Chapter Four

The First Step

Chapter Four

“Jaebum…Jaebum your phone,” A sleepy voice said, nudging him in his side. If there was one thing Jaebum wasn’t it would have to be a morning person. Jaebum absolutely hated mornings, from the bright sun light to the overly cheerful birds singing outside. Yes he hated it all. He much rather preferred the night time, where everything was mostly silent and dark. So when Jinyoung nudged him again he asked his phone with a very angry,


“Jaebum son is everything alright, you sound angry.” His father’s voice said flowing out the phone.

“No sorry, good morning father what is it that you needed?” Jaebum loved his father he did, but he wasn’t a very easy man to get along with. He was a tyrant at home, but Jaebum knew how to follow the rules in order to not hear his father’s voice too much. He was also much easier to deal with when he wasn’t actually physically living with the man.

“Jane wants to have you over for dinner,” His father said. Jane his step-mother wasn’t a bad women, Jaebum actually cared for her and sometimes wondered how she put up with his father. Maybe it was for his step-brother Mark or maybe she say through the thick layers of his father. Jaebum didn’t mind being asked over for dinner but this was very unusual.

“Oh alright, what time did you want me to come over, should I bring something as well?” Jaebum asked, his voice calm and collected.

“No don’t bring anything and come over around six-thirty, we want to talk to Mark about some things and Jane thinks it will help if you are there.”

“Oh alright, but father do you mind if I ask what you wanted to speck to Mark about?”

“Oh it’s nothing too important, Jane just thinks you should be here is all. I’ll talk to you later son.”

“Alright, good-bye father.” Jaebum said, waiting for his father to hang up first so that he doesn’t feel that Jaebum hung up on him.

Sighing Jaebum laid his head back on his pillow, wrapping his arms around Jinyoung.

“That was the most god-awful family conversation I have ever heard. Do you guys always talk that stiffly to each other?”

Not in the mood to answer Jaebum just nodded his head in the crook of his boyfriend’s neck.

“Awesome, so when do I get to meet your parents?” Jinyoung asked kissing Jaebum’s head.

This time Jaebum decided to say something, just to get Jinyoung to stop talking, “Never because I love you, now go to sleep…please.”

Jinyoung laughed but said nothing more as he tried to go back to sleep as well. Yes, Jaebum hated the mornings, nothing good came from them. 

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Chapter 26: At that price, I would be willing to buy your work, and I'd like either Heartstrings or Just Breathe to be published first. ^^ I kind of wish that you'd have paperbacks or something, but I understand that ebooks are easier and more efficient for many reasons.
Mautjezwik #2
Chapter 26: I love all of the a lot, but I think Just Breath is my fav! I hope you can make your Job out of this because you have a lot of potential
NeezDeez #3
Chapter 26: Heartsrings is my fav and i would like to see it published first! :) i wish you luck on your new projects! I'll surely buy when it happens! :)
Alexienst #4
Chapter 24: This story is the best abd the most adorable ever. Thank you so much for writing this!
Alexienst #5
Chapter 18: Thí chaptet is so funny and way too cute. Love all the characters here
Natalie_16 #6
Ahhhh Love your writings so much! Just finished Just Breathe and am starting this one. I've already read all the other Markson stuff you have! Love Love Love
Chapter 24: *stuffs your mouth with cupcakes* oh my god, this story is really beautiful! All your stories are! <3
Thank you so much for writing this :D
MarkSon is so precious *;*
A_Garcia7 #9
Chapter 24: I loved your stories and I hope you can finish writing all of them, you are an amazing author.
ilsandgg #10
Chapter 23: This was really cute. I enjoyed reading it! Good job :)