaa its over. Sorry for the stupid questions. I love what you did with the time....exciting...and the sweet ending....but WHat abpout the poor sisteR?! Omg...her dad is crazy
Chapter 21: happy ending.... no sequel?
Chapter 20: jinki's baaaaaaccckkk... yeeeaaayyyyyy....
herejusttoread #5
Chapter 20: This is so good.i like that suspension and mysterious. Good job
Chapter 20: hum so Jinki is back or maybe her dad or Key? I wonder....
that gif...T_T
herejusttoread #7
Chapter 19: Omg so intense. It's getting so good. Hope they are safe. Wonder what a gonna happen next cause this was unexpected lol
Chapter 18: her mother? i bet it was her dad.....T__T and why?! this makes things more complicated!
Chapter 18: first, kibum is here.. second, y police officer, jo in sung. how dare you.. third, i want jinki saying "i will protect your smile" to me too.. fourth, i hope they dont catch jinki.. fifth, good job authornim ^^
herejusttoread #10
Chapter 17: Eh it was getting good til I realize there's no more chapter lol... wonder what's gonna happen next?