Chapter Eight

The First Step

Chapter Eight

            Mark was happy that Jaebum and Jinyoung were willing to let him stay the night. He can’t remember the last time of being comfortable to sleep somewhere without thinking about running away. This room was starting to feel more like home than his own. When Mark got up he headed for the bathroom to shower, he was lucky that he kept a few spare clothes here because the only thing in his backpack were school books. Mark looked at the bandage that Jinyoung had wrapped around his hand so carefully and smiled. The older male truly was like a mother. 

            After his shower the smell of bacon lead Mark outside his bedroom and into the kitchen. “Morning,” He said before taking a seat. Jaebum was currently slumped over the other half of the kitchen table, softly snoring to himself.

            “Is he alright?” Mark asked Jinyoung who was wearing a lavender cooking apron that read, Kiss the chief.   

            “Oh yea, someone from work called at like four in the morning because they accidently detailed important paperwork so Jaebum had to leave to go help them. He actually just stepped in about an hour ago.” Jinyoung said before turning his attention back to the delicious breakfast he was making.  Mark continued to make small talk with Jinyoung, laughing about stories Jinyoung had about his brother. Jinyoung told him about the time Jaebum thought Nora didn’t like him anymore and how he had nearly sulked for a week until the cat had come and brought Jaebum a dead bird. Jaebum was so proud of the cat that he went out and bought her a bunch of toys and couldn’t stop praising her. Jaebum even buried the dead bird in the back door so that he could keep Nora’s present somehow.

            “You are lying!” Mark said trying to cover up his laugher as he looked over at Nora who was sitting on her own little seat in the kitchen. She waved her tail lazily back and worth before her paw. Nora, as Mark has gotten to know her was a very…prissy cat. So imagining her killing something was slightly strange, but then again the time she had scratched him when he picked up one of her stray toys from the floor didn’t make it too hard to believe. Mark would never again touch Nora’s rubber ducky.

            “I’m not lying, there’s a little stone onto that says Nora’s present and everything. Jaebum ordered the slab of the internet!” Jinyoung said nearly falling over with laughter at the memory of his adorable boyfriend. Jaebum might seem all tough but he was a sweet heart inside.

            “Wow, I never really knew you JB.” Mark said smiling.

            “Stop being so loud.” The older boy said, kicking lightly at Mark’s leg. When he lifted his head from the table slightly, Nora jumped off her chair and up onto the table Jaebum was resting on. Half his body in his seat the other half on his side of the table. His fingers could reach all the way other to Mark even.

            “They don’t understand you like I do.” Jaebum said to Nora as she purred slightly before laying down right up against Jaebum’s arm.

            “Breakfast is ready and Jaebum do not give Nora any more bacon she got sick the last time. Cats are not supposed to eat people food.” Jinyoung said passing around plates toppled high with bacon, eggs and French toast.

            “But she looked so happy when I gave it to her,” Jaebum muttered as Nora crept closer to his plate. Sitting up Jaebum patted her head before giving her a bit of his eggs. They all ate happily until Jaebum suddenly said Mark’s name.

            “Yea…?” He asked. He knew this conversation was bound to come up, he just wished it didn’t have to. “You want me to go home right?” Mark asked his head cast down low, his eyes focused on his bandaged hand next to his plate.

            “Actually no, I want you to pick up Jinyoung from work today. You can take the second car to school and then pick him up. I spoke with mother early this morning and asked if you could stay for a few days, said I needed some extra help with the house.” Which was obviously a lie because Jaebum’s home was perfect.

            “I...I don’t know what to say,” Mark said staring up at his brother. Spending the summer with Jaebum had been rough but it was a step in the right direction. Perhaps his brother wasn’t as heartless as he thought.

            “Oh thank you thank you!” Jinyoung cheered happy, sing-songing “We get to keep him, we get to keep him.”

            “Mark isn’t a puppy Jinyoung.” Jaebum said before sighing. Mark looked around the kitchen table and smiled. Here he saw faces of joy and even when Jaebum looked sleepy when he looked at Nora and Jinyoung he looked…almost peaceful. This place was something so unlike his own home and Mark would do whatever it took to stay in this place of harmony. 

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Chapter 26: At that price, I would be willing to buy your work, and I'd like either Heartstrings or Just Breathe to be published first. ^^ I kind of wish that you'd have paperbacks or something, but I understand that ebooks are easier and more efficient for many reasons.
Mautjezwik #2
Chapter 26: I love all of the a lot, but I think Just Breath is my fav! I hope you can make your Job out of this because you have a lot of potential
NeezDeez #3
Chapter 26: Heartsrings is my fav and i would like to see it published first! :) i wish you luck on your new projects! I'll surely buy when it happens! :)
Alexienst #4
Chapter 24: This story is the best abd the most adorable ever. Thank you so much for writing this!
Alexienst #5
Chapter 18: Thí chaptet is so funny and way too cute. Love all the characters here
Natalie_16 #6
Ahhhh Love your writings so much! Just finished Just Breathe and am starting this one. I've already read all the other Markson stuff you have! Love Love Love
Chapter 24: *stuffs your mouth with cupcakes* oh my god, this story is really beautiful! All your stories are! <3
Thank you so much for writing this :D
MarkSon is so precious *;*
A_Garcia7 #9
Chapter 24: I loved your stories and I hope you can finish writing all of them, you are an amazing author.
ilsandgg #10
Chapter 23: This was really cute. I enjoyed reading it! Good job :)